pink clouds
New member
Hey Pink..
I have to say ... I love your avatars that you use! lol between the 200 club and here... you have used a couple avatars .. and they are so cool!
Just thought I would let you know .
Best wishes toward the next weigh in day ..
natalie jo
Aww thank you so much Nataliejo Its so funny because I replied to you on the 200+ thread before I read this post and I was talking about avatars LOL I think I change them more than I change clothes (joke).
I also feel that the cycle has already broken for you and am confident that you will be successful in losing more weight and eventually reaching your final goal. You've changed your lifestyle and that is what makes all the difference. to your success!
Jellybelly we'll do it!! And with that new workout tape you are sure to do it!
Congrats again to all who lost weight and to all who are still working at it!