My Online Weight Journal - comments welcome

LMAO....before it was boring. At least now well.... I spiced it up! :D

B: 2 eggs, 2 Golean waffles and lite syrup

Not too shabby, I don't think. :D
Today's weights: (setsxreps@weights with weights being per arm/side)

lying dumbbell row: 1x10@25
narrow stance squat: 1x12@25
bench press: 1x12@15
straight leg deadlifts: 1x12@25
shoulder press: 1x12@15
standing calf raise: 1x12@25
concentration curl: 1x12@10
side bend with dumbbell: 1x12@15
kickback: 1x12@15
one-arm dumbbell row: 1x12@25
narrow stance squat: 1x12@25
pushups on ball: 1x12
step ups: 1x12@15
one-arm shoulder press: 1x12@15
single leg calf raise: 1x12@25
bicep curl against wall: 1x12@10
tricep extension: 1x12@15

This afternoon, I also did 30 mins of cardio on the elliptical. I did 25 mins at level 5 and then 5 mins at level 4. My food intake is as follows:

B: 2 eggs, 2 GoLean waffles, lite syrup
L: slice of bread, slice of cheese, salad with tuna, grapes
S (post workout): protein bar
D: will be spaghetti

I think I will end up going over today. :( I feel huge today. :(
Hott is that'd love to have abs like that.....

B: 2 GoLean waffles with lite syrup
S: sm bag of cheese nips
L: baked potatoe with butter, slice of cheese, handful peanuts
S (post workout meal): protein bar

Did 30 mins on the elliptical - did program #4 (I have 4 on my machine) and it got up to level 7. It was hard, but not unbelieveably so. It was also only 20 mins long, so I stayed on another 10 minutes at level 4. IT was good. I really felt like taking a nap. I'm feeling crappy about my body right now and I have a cold so all I wnated to do was crawl into bed with my dtr and take a nap.

Riding tonight.:D
Here is my food for the date:

Pushed myself to get thru my hour in the elliptical. Ironically felt HUGE after I did it. Not sure why. I'm starrting to feel thin again. But I'm sure that won't last either. Did weights, too, but I dont' have my sheet here, so I will post them later.
hey 2hott4u formely known as wendy :D

Looks like you're doing a great job and being consistent. Consistency is my largest problem when it comes to the diet. =/ Great Job!!
LOL This is true. Thanks. I hate Thursdays. It's the day before I go shopping and there is little left in the house to eat. Ok, scratch that. There is little left in the house that's GOOD for me. LOL I may end up living off protein bars today. LOL

I have an hour of cardio planned for the afternoon. Unfortunately, I will have to miss my show to do it, but oh well. LOL

Hope you all are doing well. :)
Oh....My....Gosh....I just found a new love....GOLEAN Oatmeal and Raison Cookie Bars. They kick @$$ for protein and fiber....and omg...they are sooooooo good. YAY another health food I like lol :D
Instead of eating the whole egg, what about just having the egg whites? Also, I'm not sure what sort of cheese you're having, is it a non-fat/skim version? Just asking because it looks like just over half your calories so far are coming from fats...
Of course it's not low fat. LMAO Yeah, I have a carb and fat issue. Well, ok I have fat, carb and protein issues. But I'm just glad I didn't go over cals yesterday and hopefully won't today, either. I ride again tonight. WOOHOO
Thanks guys....and hey...I LOST TWO POUNDS this week!!!! WOOHOO!!!!

So, I am super motivated now and so excited! YEEHAW!!!! (and I even ate the yolks! LOL)