Today's weights: (setsxreps@weights with weights being per arm/side)
lying dumbbell row: 1x10@25
narrow stance squat: 1x12@25
bench press: 1x12@15
straight leg deadlifts: 1x12@25
shoulder press: 1x12@15
standing calf raise: 1x12@25
concentration curl: 1x12@10
side bend with dumbbell: 1x12@15
kickback: 1x12@15
one-arm dumbbell row: 1x12@25
narrow stance squat: 1x12@25
pushups on ball: 1x12
step ups: 1x12@15
one-arm shoulder press: 1x12@15
single leg calf raise: 1x12@25
bicep curl against wall: 1x12@10
tricep extension: 1x12@15
This afternoon, I also did 30 mins of cardio on the elliptical. I did 25 mins at level 5 and then 5 mins at level 4. My food intake is as follows:
B: 2 eggs, 2 GoLean waffles, lite syrup
L: slice of bread, slice of cheese, salad with tuna, grapes
S (post workout): protein bar
D: will be spaghetti
I think I will end up going over today.

I feel huge today.