make a list of all the "health foods" you like, that you could be ok eating as staples in your diet. Then make a list of the ones you don't prefer but might learn to like better. Then one of those you really have always hated...might always hate. Stick to your first 2 lists at the beginning and for just a week try to cycle your food mostly around those foods. WRITE DOWN what you will eat and how many cals it is the night BEFORE you eat it. They say it takes 21 days to create a new habit. It may take 21 days or more of consistently eating "health food" before you actually start to prefer it over the junk. When I used to eat way more sugar and junk of course, i ALWAYS craved it and could hardly ever say "no". Once i made that committment to just DO IT and realized writing it down had more of a guaranty of success I was successful and now my cravings are virtually GONE. My husband laughs at me on my cheat days when he goes "OKAY what can I go get you?!" like he's really excited to watch me eat a double whopper or whatever and ENJOY myself because thats the point of the cheat. But then I go "man, I have no cravings, just get me some spaghetti or frozen yogurt, thats cheat enough"
Can you imagine? I would never have thought I wouldn't crave ice cream, donuts or chips ever again. but I don't. Just try it, I can probably say for 99.9% of the board, "we've all been there" at one time or another we've all struggled the same. Its what you determine in your mind, its how serious you want to be that will make the difference. If you are serious about losing this weight. DO IT. You are torturing yourself by being wishy washy. Divide and conquer!!
make a list of all the "health foods" you like, that you could be ok eating as staples in your diet. Then make a list of the ones you don't prefer but might learn to like better. Then one of those you really have always hated...might always hate. Stick to your first 2 lists at the beginning and for just a week try to cycle your food mostly around those foods. WRITE DOWN what you will eat and how many cals it is the night BEFORE you eat it. They say it takes 21 days to create a new habit. It may take 21 days or more of consistently eating "health food" before you actually start to prefer it over the junk. When I used to eat way more sugar and junk of course, i ALWAYS craved it and could hardly ever say "no". Once i made that committment to just DO IT and realized writing it down had more of a guaranty of success I was successful and now my cravings are virtually GONE. My husband laughs at me on my cheat days when he goes "OKAY what can I go get you?!" like he's really excited to watch me eat a double whopper or whatever and ENJOY myself because thats the point of the cheat. But then I go "man, I have no cravings, just get me some spaghetti or frozen yogurt, thats cheat enough"
Can you imagine? I would never have thought I wouldn't crave ice cream, donuts or chips ever again. but I don't. Just try it, I can probably say for 99.9% of the board, "we've all been there" at one time or another we've all struggled the same. Its what you determine in your mind, its how serious you want to be that will make the difference. If you are serious about losing this weight. DO IT. You are torturing yourself by being wishy washy. Divide and conquer!!