My Online Weight Journal - comments welcome


make a list of all the "health foods" you like, that you could be ok eating as staples in your diet. Then make a list of the ones you don't prefer but might learn to like better. Then one of those you really have always hated...might always hate. Stick to your first 2 lists at the beginning and for just a week try to cycle your food mostly around those foods. WRITE DOWN what you will eat and how many cals it is the night BEFORE you eat it. They say it takes 21 days to create a new habit. It may take 21 days or more of consistently eating "health food" before you actually start to prefer it over the junk. When I used to eat way more sugar and junk of course, i ALWAYS craved it and could hardly ever say "no". Once i made that committment to just DO IT and realized writing it down had more of a guaranty of success I was successful and now my cravings are virtually GONE. My husband laughs at me on my cheat days when he goes "OKAY what can I go get you?!" like he's really excited to watch me eat a double whopper or whatever and ENJOY myself because thats the point of the cheat. But then I go "man, I have no cravings, just get me some spaghetti or frozen yogurt, thats cheat enough"
Can you imagine? I would never have thought I wouldn't crave ice cream, donuts or chips ever again. but I don't. Just try it, I can probably say for 99.9% of the board, "we've all been there" at one time or another we've all struggled the same. Its what you determine in your mind, its how serious you want to be that will make the difference. If you are serious about losing this weight. DO IT. You are torturing yourself by being wishy washy. Divide and conquer!!
Thank you. I think that writing down those two (3?) lists is a great idea and then planning them out in advance should help. Of course, this week I will have to just deal with whatever is in the house, since I already went shopping. LOL I do want to eat clean and never have "naughty" cravings. It's funny how I really don't crave chocolate anymore. Or soda anymore. Ur right. After a while, u don't. I haven't had chocolate in WEEKS - possibly 6 - and even though I sometimes think, oh a 3 Musketeers isn't that bad, I just walk on by without having to pull myself away. I know that it works.

I did buy a lot of fruit this week and will try to get more veggies (AND PROTEIN!) into my diet.

I know I complain a LOT on here and I thank you for puttin up with me. I have always struggled with my weight and now is no exception.
Hey now, don't apologize. the whole reason we're all here is to support one another. No matter who complains about what or how much. i'm sure there are plenty of you who roll your eyes at me all the time! Just as long as when you complain and get advice you are willing to CHANGE and not continue to complain about the same thing and say "poor me, I'll just never change will I". Strongholds are strongholds. We all have weaknesses. Complaining about our same struggle over and over is not what I mean to shush about. I mean to take action, and continue action even when the going gets tough. And when you fall...we're here to pick you up, dust you off and send you back on your way while we keep cheering ;)
Thanks Sparrow!

Well, today, I am sick. The only things I have consumed have been:

Handful crackers
1 sugar free popsicle
working on glass of ginger ale

I dont' feel as bad as I did earlier, but still.....ugh. this sucks. But hey, I feel thin, since I haven't eaten much! LOL Now, I'm just trying to deal with this headache...the running to the potty to sit for 20 mins was bad enough (sorry tmi) but this headache may get to be debilitating! :(
Feeling better today. Even did HIIT on the elliptical this morning. Still afraid to eat much, since most of what I eat doestn' stay, but at least I don't feel nauseated.


crackers, ginger ale, strawberries, more ginger ale.

That's about it. Lost 2 lbs yesterday. :D LOVED THAT! lol :p It will probably come back on but hey, it's nice to say for a little while. LOL
Ok, here is what I have had to eat today (after my 3+mile run)

B: 1 banana - had to force myself to eat that.
S: 2 hard boiled eggs and a slice of toast with pb
L: Salad with chicken, twin popsicle

Doing better today, right????
Good job Wendy,

Sounds MUCH better today. 3 mile run! you go!!
Thanks! I did much better during the day then killed it at night. I had a small helping of mac n cheese and a few taters. Oh, and some milk. Other than that, I thought I did well! :) And yes, I do 3+ miles 2x per week. And I bought some hand weights so I can use them when I run.

Oh, and for an afternoon snack, I had a cheese stick and a small apple. :)
You're getting there. Congrats on the running. I wish I could do that:) I'm not even sure if I can make one mile running. I'd be out of breath too quickly. I'll just stay with my inline skating. I can go a mile w/o stopping for a break, but I need to get back at it. We've been doing more skating lately. I need to compromise more and do the skating instead of tennis, since Greene compromising with me.
Yes, I think I am getting there. I felt GREAT about how I ate today (except for dinner) and doing my run this morning was nice. I love running in the summer. It's so quiet and the birds and frogs are out....ahhhh....
She47441 said:
You're getting there. Congrats on the running. I wish I could do that:) I'm not even sure if I can make one mile running. I'd be out of breath too quickly. I'll just stay with my inline skating. I can go a mile w/o stopping for a break, but I need to get back at it. We've been doing more skating lately. I need to compromise more and do the skating instead of tennis, since Greene compromising with me.

Keep it up!!! You'll get there!!! :p
Wow! Early morning hard-core exercise! :eek: :) How early do you usually get up to run/when do you have to leave for work? Is it hard to get the kids going and everything with exercise thrown into the mix?I've had so many ambitious plans to run in the a.m., but I don't think I've ever actually attempted it:mad: .