Matt's Diary

My weight creeped up a bit (eek) so I ate a little less.
Good thinking Matt :D
Year 1, Day 223(Day 592)

Goals 1-7: ACHIEVED! Ongoing goal: Weight Maintenance...

Weight: 179.4

Breakfast: 2 Poached Eggs, 2 Packets of Oatmeal, 2 pieces of Toast, 3 cups of Coffee.

Lunch: 1 Apple, 1 bowl of cocktail shrimp, 1 Hard-Boiled Egg, 1 Yogurt, 1 cup of Salad, 1 Ham/Pepperoni/Salami w cheese Sandwich.

Snack: 1 York Peppermint Patty, 1 Reece's Pieces package. 4 Yogurts.

Dinner: A few pieces of Ham, 1 side of Corn.

Snack: 2 Yogurts

Miscellaneous: 5 Bottled Waters, 2 cans of diet Ginger Ale.

Estimated Calories: 2740

Exercise: 3 Hours of Walking.

I messed up a little and ate some candy. And I didn't do as much walking since it started thundering last night. (I'm so sick of this rain!)
Year 1, Day 224(Day 593)

Goals 1-7: ACHIEVED! Ongoing goal: Weight Maintenance...

Weight: 180.6

Breakfast: 2 Poached Eggs, 2 Packets of Oatmeal, 2 pieces of Toast, 3 cups of Coffee.

Lunch: 1 Bag of Chips, 1 Side Salad, 1/2 Ranchero Wrap all from Jason's Deli.

Snack: A few Crackers, 4 Yogurts.

Dinner: 1 Healthy Choice TV Dinner (Chicken Parmesan)

Snack: 2 Yogurts.

Miscellaneous: 10 Bottled Waters, 2.5 Rum and Diet Cokes.

Estimated Calories: 2580

Exercise: 3 Hours of Walking.

My weight went up a little which sucks. I drank more water though it was in smaller bottles.
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Year 1, Day 225(Day 594)

Goals 1-7: ACHIEVED! Ongoing goal: Weight Maintenance...

Weight: 179.8

Breakfast: 2 Poached Eggs, 2 Packets of Oatmeal, 2 pieces of Toast, 3 cups of Coffee.

Lunch: 1 Bag of Chips, 1 Ranchero Wrap all from Jason's Deli.

Snack: 4 Yogurts.

Dinner: 2 pieces of Grilled Chicken, 1 bowl of Linguine w/ Marinara sauce.

Miscellaneous: 5 Bottled Waters, 3 Rum and Diet Cokes.

Estimated Calories: 2720

Exercise: 3.25 Hours of Walking.

Be careful what you wish for! I was sick of the rain and cold weather and kept thinking I can't wait for the sun to be out! Now it's out in full force. Yesterday it was 90+ degrees F (33 degrees C). I'm going to have to switch up the time of day when I walk my dog b/c I don't want her to get hot.
Be careful what you wish for!
Isn't it often the case. I used to hate Summer & love Winter, but I think that was more to do with covering myself up than anything. Now I love Summer & am dreading Winter. Oh well! There's very little we can do about it :) It's good that you are able to switch your plans Matt to look after Misty.
Year 1, Day 226(Day 595)

Goals 1-7: ACHIEVED! Ongoing goal: Weight Maintenance...

Weight: 178.8

Breakfast: 4 Yogurts, 1 Boston Creme Doughnuts, 2 Glazed Doughnuts.

Lunch: .75 of a 20 oz. Cherry Coke, 1 bowl of Watermelon.

Snack: Various free samples, 2 Yogurts, .75 of a 20 oz. Dr. Pepper.

Dinner: 1 Mini-loaf of bread, 1 Grass-Fed Burger w/Aged Cheddar, 1 side of Fries, 1 Double Chocolate Dessert Parfait all from Outback Steakhouse.

Miscellaneous: 2 Glasses of Water.

Estimated Calories: 4400

Exercise: 4 Hours of Walking.

It wasn't as bad as it was last week but it was still bad. I took my dog to this local mall that's pet friendly. I figured she would like to sniff around the stores, but she stayed outside and wanted to sniff around the mall area lol. Of course she was a bit traumatized b/c I gave her a bath! One thing that's annoying is it seems I'm being eaten alive by bugs and I itch all over, ugh!
Isn't it often the case. I used to hate Summer & love Winter, but I think that was more to do with covering myself up than anything. Now I love Summer & am dreading Winter. Oh well! There's very little we can do about it :) It's good that you are able to switch your plans Matt to look after Misty.

Exactly, there are good and bad things that come with each season I guess. Winter is cold and can be annoying when you get snowed in, but at least there are no bugs out!
Year 1, Day 227 (Day 596)

Goals 1-7: ACHIEVED! Ongoing goal: Weight Maintenance...

Weight: 180.4

Breakfast: 2 Poached Eggs, 4 Yogurts, 2 Packets of Oatmeal, 2 pieces of Toast, 3 cups of Coffee.

Lunch: 1 Apple, 1 Hard-Boiled Egg, 1 Yogurt, 1 cup of Salad, 1 Ham/Pepperoni/Salami w/ cheese Sandwich.

Snack: 1 Bag of Popcorn, 4 Yogurts.

Dinner: 1 Healthy Choice TV Dinner (Chicken Parmesan).

Miscellaneous: 7 Bottled Waters.

Estimated Calories: 2740

Exercise: 3 Hours of Walking.

I'm still paying for Sunday. I also didn't get a chance to do a lot of walking (for me) since it was hot out and it was thundering alter.
Year 1, Day 228 (Day 597)

Goals 1-7: ACHIEVED! Ongoing goal: Weight Maintenance...

Weight: 180.8

Breakfast: 2 Poached Eggs, 2 Yogurts, 2 Packets of Oatmeal, 2 pieces of Toast, 2 cups of Coffee.

Lunch: 1 Apple, 1 Hard-Boiled Egg, 1 Yogurt, 1 cup of Salad, 1 Ham/Pepperoni/Salami w/ cheese Sandwich.

Snack: 2 cups of Grapes , 4 Yogurts.

Dinner: 1 Stouffer's Fit Kitchen TV Dinner (Steak Fajita).

Snack: 3 Yogurts.

Miscellaneous: 5 Bottled Waters.

Estimated Calories: 2600

Exercise: 3.5 Hours of Walking.
Year 1, Day 229 (Day 598)

Goals 1-7: ACHIEVED! Ongoing goal: Weight Maintenance...

Weight: 181.0

Breakfast: 2 Poached Eggs, 2 Yogurts, 2 Packets of Oatmeal, 2 pieces of Toast, 2 cups of Coffee.

Lunch: 1 Ranchero Wrap, 1 bag of Baked Chips all from Jason's Deli.

Snack: A few Grapes, 1 Banana, 3 Yogurts.

Dinner: 1 Salad, 1 bowl of Spaghetti w/(Turkey Meatballs), 1 piece of Garlic Bread.

Miscellaneous: 5 Bottled Waters.

Estimated Calories: 2530

Exercise: 3.4 Hours of Walking.

My weight keeps going up which is worrying. It could be do to the fact I'm weighing myself earlier in the day. My dog is having a bit of digestive issues this week, which means she wakes me up early wanting to go out and she's had a few accidents. I'm going to take her to the vet today.
Poor Misty xo
Try cutting down the salty stuff Matt & add some more veggies & see what happens.
Year 1, Day 230 (Day 599)

Goals 1-7: ACHIEVED! Ongoing goal: Weight Maintenance...

Weight: 181.2

Breakfast: 2 Poached Eggs, 2 Yogurts, 1 Apple, 2 pieces of Toast, 3 cups of Coffee.

Lunch: 1 Apple, 1 Hard-Boiled Egg, 1 Yogurt, 1 cup of Salad, 1 Ham/Pepperoni/Salami w/ cheese Sandwich

Snack: 4 Yogurts.

Dinner: 1 Piece of Salisbury Steak, 1 side of Mashed Potatoes.

Snack: 2 Yogurts.

Miscellaneous: 2 Bottled Waters.

Estimated Calories: 2450

Exercise: 3 Hours of Walking.

Ugh my weight went up again. Luckily my dog seems to be getting better however, I she got a Hot Spot. I took her to the vet anyway and got some antibiotics.
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Year 1, Day 231 (Day 600)

Goals 1-7: ACHIEVED! Ongoing goal: Weight Maintenance...

Weight: 179.8

Breakfast: 2 Poached Eggs, 2 Yogurts, 2 packets of Oatmeal, 2 pieces of Toast, 3 cups of Coffee.

Lunch: 1 Apple, 1 Hard-Boiled Egg, 1 Yogurt, 1 cup of Salad, 1 Ham/Pepperoni/Salami w/ cheese Sandwich

Snack: 4 Yogurts.

Dinner: 1 Piece of Meatloaf, 1 side of Mashed Potatoes.

Snack: 2 Yogurts.

Miscellaneous: 5 Bottled Waters,2 glasses of Water, 1 pint of Dos Equiis, 2 Rum and Diet Cokes.

Estimated Calories: 2760

Exercise: 2.75 Hours of Walking.

Finally my weight went down!
Year 1, Day 232 (Day 601)

Goals 1-7: ACHIEVED! Ongoing goal: Weight Maintenance...

Weight: 180.2

Breakfast: 2 Poached Eggs, 2 Yogurts, 2 packets of Oatmeal, 2 pieces of Toast, 2 cups of Coffee.

Lunch: 1 Ranchero Wrap, 1 Bag of Chips all from Jason's Deli.

Snack: 4 Yogurts.

Dinner: 1 Stouffer's Fit Kitchen TV Dinner (Rotisserie Turkey).

Snack: 2 Yogurts 1 Mozzerella Stick.

Miscellaneous: 6 Bottled Waters, 1 glass of Moscato, 3 Rum and Diet Cokes.

Estimated Calories: 2760

Exercise: 2.5 Hours of Walking.

I was doing good until later in the evening. I went to a paint night with a friend and stole one of their Mozzerella sticks, plus the wine and the drinks afterward upped my calorie count, I would have liked to walk more but the dog didn't want to go walk this morning for some reason.