Marsia's Diary

Self-compassion test .

Interpretation of Scores

As a rough guide, average scores for the Self-Compassion Scale are around 3.0 on the 1-5 Likert scale, a score of 1-2.5 indicates low self-compassion, 2.5-3.5 indicates moderate, and 3.5-5.0 is an indication of high self-compassion (Neff, 2003a).

Scores from each subscale can predict a number of potential outcomes. For instance, a high score on the self-kindness subscale is a significant predictor of happiness while a low score is predictive of anxiety. Higher scores in the mindfulness subscale indicate greater life satisfaction while over-identification is an indicator of depression and isolation is a strong predictor for stress (Neff, 2015).

More on mindful self-compassion here .

In essence, higher self-compassionate behaviors are directly related to increased positive states of mind like happiness and life-satisfaction, while higher uncompassionate behaviors are directly related to negative mind-states like depression, stress, and anxiety.
I just did that self compassion quiz online--and i scored not too badly at all (moderately self-compassionate overall) would have been interesting to have taken this throughout my life as I think I have really improved in this regard over the years...

The funny thing is that I have trouble trusting people and also trusting myself. I think my lack of trust in myself caused this, and now the stronger I get, the more I know I can trust myself. I am so grateful that this happened in the South. Everyone here I tell that I am getting separated, they are instantly very kind and accommodating, and I even made really good friends with the people who took us in and let us stay on their farm. So I think in a weird way this rekindled my trust in people, people who aren't crazy narcissists, that is!
I have the same issue with trust--both in myself and in others. So good you have been surrounded by good people through this process and that you are learning trust through that. It is so good you can see some ways that this stressful situation is actually a good area to facilitate growth. Learning to trust, learning to nurture yourself with yoga and meditation throughout, learning to grow some thicker skin...
I feel the same way with some really difficult times I've been through. Nothing I would wish on anyone, but it did definitely help me grow!

That outing to the park and town sounds so lovely!!
It's great that you found some amazing people to support you while going through all of us. Keep reaching out to them if you find it is all getting too much for you!
Just caught up on your diary: having good lawyers must make such a difference in this whole process! In your chess analogy I suppose it's like having teachers by your side as you play.
What a lovely outing with K. I downloaded the self-compassion test & I'll do it tomorrow when I have another day at home on my own. You will definitely learn some lessons through all of this, M but hopefully, most will never be needed again. The biggest thing I can see emerging is more confidence & trust in yourself. Imagining that happy life in your future makes me smile xo
I just did that self compassion quiz online--and i scored not too badly at all (moderately self-compassionate overall) would have been interesting to have taken this throughout my life as I think I have really improved in this regard over the years...

I have the same issue with trust--both in myself and in others. So good you have been surrounded by good people through this process and that you are learning trust through that. It is so good you can see some ways that this stressful situation is actually a good area to facilitate growth. Learning to trust, learning to nurture yourself with yoga and meditation throughout, learning to grow some thicker skin...
I feel the same way with some really difficult times I've been through. Nothing I would wish on anyone, but it did definitely help me grow!

That outing to the park and town sounds so lovely!!
That's great you have moderate self compassion! I have low, but on the border of low and moderate, and that's after working on it for years. But I think I am hitting breakthroughs a lot lately and that it will improve from me finally questioning my low self image instead of blaming myself for everything that goes wrong. It's a bad habit that I can now really see the consequences of. Thanks for sharing about trusting yourself, too. I really haven't talked about that before to anyone, and it helps to know I am not alone in that. It's really nice that you have such a good community and friends and I hope that helps you with trust. I am hoping to find a similar type community where I can feel like I am a part of something bigger that helps people feel togetherness, like on our forum.
It's great that you found some amazing people to support you while going through all of us. Keep reaching out to them if you find it is all getting too much for you!
Thanks Em, I will!
Just caught up on your diary: having good lawyers must make such a difference in this whole process! In your chess analogy I suppose it's like having teachers by your side as you play.
Yes, in a way. They don't talk with me much because they are so expensive, but they are doing an amazing job and they do advise me on how to handle the legal aspects of my case. I just have trouble with how J is so good at trying to pump me for information. I haven't told him anything I didn't really want to, but I could have worded things better or dodged more questions instead of answering some of what he asks. I want to appear cooperative so he doesn't attack harder, but I also don't want him to know much. It's a hard balance for me. I am not good at editing while I talk, and it's hard not to second guess if I answered ok.
What a lovely outing with K. I downloaded the self-compassion test & I'll do it tomorrow when I have another day at home on my own. You will definitely learn some lessons through all of this, M but hopefully, most will never be needed again. The biggest thing I can see emerging is more confidence & trust in yourself. Imagining that happy life in your future makes me smile xo
I hope the test is interesting for you. I liked how they worded questions and found the results helpful. I agree wholeheartedly about learning from this, and I do think I am getting more confidence and trust. I have been married to 2 people who didn't support me emotionally for a total of 33 years almost in a row, so I think it's definitely time for me to catch up on being an emotional support for myself. I am really hopeful about the happy future, too!

Yesterday was mostly a day of reading about a third of a really good book on writing college essays and doing interesting exercises from that. We did a little yoga and a nice walk, too, but it was mostly a good day because the college essay is such a hard thing for K and we made significant progress. I snacked a lot, but didn't gain weight. I am feeling better about eating well and resisting snacking today. I need to call for the eye appointment, mow some lawn, and try to get rid of about half of each box of my books that I open.
Nice you made some good progress with the college essay and had a good day overall.
That's great you have moderate self compassion! I have low, but on the border of low and moderate, and that's after working on it for years. But I think I am hitting breakthroughs a lot lately and that it will improve from me finally questioning my low self image instead of blaming myself for everything that goes wrong. It's a bad habit that I can now really see the consequences of. Thanks for sharing about trusting yourself, too. I really haven't talked about that before to anyone, and it helps to know I am not alone in that. It's really nice that you have such a good community and friends and I hope that helps you with trust. I am hoping to find a similar type community where I can feel like I am a part of something bigger that helps people feel togetherness, like on our forum.
Yes this move for me has been huge in helping build my trust both in myself and in others. I hope you can find something similar for yourself in your next can really make a world of difference...although i do think it made a big difference that when I moved here I was ready to open to that...i'm sure many people who live here don't find the same sense of community...
I hope you don't have to have many interactions with J. That would be so difficult. I'm looking forward to hearing about the next stage of your life xo
Thanks Cate, I hope so, too! I do feel more and more that the next phase of our lives will be so much nicer and it's going to be so good to be free! Liza, I really agree about wanting to be open to new things and to people in general. It's great you have such an ideal community for you!

I had a good day today. K wasn't doing so well this morning, but I'm having her put the spare bed in my room so she has company at night, and I am sure this will help because I slept on it in her room before we left to flee in the RV, and it helped so she could sleep. We did schoolwork this morning and then met up with her friend and they are out having fun all day. I got a lot of lawn mowed and the lawyers answered my questions and I finally have a big picture of what is going on. That is such a huge relief! I also meditated for about an hour and I feel much better about things. I think I do have to deal with J quite a bit because he is supporting us for a year and then he will help with college, but I feel like things are going well now with the lawyers cooperating. Oh, and I got an optometrist appointment. It looks like it will be cool for the next few mornings, so I'll try to do some yard work each morning. It feels so good to get out in the yard again.
Having at least a general understanding of what's happening, even if the details are out of my wheelhouse, would be helpful and comforting for me. Fingers crossed J will remain cooperative even when the legal rubber meets the financial road.
Excellent to have such a good day and to feel you have a better understanding of what is going on lawyer-wise. I can imagine that would be a relief.
Meditation must be so helpful for you, M. I realised today that my heart-making is my meditation. I may have to wait quite a while for the green felt to arrive but I made 2 hearts today for a much younger golfing friend of ours. I see combinations of colours & patterns & I picture who they would be right for. I really like this guy & he is the son of one of G's friends. I have made two, one for him & one for his mother. He gets very cranky with his mother, but I see them as very similar & I think she will choose the one similar to the one that I am going to give her son. He pretends to be cynical & tough but I see through that. He's a good person & softer than he makes out. We have some lovely connections & it is inter-generational. I do love having an open heart & will learn to accept that sometimes is not always acceptable. Not everyone can handle it & that's OK. He may think it's weird.
I just had the thought that I was waffling on in your diary, rather than mine, but I don't think you mind so I'll leave it here. I don't think I have made a heart yet that you wouldn't like, but I will wait until I get my green felt for K, my sister & Llama & then I'll make one for each of you xoxo
Thanks Liza and Llama, I am really happy that I have an idea of what will happen next and can finally plan what to do next. I hope J cooperates, too, but money is a huge thing for him. Some people are power, status, and money focused, and he is that type. I never understood this leaning, so he's hard for me to figure out. I think maybe it has to do with not feeling respected or worthy of respect. Does anyone have ideas about that?

Cate, I can't imagine going through this without meditation. It really makes me feel like a whole person instead of a fragmented person who is just focused on my problems. There is so much more to life in each moment than the things that worry me, and meditation is like looking out at the ocean and realizing how tiny I am in the big scheme of things, and how my problems will look like something on the distant horizon even to me one day. There is still a gorgeous moon to go see at our evening walk, still a beautiful child to raise, still flowers in the meadows, ... I am ever so grateful to know this sort of perspective. I love your heart meditation. It's so good to focus on what really matters in life, and meditating on compassion and love and friendship is such a powerful thing to do! And please don't worry about writing about what interests you on my page. I really like hearing about it no matter where you write it! I hope G's friend likes his and his mother's hearts you make them. I can't imagine even someone trying to be cynical like that could scoff at a home made heart!!

Yesterday went zipping by. We made plans for visiting colleges and went out to a cafe. I did a call with J and it went well, I think. We discussed some of the things brought up by my lawyers and I did stand up for myself that J did intend to sell the house out from under us. I don't know why it felt important for me to not go along with him pretending that this was not what he was doing, but it did. I somehow feel that he can't know that I am a complete push over. Other things I'm keeping quiet about because they are still in motion and he is about to be confronted by my lawyers and I don't want to discuss any touchy topics where I could slip and say the wrong thing and give him too much information. Anyway, K and I had a nice short evening walk and did some Wim Hof breathing yesterday.
Yes meditation is so good for giving that perspective isn't it. I like the Buddhist teachings in general for that as well. They have been so helpful for me through all sorts of both good and bad times.
Finding that balance with J sounds so tricky--how to talk with him, and have decent communication while at the same time being sure to maintain a sense of boundary where you are protecting your needs--you sound like you are finding an excellent way to do this.
I think people can have different reasons to be money-focused.
- Maybe they've had to go without at some point in their lives and they carry a lot of fear of having to go back to that situation. Money may not be able to buy happiness but not having enough to cover your basic needs is extremely stressful.
- It could be that their family of origin used money as a marker of success - lots of people do - and looked down on people who didn't have as much.
- Some men, especially, see money as a marker of manliness. The oft-debunked but never gone alpha male nonsense will appeal especially to men who don't feel terribly secure in their manliness, for example because they don't look like what we're culturally conditioned to think of as manly.
- People can just be plain greedy and money can buy a lot of hedonism.
- Money can also be a way of keeping score: if I can take your money or stuff I'm bigger and better than you. Again important for people who don't have a lot of internal confidence and need to prove to themselves they do have value and they can play with the big boys.

All that to say: no idea, many options.
Some people are power, status, and money focused, and he is that type. I never understood this leaning, so he's hard for me to figure out. I think maybe it has to do with not feeling respected or worthy of respect. Does anyone have ideas about that?
Some people look at the game of life sort of like a monopoly board, where success equates to acquiring as much money and status as possible before you eventually kick the bucket. They completely miss out on the spiritual aspect of life and their soul suffers for it as a result, leading to all sorts of problems. I guess the thinking would be - while I am on this planet, I want to dine in the best restaurants, visit the most exotic locations, drive the best cars, make love to the most beautiful women/men, etc. I mean, there is nothing wrong with enjoying those things but ultimately, it's a shallow pursuit and none of those things make you happy for very long. Just my two cents.
"I am really happy that I have an idea of what will happen next and can finally plan what to do next."
That must feel so much better.
"Does anyone have ideas about that?"
I couldn't come up with any more ideas than Llama or Em. For some money is power & they rarely seem satisfied with whatever they get. They seem to always want more. I'll never understand that.
I somehow feel that he can't know that I am a complete push over."
Good for you. Hold onto your dignity, M xoxo
Yes meditation is so good for giving that perspective isn't it. I like the Buddhist teachings in general for that as well. They have been so helpful for me through all sorts of both good and bad times.
Finding that balance with J sounds so tricky--how to talk with him, and have decent communication while at the same time being sure to maintain a sense of boundary where you are protecting your needs--you sound like you are finding an excellent way to do this.
I really love Buddhist teachings. They are so down to earth but also such a different perspective from the way I naturally think, so they are a really welcome thing in my life. I love seeing things from a new vantage point. Thanks for the compliment about my communications with J. Everything is so hard when talking with someone who doesn't value sticking to the truth, and I run the whole gamut of emotions dealing with all this. I'm glad that what I am doing sounds reasonable. I really don't feel comfortable with most interactions, but am trying to make peace with that being probably inevitable.
I think people can have different reasons to be money-focused.
- Maybe they've had to go without at some point in their lives and they carry a lot of fear of having to go back to that situation. Money may not be able to buy happiness but not having enough to cover your basic needs is extremely stressful.
- It could be that their family of origin used money as a marker of success - lots of people do - and looked down on people who didn't have as much.
- Some men, especially, see money as a marker of manliness. The oft-debunked but never gone alpha male nonsense will appeal especially to men who don't feel terribly secure in their manliness, for example because they don't look like what we're culturally conditioned to think of as manly.
- People can just be plain greedy and money can buy a lot of hedonism.
- Money can also be a way of keeping score: if I can take your money or stuff I'm bigger and better than you. Again important for people who don't have a lot of internal confidence and need to prove to themselves they do have value and they can play with the big boys.

All that to say: no idea, many options.
Thanks Llama! I like this list and will keep reading it over and thinking about it - I do know this stuff sort of, a lot of it does pertain in some ways, but I really don't think this way, and it's hard to see things from this perspective for me. It made me realize that J didn't have money growing up and felt ashamed of that. I think money is a sense of control of how people see him, which is huge thing for covert narcissists. What you were saying about going without seems really true for him. I grew poor, but it didn't bother me because we had as much as everyone around us, so it was just a normal thing.
Some people look at the game of life sort of like a monopoly board, where success equates to acquiring as much money and status as possible before you eventually kick the bucket. They completely miss out on the spiritual aspect of life and their soul suffers for it as a result, leading to all sorts of problems. I guess the thinking would be - while I am on this planet, I want to dine in the best restaurants, visit the most exotic locations, drive the best cars, make love to the most beautiful women/men, etc. I mean, there is nothing wrong with enjoying those things but ultimately, it's a shallow pursuit and none of those things make you happy for very long. Just my two cents.
I think you're right about this being the opposite of spirituality. I think that narcissists don't have an open heart, so spirituality is very hard for them, and power and hedonism (like Llama mentioned, too) could be their substitute. I do feel sorry for J that he is stuck in a shallow life. This is hard because being with someone 20 years, it's really sad seeing his potential and that there is almost no chance that he will realize most of it. Even though he deserves what is happening to him, it's still very sad to watch.
"I am really happy that I have an idea of what will happen next and can finally plan what to do next."
That must feel so much better.
"Does anyone have ideas about that?"
I couldn't come up with any more ideas than Llama or Em. For some money is power & they rarely seem satisfied with whatever they get. They seem to always want more. I'll never understand that.
I somehow feel that he can't know that I am a complete push over."
Good for you. Hold onto your dignity, M xoxo
I feel like this, too, Cate, that there is a "hungry ghost" aspect to power and money, and it is so frustrating watching someone keep going after more instead of enjoying what they have. I think it was like that with affection, too, there was a bottomless hole that K and I could not fill for him because he needed to fill that himself. Thanks for the comment on holding on to my dignity, too. I was feeling quite surprised that I got mad without thinking about that particular issue. But having just almost been penniless and headed for a homeless shelter, I think there is a lot of pent up anger about that!

Thanks, it really helps to get different ideas on this because I don't like treating someone like they are a jerk who I don't understand. I really want to understand the dynamics of what I am dealing with and then use that to also keep K and I safe.

Yesterday K did a lot of independent study work and I went through estate stuff to see if I could work on anything myself and figured everything out that I can. That was a relief really understanding all her accounts, and actually calling and getting all my information straight. The internet here will be out for a few days, so I may not be on the forum as often.

Did a longer walk last evening, but ate late at night. My weight is creeping up. I really want to slowly shrink my eating window.
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The thing about measuring your life against money and power, as far as I can see it, is that there's no end goal. You think you'll be happy once you get a raise or a promotion but then you just have a new set of people to compete against. Even if you become a billionaire? Well, your new neighbor has 3 billion against your 1.5 and keeps a pet senator! If your focus is on money or power you're always going to look at how much more you could have, not at how much you already have and how lucky you are to have it.
What a good person you are, M that you can feel sorry for J still. It is understandable to feel rage at what he tried to do & keeping your cool whilst standing your ground would be really tough. That takes real courage xoxo