Weight-Loss Lose it by Christmas Challenge!

i added ur points to this week - figured it was just in the wrong place but wanted to check with you! well done on all that exercise! - it put you in the lead!

Thx for doing that. I'll probably fall shy of that this week. Already skipped one of my favorite classes this am. TOM! UGH! and I had a ton of schoolwork to get caught up on. I need a few more hours in the day...please! :svengo::svengo:

I hate weeks like this and they always last a whole week! LOL

Good luck everyone. I've already messed up on the bonus since I haven't done one push up yet. I want to still do it though just to do it so I'm going to get to it for today's count.
you don't HAVE to do 50 each day, just a total of 300. so feel free to make up yesterdays by doing them at some point this week. 300 is the magic number!
How is everyone's week going? This has been a really bad week for me. TOM is like that sometimes and this is no exception. I'm useless and lucky to get in the exercise I get for a few days. Even today I have a headache and feel like dirt. Maybe I should get my blood counts checked for iron since it is so significant during this time and I have been anemic before and it feels a lot like this.

Some how though I've still managed to eek out about an hour a day working out. Ugh, I want one day just to sleep I think. LOL.
TOM is striking here as well. I feel like a slug. I'm getting the bonus stuff done and a bit of ddr but i'm not really accomplishing much. Just gotta keep thinking that next week will be better.
heh I blame anemia, anytime I lose any amount of blood i get sluggish. I used to miss days of school anytime the doctor had to take blood from me becuase I was useless afterwards. i'm just glad i got anything done this week even if the scale doesn't show it.
Look forward to everyone's finals. I'm calling mine since I have to study tnight and have the kids by myself so I doubt I'll get to workout anymore today. I only lost just over a lb but I'm glad for that since this was a really bad week for me since I felt terrible with my TOM(must have been a low iron month since I was very run down as my exercise #s reflect--I basically didn't do my early morning walk this week and ditched one class too).

Sometimes it seems painfully slow how I loose, but when I look back and add it up, I'm losing 10-15 lbs a month. Over the couse of 6 months that's 60 lbs or more and I have only about 60 left to go so it's all good.
I guess I'm just a freak of nature. TOM makes me want to do more not less. I really am weird, huh? ;)

Nah, you aren't a freak of nature, just have good blood! I agree with ladyu that it probably is anemia. I've had it before and my mother gets it. I probably need to switch to an iron rich multi-vitamin. It's essential really since I can't afford 5 days lost in a 26 day cycle anyway. :willy_nilly:
Sorry that Im late posting the challenge - been having major internet issues at the mo! Anway....

Challenge (Mon - Fri)

We have had crunches and push ups....now it is time for squats! 50 squats every day and i warn you that this will be difficult! So....completing the challenge will be worth 50 points this week :D

Adapt to suit yourself so long as you total 250 for the week :D

allie x
woohoo, squats I can do too...I hammer out about 150 just in my strength training routine. I'll have to add about 100 more on the off days I suppose. :reddevil:
I forsee a lot of extra exercising this week ( ty new equipment) becuase I have a feeling that I'm not gonna make it through the first days worth of squats. I'm gonna try it but I don't predict success.

Tink i hope your net starts behaving better soon
Well, that'll be the first week without a bonus for me. I can do about 10 squats (well, something like squats anyway), before I am in excruitiating pain. My knees just can't cope with it. If I tried 50, I'd end up in hospital! But I'll do as many as I can without injury....*lol*
Another road block for me--argh! My youngest is sick which means all the morning classes I usually take are out for me until he's better. One of my favorites is tomorrow too...wah! Maybe I'll break the Turbo Jam out or something.
Aww, sorry to hear that! You could always do a little home workout? I could email you a few that I've hunted down for myself... cardio and strength, all without equipment. Just let me know!

Well, did 100 squats last night... my legs feel nicely used today :hurray:
anke, I would love that! Thank you so much for the suggestion. I'm going to at least get my squats in during the day and my other half should be home in time for my strength training and I'll get elliptical in for cardio today. Appreciate it!
We are in the process of straightening up the garage to set up a home gym in there. We already have a very good treadmill and I have asked 'santa' for an eliptical. We have a decent weight set too, heavy bag, jumpropes, medicine balls, etc. We were going to lay the padding type stuff on the concrete so that I could also do my dvd's in there(I am not doing that jumping on a concrete floor--ouch). But how things work here, I don't expce tthat to be up and going for another few months. It will come in handy though when I have a sick kiddo at home or when it gets too cold to actually take my walks in the morning(I love those walks too--wimper--they are more to get my bearing for the day as they are cardio). Ok, I'm blabbing. Just sitting here doing schoolwork now so I can spend a good chunk of the evening working out.
argh, I'm going to have to leave this challenge. I'm too busy to remember to update my details! I am still going to lose the weight by xmas. Thanks for having me along anyway.
What's the new challenge?