LiveFromNY's Exercise Log

lol, Stingo.

Sunday May 13th
Karen Voight's Great Weighted Workout, 10 lb weights as usual.

Monday May 14th
30 minutes on the bike, more intesntiy.
i know...i'm hardly here anymore.

Thursday the 17th
40 minutes on the bike, same intensity ...but myknees are feelin' it . . .

Friday the 18th
Now, I know I did the U.R. ...just what workout did I do . . . I think Interval bound.

Sunday the 20th
Karen Voight's Streamline Fitness, both workouts

Monday the 21st
40 minutes on the bike, a little less on the intensity

Tuesday the 22nd
U.R. Hi-Lo Bound
Hey Stingo.

I broke my toe - again - on Wed. It hurts a lot and I'm anyway kind of bored posting here, so I think I will let someone else take over my coveted diary position!
Thansk for caring, everyone... it's not so much "leave", as not be around too much...My Pm's still work, though. A lot of the posts here are repeats..I haven't been enjoying myself, and it's been a chore to post, so that's why I'm not around that much.
I hardly post anymore and my diary is still like #4.