Lift, Train, Fitness

I have a Dr appointment, unfortunately the earliest I could get an appointment is Wednesday, all of the doctors are booked solid, so unless my Dr can fit in a consult by video chat I am stuck waiting.

If I don't move it is not too bad but the moment I bend the knee I am in screaming pain, it can bear weight but only if I have the joint stacked (everything in perfect alignment), no walking. I think it was all caused by miss 3 driving a trike into the side of my leg then trying to horsie ride my leg when I had it propped up to rest it.

Hubby will need to grab the crutches in the shed for me.
I think it was all caused by miss 3 driving a trike into the side of my leg then trying to horsie ride my leg when I had it propped up to rest it.
Ouch! That sounds so painful. Best of luck.
Hello. I see a lot of people keep diaries like this, and it's cool to get feedback. I'm a little scared to keep something like this. Also, I'm sick right now, so I can't work out. But, as I understand it, a diary like this will allow to work out daily and not miss a workout or a meal. I hope I will try it soon.

My Doc arranged for me to see one of the other doctors just to get the paperwork to have a scan done, I will have scans done tomorrow so my Doc has them for Wednesday.

I am sooo glad the doc who done the paperwork today is NOT my regular GP, I think it is important that a doctor in Aus has at least a reasonable level of English language skills, this one does not. If it wasn't for my Dr speaking to him I would have been told simply to go home and put deep heat on the knee, he wrote a script for fucking deep heat, which does fuck all for injuries. I should have expected it, when my husband had to see this doc when ours was on holidays a couple of years ago, hubby was told he had a slight muscle strain and to go home to rest, when in reality hubby needed a vascular surgeon to cut out and replace a blood vessel in his leg which was not life threatening but it was considered urgent.
Heat on a fresh injury? :eek:

I have to be truly desperate to see this particular doctor. If I understood him correctly he also tried to tell me I was "too big" for a scan to work. Everybody looked confused in the waiting room when he mangled my name to call me in for the appointment.
Thank goodness you don't have to see him usually. How many doctors in your local practice, Tru? Hope you aren't in so much pain today.
Thank goodness you don't have to see him usually. How many doctors in your local practice, Tru? Hope you aren't in so much pain today.

There are 4 Doctors, but the owner of the practice is rarely there any more and would not be far from retirement. None of the Doctors are Australian, the owner of the practice is Greek, my Doctor is South African (Indian) there is an Indian female doctor and the Asian doctor I have problems with, I thing he mostly does melanoma skin checks. They all work different days.

I hope for the best at 4 when I have a CT scan, but I am not even sure if that is the best scan for the problem.
It's the same here really. Our local medical practice has mostly Sri Lankan doctors, but I only have trouble understanding 1 of them. My doctor is from Pakistan. She's really good & very thorough. I think they attract so many overseas doctors as they sponsor them to a rural area, so I'm grateful really. It's good when they decide to stay. So often you get used to one & then they head to the city.
I hope the scan shows the problem. I had an MRI for my knee, plus an x-ray.
CT scan done, doc doing the scan confirmed I am still going to need an MRI but at least the CT will give my GP a starting point considering the punishment my right knee has had over time including surgery to clean up the calcification that formed after the first time I tore the MCL and PCL, Who knows how long it will take to get an MRI as I will have to go down the coast to have it done.

Just have to wait and see what my doc has to say at appointment tomorrow.
Best of luck. You have the advantage of knowing and understanding your body much better than the average Joe.
I had an appointment with my Dr today, While the CT scan did not show the info about tears that were looked for, I have an Ultrasound appointment on Monday. However the CT scan did highlight the other problems within the knee, my MCL has severe calcification and I have moderate arthritis in the knee. On the positive side my cartilage is in great condition.

I am under Docs orders to source a knee brace ASAP and any wrong move could blow out the MCL completely. There were none in town and I will probably need to order one online, in the mean time my training will allow my to strap the knee until I can get a proper brace.
after hobbling in and out of places all over town, not a brace to be found that would come close to fitting, even the place that had a whole wall of different braces could not even order one to fit my leg :( and it would have been the brand I was looking at online, so at least I know that option is off the table. It seems I may be stuck with looking for a custom made brace, my knee is relatively normal in size but my calf an quads are so large and muscular the braces were all simply too small in diameter, and a foll leg style is out because my legs are to short lol. I will probably be stuck strapping my knee every morning.
yes, I don't know how others manage it when stuff like braces don't fit and they don't know how to apply strapping tape, I ordered a new tube of tape rolls yesterday on the expectation that I would be needing it. Buying in bulk is a hell of a lot cheaper than buying single rolls in town. A single roll of tape retail is $10 but bulk buying online brings it down to under $5 a roll.

regardless of how bad the tearing is, the extensive calcification and thickening of the attachments will still be a big problem, after having surgery the first time around there was not a lot of ligament left after they scraped all of the calcification out to restore knee stability so I am not sure of what my options are likely to be.
Did you try on one of the Elastoplast braces, Tru? I didn’t think it would fit me as I have big legs, but it does. The top strap is a real stretch!
After doing a bit of reading, it seems extensive calcification of the MCL is rare according to what I can find on Pubmed and is sometimes called Pellegrini-Steida Syndrome. Of all of the images I have been able to find online, none are anywhere near as extensive as what was showing on my scans.

I also found this

Thus far, calcifications involving the MCL have been documented thrice. Calcific tendonitis of the MCL diagnosed and treated by arthroscopy has not previously been reported, which can be challenging to diagnose and treat because of its rarity.

Which seems wrong, because I had mine removed the first time with arthroscopy surgery in the 90s, so it is may be more a case of it not being diagnosed or simply not being reported rather than actually being rare.
Did you try on one of the Elastoplast braces, Tru? I didn’t think it would fit me as I have big legs, but it does. The top strap is a real stretch!

those ones don't provide the type of support I need, Össur Formfit® Knee - ROM Hinge Knee Brace this is more like what I need.