Hi Kristy
Thank you so much for your kind words, WOW - I inspired you... that really is just so great to hear and know. Thank you also for reading my diary. I really do believe the 100% made 100% difference to my journey and getting into that mindset is important. I actually makes it so easy - I wish it was still like that in a way!
Thanks again Kristy - it really does mean so much...
I must admit (again...) that now being on the maintainene it's harder than the losing and it's becoming a constant struggle for me on weekends. I dont know if I am being too hard on myself because of the time of year it is but I am only too conscience of the consequences. As is every, we are out and about a lot more than usual at the moment with Christmas functions / socialising etc and for example on Friday night I felt like a sour puss declining wine because I hadn't had my protein. It was an unique situation we were in on Friday but on the way home I asked LB if he thought I was no longer fun or enjoyable company because tonight that's how I felt about myself. I know I need to stop beating myself up about it also though and just give myself the time and patients I deserve to learn to balance and get used to my thought and decision processes.
I have been running my 5km everyday and then on Sunday I also went for a hike which was just glorious as the sun was rising... and then on Sunday I also spent most of the day out in the garden weeding and planting. I cant seem to get below 70kg but I just dont know what is muscle and what is 'fat' weight as I have been eating a bit more but it's been because I'm hungry and OH MY GOD I HATE THIS CONSTANT ANALYSING!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sorry everyone but I just need to get this out because it is doing my head in (as it's now probably doing yours in because it's so stupid!). I've taken my measurements and they are all basically the same as when I finished, some are slightly up and others slightly down which I put to the exercise and difference of toning up in some area's quicker than others i.e. legs. But I just hate this constant self analyisation and paranoia. Monday to Friday 6am-5.30pm I am fine and everything just happens and there's none of this crap but bam as soon as I walk in the door I seem to just want to eat everything in sight and then all this comes into play as I try to decifer what is reasonable, what isn't, what I can allow for, what I cant, if I really need it or if I want it, if I am choosing to have it or its just because it's there, if I'm hungry or just thirsty and this is even to have a chicken breast and vegetables... And then the weekend... well we dont have till next weekend to read it! ha ha
My scales are jumping up and down but that may be due to TTOM also as fingers crossed it may just come this week which would just be amazing in itself because as much as I hate it and always have I really do think it will help me feel normal, functioning and human again and could also explain why I am being irrational with everything. Isn't it funny how I know I'm being irrational and silly and over the top with it all but knowing that doesn't matter...
I might try and come back this afternoon where I can hopefully be more proactive and inspirational... AND NORMAL!!!!!!!!!!!! ha
I hope everyone had a good weekend.