Let's hear it! Who are we voting for?

Who wants to ban marriage?

They want to ban gay marriage.
Who wants to ban marriage?

Many people want to selectively limit the right for some people to marry each other and let everyone else that doesn't fall into that category keep the right to marry. This doesn't sound constitutional to me.

A lot of them also site the bible and other religious texts to support their argument, but as far as I know our government should be completely independent of any religious organizations.

It completely doesn't make sense to me why this is even an issue that needs to be on the ballot. Basic human rights are basic human rights, and that's what this country stands for.

A successful defeat of this proposition will bring happiness to many and will give those intolerant individuals the opportunity to learn about tolerance and what it truly means in this day and age. I'm looking forward to a more progressive and accepting society throughout the nation. It will happen someday. This country has done so much to protect basic human rights, this is just another step in the journey to complete equality.
A successful defeat of this proposition will bring happiness to many and will give those intolerant individuals the opportunity to learn about tolerance and what it truly means in this day and age. I'm looking forward to a more progressive and accepting society throughout the nation. It will happen someday. This country has done so much to protect basic human rights, this is just another step in the journey to complete equality.

Dream on. It will NEVER happen.

We all have different ideologies, religious affiliations, morals, mindsets and fundamental ethos. Furthermore, it's a bit judgmental to assume that people who don't agree with you are intolerant. They aren't. They just think differently than you do.
Basically, yeah.

I see where Spicy is coming from, but we don't live in a perfect world. We never will.

In Canada, same-sex marriage was a Charter of Rights issue. The particular section used to defend gay marriage had federal jurisdiction, therefore the final decision to allow same-sex marriage superceded any existing provincial laws. The day the decision was made (sometime in December 2004), gays could marry anywhere in Canada. At that time, the catch was they had to find somebody who would perform the ceremony.

Homophobia and negativity are still part of our cultural fiber. Even if people don’t think they’re homophobic, or even if they have gay friends, they still grew up with all the messages and stereotypes about gays and lesbians, and may still believe some of it.

I don't care one way or another what sexual preference a person is. That's irrelevant. I judge people from the inside out.
Word. I don't really care if a person is blue, pink, gay, or likes sheep (Big Tom :D) just so long as they are a quality person. Nothing sucks more than ****ty people.
Phate, you didn't disappoint me. I'm glad you posted :)

There are lots and lots of different attitudes and cultural ethos in North America. A person can't say what's right and what's wrong because it depends on where your point of reference is.

I prefer polyandry myself :D
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you would!! hehe

The next few months are going to be interesting, for sure! Smear campaigns. Media digging up dirt, truthful or not, so gotta be careful what channel you're watching or periodical you read.

I do find it funny how the media finds the stupidest crap about a candidate or the running mate and tries to turn it against them when it has nothing to with their politics, the campaign, or how they'll run the country if elected. Ignorant public.
Yeah, well what's good for the goose is good for the gander :D

The media is not kind ... and they can sway voters more than the candidates themselves.

We're having another election up here, too. But we get ours over with really quickly. Takes a few weeks, and then we're in the voter's box.

The choices are usually "Do I go with the devil I know, or do I take my chances with a new devil?"

It's often a no-win scenario. We're pretty much all screwed ...
It's often a no-win scenario. We're pretty much all screwed ...

Speak for yourself. Believe it or not, I live here for the tax benefits. :D

Also, I like being near the mountains, and the temperate climate. But uh, mostly for the taxes, because Calgarians are ****ing retarded. :rofl: Which is why this city looks like it was designed by two chimps over the course of an afternoon. And then populated accordingly.

Americans, on the other hand, often have cities that make sense, infrastructurally (lulz how many words I've made up today). But, they have retards without a very specific and super awesome taxation loophole. So. Yeah.

Okay, good talk, bb.
Speak for yourself. Believe it or not, I live here for the tax benefits. :D

Also, I like being near the mountains, and the temperate climate. But uh, mostly for the taxes, because Calgarians are ****ing retarded. :rofl: Which is why this city looks like it was designed by two chimps over the course of an afternoon. And then populated accordingly.

Americans, on the other hand, often have cities that make sense, infrastructurally (lulz how many words I've made up today). But, they have retards without a very specific and super awesome taxation loophole. So. Yeah.

Okay, good talk, bb.

What tax benefits? :D

The planning department for the City of Calgary are chimpanzees. Go take a look ... they even have a play area for them where they can brachiate :D
you're a weird guy Ace...a weird guy