As a Canadian, my opinion doesn't matter.
However, I would like to say that Sarah Palin is HOTTTTTT!!!!!! Who wouldn't want a hot vp?
This thread fails without a poll. Can an admin edit that in?
Therefore, the attack on the US was decades in the making. It wasn't Bush's fault, although he's certainly an easy target![]()
Unfortunately, with Putin at the helm of Russia, the volatility of Asia, and the global economic situation, I'm going to have to forfeit my desire to stand moderate with social issues and stick to the political right. There is no room for a namby-pamby President given what is happening in the world today, and Obama clearly doesn't have the balls or the experience to know how to address the Queen of England properly, let alone negotiate with Putin with respect to Georgia.
Not decades. It was an unintended consequence of the 1990-1991 events (Saddam Hussein invading Kuwait, Desert Shield / Storm). Osama Bin Laden and like minded types were offended by the presence of "infidel crusaders" in Arabia. Israelis and Palestinians were not of interest to him at the time (and they were making peace in the early 1990s anyway).
Belligerent warmongering may be a great vote getter in domestic politics whenever there is a perceived foreign threat, but automatically making warlike noises or going to war is not necessarily the best way to handle any threat. The Russia and Georgia situation is an example -- in both Russia and Georgia, domestic politics favored belligerent warmongering, with the result that they fought a stupid war that was really in neither of their interests.
Going to war for what others perceive to be stupid reasons also loses friends and allies, and makes more enemies. The 2003 Iraq war, and the badly bungled reconstruction, is an example of that. As a result, US power and prestige throughout the world is much lower than what it could have been.
Who said anything about warmongering?
True story, I made the maximum individual contribution to Ron Paul's campaign.
Also true story, I don't even live in your country, but I'd prefer it didn't implode just yet. For financial reasons.
Well you have until November until implosion. Just an FYI
The major thing in this election that I'm going for, in my home state, is defeating the marriage ban proposition.