Let's hear it! Who are we voting for?

^ Excellent.
As a Canadian, my opinion doesn't matter.

However, I would like to say that Sarah Palin is HOTTTTTT!!!!!! Who wouldn't want a hot vp?


As a Canadian, my opinion doesn't matter.

However, I would like to say that Sarah Palin is HOTTTTTT!!!!!! Who wouldn't want a hot vp?



If your going to vote for someone based on their looks...you shouldn't vote at all.
I will say I'm sorry Ron Paul won't be participating in this election.

I remember everyone griping about the last election and the one before that. This one is no different and the one after that won't be any different either. I look at it as jury duty--it's your civic duty if you're living in America.

Vote and vote proud.
I'm not over excited about any of our options, same as last election -_- But I will say its pretty likely Obama will win, seeing as he's moved a previously sedentary youthful portion of the voting population to action with his charisma and the fact that he's sort of a "controversial" candidate. Heard about the group of kids supporting him that have all changed their middle names to Hussein? :p Kids need something to fall in line behind these days. If you're young and have no idea what a "policy" is, he's the obvious choice over the creepy old dude. Like my sister. She has allll the stickers. I was like "So what about his policies in particular do you support?" And she was like "Um... you're just questioning because he's black! Stop hating you racist!" And walked away. Yeah. She is so informed.
Therefore, the attack on the US was decades in the making. It wasn't Bush's fault, although he's certainly an easy target :D

Not decades. It was an unintended consequence of the 1990-1991 events (Saddam Hussein invading Kuwait, Desert Shield / Storm). Osama Bin Laden and like minded types were offended by the presence of "infidel crusaders" in Arabia. Israelis and Palestinians were not of interest to him at the time (and they were making peace in the early 1990s anyway).

Unfortunately, with Putin at the helm of Russia, the volatility of Asia, and the global economic situation, I'm going to have to forfeit my desire to stand moderate with social issues and stick to the political right. There is no room for a namby-pamby President given what is happening in the world today, and Obama clearly doesn't have the balls or the experience to know how to address the Queen of England properly, let alone negotiate with Putin with respect to Georgia.

Belligerent warmongering may be a great vote getter in domestic politics whenever there is a perceived foreign threat, but automatically making warlike noises or going to war is not necessarily the best way to handle any threat. The Russia and Georgia situation is an example -- in both Russia and Georgia, domestic politics favored belligerent warmongering, with the result that they fought a stupid war that was really in neither of their interests.

Going to war for what others perceive to be stupid reasons also loses friends and allies, and makes more enemies. The 2003 Iraq war, and the badly bungled reconstruction, is an example of that. As a result, US power and prestige throughout the world is much lower than what it could have been.
Not decades. It was an unintended consequence of the 1990-1991 events (Saddam Hussein invading Kuwait, Desert Shield / Storm). Osama Bin Laden and like minded types were offended by the presence of "infidel crusaders" in Arabia. Israelis and Palestinians were not of interest to him at the time (and they were making peace in the early 1990s anyway).

Not according to middle east experts.

Belligerent warmongering may be a great vote getter in domestic politics whenever there is a perceived foreign threat, but automatically making warlike noises or going to war is not necessarily the best way to handle any threat. The Russia and Georgia situation is an example -- in both Russia and Georgia, domestic politics favored belligerent warmongering, with the result that they fought a stupid war that was really in neither of their interests.

Going to war for what others perceive to be stupid reasons also loses friends and allies, and makes more enemies. The 2003 Iraq war, and the badly bungled reconstruction, is an example of that. As a result, US power and prestige throughout the world is much lower than what it could have been.

Who said anything about warmongering?
Who said anything about warmongering?

For the last three decades, the Republicans have had more warlike rhetoric than the Democrats. Of course, some have been smarter than others about both the rhetoric and the actual going to war (compare Bush 41 vs. Bush 43, for example). However, warlike rhetoric can make others feel threatened, even if there is no actual war. Causing others to feel threatened can make others fearful, but also hateful. With war being increasingly privatized (terrorism) instead of being something that a relatively small number of governments can engage in, foreign relations becomes much more complex than just threatening a government into behaving.
True story, I made the maximum individual contribution to Ron Paul's campaign. With full awareness that he had no chance in hell.

Also true story, I don't even live in your country, but I'd prefer it didn't implode just yet. For financial reasons.
True story, I made the maximum individual contribution to Ron Paul's campaign.

Also true story, I don't even live in your country, but I'd prefer it didn't implode just yet. For financial reasons.

Well you have until November until implosion. Just an FYI
According to FOX if you vote Obama you're screwed. Personally I'm glad I'm not faced with the option of Hugh Hefner and his playmate vs Mr Vague and Mr Vague.
Obama's got California anyway so there's not much I can do in my state to significantly change the outcome of the presidential race one way or another.

The major thing in this election that I'm going for, in my home state, is defeating the marriage ban proposition.
I am registered as non-affiliated because I am not loyal to any current party. I will vote for the person (democrat, republican, or independent) whom I think is best suited for the position. Deciphering through the half-truths, lies, politically connected and money-orientated opinions, and getting to the true "core" of the person is difficult. If I don't like any of them, I will not vote. I don't care if the person is black, white, or a woman, it just has to be the right "person".

I am glad Hillary Clinton didn't make it, though, as I would not have voted for her. Rice would have been an interesting observation, however.

I currently haven't decided yet.

Best wishes,

The major thing in this election that I'm going for, in my home state, is defeating the marriage ban proposition.

Who wants to ban marriage?