Lei's Big Huge Log

Nah, they were like 5 days apart. And I can't really do that much when it comes to upper, since I got kinda injured on Thursday.
I strained my elbow getting caught in a tight armbar. Getting caught again later that same night didn't make things better. Then on Tuesday, I got caught in another one because I didn't tell the guy I was rolling with that my arm was a little ****ed up. I tried power cleaning the other day-- shouldering the bar just about killed me. But I'm okay with some other ROM.
that's crap. just let it rest! and dude, don't get beat up so often, then this won't happen :p

Sorry, I have to bust your balls :D
your pulling is awesome lei! everyone's deadlift is amazing it seems; i have to catch up!

about your elbow...just dont be like me with my back and keep pushing it kuz it made me take a 1year leap of pwned

oh and keep up your huge pwo nutrition with whey and
your pulling is awesome lei! everyone's deadlift is amazing it seems; i have to catch up!

about your elbow...just dont be like me with my back and keep pushing it kuz it made me take a 1year leap of pwned

oh and keep up your huge pwo nutrition with whey and

Have you seen the original video of that gif. You should if you havent.
So...basically it hurts to use the bi and tri on my right arm anywhere past 60 degrees. I tried doing a dip, and that sucked. I tried doing a chin, and that sucked even more, because I expected that elbow flexion wasn't the problem.

Med ball slams, dynamic flex, bar complex warm up

Power snatch-
5 @ 75
5 @ 95
0 @ 115
5 @ 115
0 @ 125
2x3 @ 115

5 @ 205
3 @ 295
3x3 @ 345

0. ****ty elbow.

Zercher hip extension-
10 @ 115
10 @ 135
10 @ 165

Ring arm adduction "iron cross"-
4x5 @ 25

OH squat-
4x5 @ bar

Hanging abs

Duration- 2 hours

I'm pleased to say that I can now do OH squats with no balance or postural problems. I'm displeased to say that my elbow is a piece of ****. The ring stuff was hard as hell. The tiedowns I used to make the rings have very high friction against the bar I hang it over, which makes this thing a huge *****. I think this method is a step above using pulleys on the cross cable machine.
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Yeah man take it easy on the elbow I would be very upset if you were hurt lei, so upset I would probably fly over to the u.s and hide in the bushes outside your house.

Med ball slams, dynamic flex, db swings, bar complex warm up

Power snatch-
lots @ bar
5 @ 75
5 @ 95
5 @ 115
3 @ 120

lots @ 135
5 @ 225
3 @ 295
3 @ 315
3 @ 335

Zercher hip extension-
10 @ 135
8 @ 185
10 @ 185

Ring rows-
3x10+ @ BW

Ring arm adduction "iron cross"-

Seated front plate raise-
3x10+@ 25

Duration- 1 hour 30

Shoulder is healed. My elbow still sucks. Going to do some band rehab right naowz.

Med ball stuff warm up

Parallel box squat-
lots @ bar
5 @ 135
5 @ 165
5 @ 185
5 @ 205

Lowered the box to 12-14"
4 @ 205
2 @ 225

Clean high pull-
5 @ 135
2x5 @ 165
5 @ 175
5 @ 185

Incline BB bench-
2x5 @ 135
2x5 @ 155

3x5-7 @ BW

2x7+ @ BW

Sitty-uppy box-squatty-
3x10+ holding 80 lb db

DB swing to overhead-
1 minute each arm @ 40 lbs

Regular db swing-
30 seconds @ 40 lbs

Full OH squat-
2x5 @ bar
2x5 @ 75

Duration- 1 hour 40

Elbow feels good. If I keep rehabing it with the bands, I know I'll be back to 100% in no time. DB swings for time=death. I pussed out on these though. If ever I needed a partner to yell at me, that was the time.
Yes sir, but they are more FBW's than anything. Which makes the overall volume per bodypart small. I guess it's okay since I just wanted to lift and not aggrivate my injuries. But splits are way more brutal/"fun"