Lei's Big Huge Log

Check :D

Karks is a rebel :cool:

When Evo gave me that advice way back on page 2 or whatever, I ended up doing well that semester.

The one after that...not so good.


ME upper

Plate raise, med ball tossing, woodchops, 10 lb vertical shot throw warm up

Incline BB bench-
Lots @ bar
5 @ 95
5 @ 115
5 @ 135
5 @ 155
2 @ 185

Ring push ups-
3x12-15 @ BW

Dumbell row (bench support)-
3x12 @ 55, 60, 65

Incline DB shoulder press-
12 @ 40 (I forgot the template but I remembered after a set)

Chest/head supported rear delt flies-
3x12-15 @ 10 and 20

Sitty-uppy ab/box squat off 8 inch box-
3xlots @ BW+50

If you put your forhead against the bench instead of your chest when doing rear delt flies, it elimates that much more of your ability to generate momentum and "cheat".
lmao nice.

Whats up how you been? Haven't talked to you in a while. Judging from your bicep thread with FF looks like you're keeping up well.

Nice bench.
Thanks man. I've been okay...as for keeping up...I don't know about that. I am going to move training to the back burner for a while because I need to deal with school.


5 @ 135
3 @ 225
2 @ 315
1 @ 385
0 @ 390

Called it a day. Since the DL comp is over, I'm going to follow through with what I've been saying and move training to a second priority...not that I have been lifting very hard anyway. My ideal lifting regimen would be a high volume, high frequency, life-destroying schedule. Like the one I had last semester :p.
Oh...you know...school and stuff...

and women, and money, and power...
