
N o t e:
Introduction is quite lengthy... I kid you not!

(I realized this after finished typing). Perhaps all the pent-up thoughts just came pouring out. I feel really good, this is almost like a therapy. So just a heads up if you want to bother reading the intro to my Diary ^^; (thanks for taking the time to read it if you do)

Here goes... :eek:

A lot of people say that keeping track of your diet/regiment helps you attained your goal (pinpoint what you miss, what works etc). I thought I was organized enough in my head to keep up with the mental notes, but I was wrong. Not until I started writing (a week ago) that I realize the benefit of keeping such notes. For one, it makes me more conscious about what I am doing; and two, it solidifies my goal - for no longer it's an abstract idea in my mind, but I can actually read it and get reminded of it. Three, that's what I am here for: See what I am doing wrong (or right, hopefully), and if I cant see it, perhaps others would be kindly enough to share directions.

It's the Width, not Weight.
I am not obsessed with weight, but jigglies and the inches I do want to shed. My main target is the all time favorite: BLT (Butt-Legs-Thighs); especially BT.

Female -- age 34 -- 5'-2" -- 105-108 lbs (can't remember the last time I weigh tho, but it's always been around there). At my heaviest, I weigh 125 lbs.

My Cheese.
I know my own body, so when people tell me that I am skinny, trust me, the statement is only half true. I am skinny on the top, bony even, but waist down I'm like another person. I am XS or 0P on top, but need to wear 2-4 size bottoms - which is neither comfortable nor flattering with the gaping at the waist area.
Dieting alone was not working (obviously) because all the fat were gone from everywhere but BLT; face sunken, looks tired, and my precious boobies couldn't even filled A-cup!!
What was my body fat? I forgot, but I recall it was not where my trainer thought just by looking at my physique. -.-;
(Need to remind myself to get another measurement soon to keep track of my progress)

Gone Drastic.
Even after my sickness, during which I had a strict diet of vegies (a lot of bok-choy), very lean meat (few slices of very lean pork), no carbs, no seasonings, no oils, no salt, no sugar *cry* ... and suddenly I dropped 8 lbs ( for me, that is a lot!) and was swimming in my pants (they were size 4-6). Still, proportionally I was not where I wanted to be. I managed to keep the weight off, but the fat were creeping back in. So I saved some money and went through a *gasp* lipo surgery. The doctor took as much fat out as he could within the safety range in one procedure. I was happy with the result for a while. I felt lighter when walking (I have bad knees from teen injuries) and I gained some shape/definition back on my thighs and legs. The satisfaction didn't last long. I started working out vigilantly (mostly cardio and light weight training) after I recovered, but few months after that I slacked off, took the result I had for granted, plus major life issues, and I almost back where I started. Well, not quite, but almost. I feel that instead of moving forward to my goal, I stepped back. Now I am kicking myself in the behind and picking up the pace again.

Sub-goal: I want to be in tip-top shape before I am pregnant. Knowing me, it will be hell to loose the pregnancy fat. I rather not stacking pregnancy fat over existing one.

Why the Diet Pills.
I used to eat regularly (this meant not really watching and counting calories) and combined with gym routine, I felt great and felt it working on toning and de-fattening. After the pause in my routine, I tried to do the same thing again, but it sort of back fired. Instead of energized, I felt sluggish. I tried watching what I eat, or eat little, go to gym, do cardio and weight training, but still don't see result.
For what it's worth, even if just as a placebo, stupid as it may sound, it gives me motivation and serves as markers in my effort (another reason that makes me write a diary is to know if my money is spent on something that works... or not...). Perhaps it works in shedding the water weight - temporary as it may be, it is a instant gratification that gives me a much needed push in the long run to meet my goal.

OK Thanks for reading :D
Week #1

Upper thighs: 21.25"(Right), 21"(Left)

Food Note:
Cereal+Milk: Special K Berry + Special K vanilla almond (ratio 4:1, total about 1 cup, unless it's small bowl) + 2% milk
wwb: whole wheat bread
tw: turkey white
cw: chicken white
gt: green tea (usually 1 pack with a lot of refills)
abc: chili sauce (no like mayo with my sandwich. May be dijon, but very rare. I prefer spicy stuff)
When taking pills always with a glass of water
Peanuts: roasted kind and less than 10 unless noted
Risoles: snack food (suffice to say it got peas, carrots, and carbs)

Smaller, Toner and Leaner Upper thighs and butt.


DAY 1 (Wed) 11/8
Got the pills after work (5:30p). Took 2 pills with a full glass of water about 30 minute before hitting the gym. Did a 15 minutes on climber, 15 on the treadmill.
Dinner: left over food (tempe, string bean, tofu, fried chicken with batter with some chili sauce)

DAY 2 (Thurs) 11/9
Breakfast: Small bowl of cereal (Did not take pills right after waking up. Should have though. 30 min of morning routine would be perfect before breakfast). Took 2 pills at work.
Snack: 1/2 Luna Chocolate pecan pie bar. Took 2 pills again before lunch. Lunch: 2 slc wwb + 5 slc tw + abc.
Snack: Almonds.
Afterwork, took 2 pills before went to gym.
Gym: 15 min on climber then rushed to Taiko class - upper body and arms workout.
Dinner: 1 slc wwb + 3 slc tw + abc.
Note: Today I drank a lot of water (to my usual) more than 2 small bottles, and went to the bathroom a lot as well. Drank a glass of green tea at night.

DAY 3 (Fri) 11/10
Morning: 2 pills
Breakfast: small bowl cereal.
Prelunch: 2 pills
Lunch: TacoBell Crunchy Spicy Chicken no sour-cream no cheese. (Yech... didn't feel good after eating it. Not a big serving but made me a bit queasy afterward).
Snack: almonds + 1/2 apricot Cliff bar.
Afterwork, took 2 pills then head to gym.
Gym: On climber 30 min.
Dinner: 2 slc wwb + 3 slc tw + abc & small bowl of cereal. Drank a pack of green tea with lots of refill.

DAY 4 (Sat) 11/11
Morning: 2 pills (10:30a)
Breakfast: a bowl of cereal.
Afternoon: 2 pills
Lunch around 2:30, half a bowl of chicken noodle w/ wonton.
Dinner/at night: peanuts + small bag of pop corn homestyle pop secret + a bite of risoles + a bowl of papaya with lime and 1/2 tsp sugar. A glass of green tea. Took 2 pills around 9p. Keep on sipping the tea.
Supper: 11:15p ate 1 slc wwb + 1 tw bologna + 1 slc tomato + abc.

Note: seems to go pee more often after taking pills.. perhaps because I drank more to avoid dehydration.... :confused:

DAY 5 (Sun) 11/12
Morning: 2 pills (10:30a).
Breakfast: Cereal.
Snack: 1 banana + peanuts.
Do 20 jump squats + 50/leg kick-back with resistance band, 50 lift-ups on toes. Stretch hamstring.
Afternoon:Took 2 pills.
Snack: 1/2 cliff apricot bar.
Late Lunch: 1 slc wwb + shredded cw rotiserie + abc. Drink a glass of green tea.
Took 2 pills.
Snack: a bite of risoles, 1 banana.
... I feel like snacking more. Habit kicking in? So I ate a handful of roasted peanuts.

Note: I don't feel anything different internally - nothing like suppressed hunger, no dizziness, no shaking, no anxiety, boost of energy? not really. not even loss of sleep. I am one who can drink coffee or tea at night and still doze away. Strange is if anything, my sleeping becomes more regular. I got up at regular time 7a/8a weekdays and by 12 midnight I already wished that I am curled up in bed. (Typically I could hold on until way late in to the night).

DAY 6 (Mon) 11/13
Morning: 2 pills. Calves feel sore and tight the whole day. :(
Breakfast: cereal.
Lunch: 2 slc wwb + 2 slc tw bologna + 1 slc tomato + 1 egg fried w/ olive oil, and some peanuts.
Afternoon: 2 pills.
Snack: 1 slc wwb + 2 slc tw bologna + 1 slc tomato, some almonds.
Night: 2 pills at 6p.
Dinner: omgisplurgeonkfc!!! 1 pc kfc-original-thigh + cereal.
Calves still feeling very tight... I walk funny. Rest, no gym today. I blamed it on the cold weather :p
Late Night: Couldn't sleep. Life issue butted-in and I got killer headache. Plus felt sick in the stomach (suspect the oils from kfc dinner). Woke up around 2:30a drank green tea + 8oz of corn/mushroom soup + 3 pcs small almond cookies. :( :(

DAY 7 (Tue) 11/14
Morning Stat: Left thigh 20.75", Right 21" Upper hip seems to be getting smaller. Largest part of the hip (mid/lower) at 35" (my bad for not measuring it in the beginning).
Morning: 2 pills. Still got residue from last night headache and my calves still stiff but better.
Breakfast: small bowl cereal.
Snack: 4 almonds + a tbs of yoplait yogurt (don't like it). Lunch: 2 kfc drumsticks + 5 peanuts.
Afternoon: Took 2 pills 20 min after lunch (doh! forgot again to take it pre-lunch)
Snack: half fuji apple + before I know it I popped in 6-8 M&M's in my mouth!!!!
Evening: 2 pills.
Gym: cardio 35min (10 on treadmill, 25 on climber).
Dinner: 1 slc wwb + 2 slc tw bologna + 1 slc tomato + abc.
Snack: half a risoles + a bowl of papaya w/ lime & 1/2 tsp sugar + a glass of green tea.

Note: The pills don't do nothing for hunger suppressant.
Changes this week: I drink more -- Day time 2 small bottles, and night time green tea (1 pack with lots of water refill).
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From reading your food log, I'd make the following suggestions:

1. The pills you're taking appear to be diuretics - which will indeed take weight off, but only in a superficial sense since once you stop taking them, the water/weight will come back. A possible side effect is decreased potassium levels, (it is with the one I take for swelling in the legs) so looking into having bananas or another potassium source might be a good idea. But really, ditch the pills - you can do better (and tastier) with a whole food natural food plan.

2. It doesn't look like you're getting enough calories - but you might want to check fitday or a similar service to be sure. Steel cut oats with raisins for breakfast, or boiled chicken breast with brown rice cooked in nonfat chicken broth with blanched veggies for dinner - would make a much better contribution to your overall health than popping a couple of pills.

3. I didn't notice you had any resistance training in your workout schedule - it might be a good idea to add some since it will add some muscle and increase your caloric requirements for maintaining it (you'll burn more energy).
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Resistance Training you meant like weight? I usually do thighs adductor and abductor machine in the gym as well as the leg press and the one that works hamstring; before last week I did 15 min cardio then 2 x 15/reps of each above plus lunges and deadlifts. I kinda skipped them last week because I was affraid that I was putting on bulk instead of just toning -- my legs were firmer but they also got bigger. I was wondering if the way I do my weigth training was not correct, at least for my purpose. Then in a magazine (Shape or Fitness) I read that depending on how one do the weight training one can bulk or tone, something about speed or reps per-second... I don't undertand... :confused: anyone can help clarify this? ^^;

My menu does look bad, doesn't it.. now that I read it back. :/ So, yes I will increase my cal intake and modify it. Mmmm.. Oatmeal w/ raisin sounds great. I was into that some times back. And I will try that brown rice/chicken too. Thanks! ;)
DAY 8 (wed) 11/15

Morning: 2 pills. Woke up late... (9:30a)
Breakfast: small bowl of cereal
Snack: almond
Afternoon: 2 pills
Lunch: hamburg-steak + sauted asparagus + sauce (2%milk+onion+portabello mushroom+sherry+olive oil)
Snack: peanuts + almonds
Evening: 2 pills
Gym: 20 min on climber + 2 rep leg press + 1 rep abductor + 1 rep adductor + 1 rep dead lift.
Dinner: 1 slc wwb + 1 slc tw bologna + 1 slc tomato, plus 2 tbs campbell's gumbo + 1/2 drumstick kfc (can't help it... hubby was eating them and they do look yummy...)
Snack: peanuts
Drink green tea

Note: Today's lunch left me not craving for any snacks the rest of the afternoon. :cool:
Ditch the pills and have a bigger breakfast - I'd say that's why you're prone to being hungry later in the day.
I'm almost done with the pills. I do feel that my thighs are leaner. May be because the pill get rid of retained water. In anycase, for comparison, I will continue the regiment without it in a few days. Hopefully I wont see negative difference >.<;
I took your advice on meals. Got oatmeal for breakfast and it last me a good while until lunch time :) Cooked brown rice for lunch, and I will drink more water.
You will because the pills are diuretics so you'll retain that water initially, but following a healthy food plan will do you more good in the long run.

In addition to the brown rice, try adding some protein to the mix, like a chicken breast or some such. Carb/Protein combinations make you feel fuller longer.

Glad you liked the oatmeal - I'd suggest giving the steel cut oats a try - they're a bit different texture, and they don't have that pasty, floury taste that the steamed/rolled oatmeal does. (least to my palate).

A protein superfood you might want to try is cottage cheese - it's low fat with a good helping of protein... But I've found it a love it or hate it proposition - I enjoy it (usually have it with almonds) but I know others here don't care for it at all - as always your mileage may vary.
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DAY 9 (Thu) 11/16
Morning: 2 pills
Breakfast: 1/2 cup oatmeal + raisin + brown sugar
Snack: almonds
Lunch: brown rice + shrimp + pea + onion, garlic + tomato
Afternoon: 2 pills
Snack: almonds
Evening: 2 pills
Dinner: 1 slc wwb + 2 slc tw bologna + 1 egg
Gym: 20 min cardio + 1 rep adductor .. didn't have enough time so run out toTaiko Class.

Note: Didn't go to bathroom as often as when I first took the pills. The frequency I'd say back to normal. Less hungry during the day now. Taking lunch around 1 helps shorten the day.
Will too much protein bulk me up, with weight training and all?
Today (10) is the last batch of the pills.
I was told I should drink more water in order for my body not to retain water. My goal for this week is to continue to drink more water.
As far as I understand it, unless you're genetically predisposed to it (and even then it's difficult) bulking up is hard to do for men and women (women particularly). Think of the protein as repairing the muscles you've worked in your weight training, since "toning" is really building muscle and losing fat enough to see that muscle. (Just my opinion - more informed answers welcome :))
Can you take some pics? I'm having a really hard time imagining anyone that's swimming or even fitting into a size 2-4 being fat in their lower body. Yes, I know that women wear different sizes than men, but a size 4 is not large at all.

I think you should mix your resistance training with lower reps (6-8) and higher reps (12-15) with short rests and paired movements. Stingo is right in that "tone" and "toning" have nothing to do with working out a certain way. The term "toning" is really a misnomer that is perpetuated by all the magazines.
o.o' um... yeah, hard to believe. My friends (girls) all say the same thing until they saw me in bathing suit.
You heard the term 'pear shape' body, right? That means small on top and wide at bottom. Let's be frank, it doesn't look good proportionally. ^^;
Let me make it clear. I am not obsessed with my weight. In fact, I don't think I am over weight or anything; I just want to improve myself and get in proportion.
My height is 5'-2". At one point I was close to 130 lbs. For me that was pants size 8-10. I have lost the weight since, but the fat-lump-n-bump down there just wont go away. It stays with me no matter how skeletal I look from waist up.
My goal is to loose between 1" - 1.5" on my upper thighs, which include the jiggly part of my lower butt.
Problem with pics is that if one knows how to dress and how to pose, then one will look good. Clothing can hide things, but what woman doesn't want to look good in bikinis? :eek:
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DAY 10 (Fri) 11/17
Morning: 2 pills
Breakfast: 1/2 cup oatmeal + raisin + brown sugar
Snack: no snack!! wth.....
Lunch: 3 pieces of sushi roll (salmon+crabmeat+lemon), miso soup, small bowl of beef udon soup, Tea.
Snack: not hungry at all, so again... no snacking.
Evening: 2 pills (that's it the last ones)
Dinner: 1 crab enchilada, no sour cream, no cheese + black beans and nacho chips (of course... what mexican dinner would be complete without those ;p )
thought of the day...

How do people manage to do calorie count on all of the food you take? ... I tried going on fitday, and nearly having a fit trying to find the closest fit/match to the food I ate.... not mentioning the serving amount
Thanks for the link about the muscle tone. And yes, I aim to have a low fat-to-muscle ratio on my lower body. This sunday I will get my BF%. That should help me keep track of my progress.

"Some people use the term muscle tone to refer to how "in shape" a person is. Technically, what they are referring to is muscular strength or a low fat-to-muscle ratio. "Toned" in that context means "fit" or "trim." Some present the idea that constant daily resistance training, or training at high intensities, will increase one's muscle tone, as the neurological system becomes more tense after constant exertion to stay in a state of greater readiness for the tension."
I've never used Fitday. I just always looked on the back of what I was eating and calculated from there. Also, fast food places will have nutritional guides and most restaraunts will have nutritional guides to their food online.

After counting kcals for about a month if your eating habits are repititious, then you get really good at nailing how many kcals you have had.