Jaymie's fitness journal :)

I can't really dance that well. I just was trying to do what they were doing on that show! lol, I bet it would have been hilarious to see actually. ha!

I worked my @$$ off at work today....geez...My supervisor is going to come back in uno momento and let me and my assistant know if we can leave an hour early today :)

Which is great, b/c today is gym day and I can go do some cardio and then chill in the hot tub. After that I think I'm gonna go to Jason's Deli and get the salad bar. Since I've only had 1100 calories today and its a hard workout day. I won't make it home until 9:00pm tonight.

my tonsils are swollen up..dang allergies...I took some Sudafed and now I'm all hyped up :D

Well, Its really wierd but after eating all that crap I ate yesterday night. I felt all great today and actually felt light. Weighed myself and I lost a pound. how was that though I ate like 2800 calories . wow.
Eat what you want and lose weight..I defintely want that. Hope you have a good workout and eat a salad for me. I love them.
ha! Thanks!

I did eat a magnificent salad last night. :)

After work I did cardio consisting of:
20 minutes stair stepper level 11 (said burned 203 cals)
and 20 minutes of running/jogging/walking uphill on the tread mill (burned 200 cals )

So then took shower and went to get takeout salad there at the deli. I took 'em for all they had! LOL I RAIDED that saladbar I tell you! I had NO MERCY !!!!

then went and ate it at my grandparents house it took about an hour to eat it cuz I eat really slow and it was real big.

it had protein in it too egg whites and almonds and sunflower kernals, had some mixedbeans on the side. Then I had 2 sugar free oatmeal cookies my nanny made for me :)
and a tea with lemon
and a SF popsicle when I got home

and then I had 4 egg whites and 1 oz of cheese and glass of skim milk when I got home.

I think the total for the day was close to 2000 cals. Then my fiance was rubbing my back and he said 'baby you are smaller' out of the blue. He was like I can tell your waist is so much smaller and even your legs are thinner now!

I was shocked really, I was like...I feel like a pig! But he said so , so I believe him ! Thats good enough for me!
Yick..ya know some days this place is kinda depressing....today is gonna be a long day, the boss's are not in(YAY!) and there's no work to be done its been done already...so now what? I guess I just wait and try to look busy...

Its about 11:00 am and I can't wait till 4:00pm! THE WEEKEND! Although it is supposed to rain all weekend :( but actually :) for the water supply.

today I'll see if weather permits my bike ride after work if not..then I'll just do some jump rope. Then tomorrow I'll see what the weather is like, if its rainy I think I'll go to the gym for about 2 hours for some cardio n whatnot. whatever I feel like. Then if its all ugly outside we might go to Chuck E. Cheese! I haven't been there in forever. lIke....when I was a kid lol.

But we probably won't have money for that , so we will probably just rent some different movies and then maybe rearrange some furninture ! LOL ! and do some art projects....idk what else? um...I might make my famous chicken fiesta enchiladas that everyone loves. has close to no fat in them just whatever fat is in the chicken and the wheat tortillas.

I trimmed my hair. and it looks healthier even though I only trimmed it about one third of an inch. I really wanted to plant some flowers but it might be too rainy this weekend. Already have father's day gifts.

What is it about this month that I have seen just about every ex-boyfriend I have ever had just at gas stations and going down the road...the motocross freestyle thingy...riding my bike....birthday party for a kid @ my son's school....visiting next DOOR where I had no idea their mother lived!...and calling my on my phone out of nowhere !?? WTF is going on ?

eh, the good thing is they ALL said the same thing and were really nice to me! I must look better than I did when I was with them or something..cuz they all said "You are looking REALLY good! " with a big cheesy smile! like this ---->:D


Did 30 minutes moderate level cardio on elliptical followed by 15 minutes of HIIT alternating from 115 to 212 watts each minute on level-10 resistance
followed by walking uphill/jogging/running/jogging/walking uphill on treadmill for 45 minutes
All+9.7 miles altogether and 900 calories burned


worked in the yard for 5 hours reaching up/trimming trees/ raking raking raking/ and trimming / and raking/ and squatting down and picking up leaves for abuot an hour...lots of leaves and brush cleared off the trees.

also calisthenics for 30 minutes straight getting alot better at pushups . Complete pushups with chest to floor and no momentum used to push-up.


walked on my lunch break for about an hour in the heat don't know if that makes a difference or not.
WHOA dudette

btw, high...how are ya :D

What is up with all the crazy cardio??
I had a couple hours to spend at the gym on Saturday! Which I never get to do! I know it looks crazy but I did it all cuz I wanted to not really trying to lose weight anymore. I just want to keep fit and progress with my stamina and speed on the cardio its not really to burn calories its for my own enjoyment. ;)

Thankx Sparrow !! How was your weekend?
Great! thanks. Busy.

Thats great you had some down time. If I have time out the gym is where I head too :)

I'm starting to think about fall races so I'm kind of where you are with the cardio. I need to build endurance and speed for running. I've really slacked off running the past few months. Today I had a great tread workout and it was VERY easy so that was encouraging. After my all out intervals my heart rate was only at 130. I still don't get that.

Have a good one!


3x12@45 chest press
3x12@55 deltoids
3x12@50 bi's
3x12@50 tri's
3x12@50 pulldowns
3x12@45 seated rows

abs also
inclined crunches 3x20
weighted ab machine 3x20 @ 35-40lbs


walking / jogging/ running on treadmill for 50 minutes


bowl of total cereal w/skim milk
medium banana
1.5 oz box raisins

2 cups coffee

*i forgot my lunch this morning* :( so I don't what for lunch, snacks, etc. will have to get something...:(

I got to work late today, feel really tired b/c I went to bed @ 9:45 last night and got up @ 7:40 b/c the alarm didn't go off..b/c I forgot to set it last night lol.
I don't feel like working out , but don't feel like sitting around either. I FEEL like going back to sleep! But that is not going to happen. So I am going to drag my @$$ up in the gym and go get with it. I will feel better afterwards I know I will always do.

I am smoking alot lately this makes me very mad. I was not smoking for a week and then I started with 1 cig a day then 2 then all of a sudden it was 5 and 6 and now I just stopped counting :(

arg. I feel depressed today and lazy.
It'll be alright. I've been there with the smokes. Now if I smoke any, I only have 2 or so that's what Greene allows me to have, but I do stick to 2. Just get up off the ground and try again. Tomorrow is another day.

Have you tried the patches? That's how I quit, but I ended up smoking again because of certain people in my life. It started out a pack would last me 3 days then I went to getting a pack every day. One day I just decided to quit again and so that's what I did. I can go days and days w/out having one, but when I get around somebody who smokes, I want one, but I don't always get one. It doesn't bother me if I don't.
sparrow said:
What is up with all the crazy cardio??

That's just Jaymie, she's the cardio Queen :p right Jaymie...hee hee

How are you woman? I know I've been neglecting my diary, I've been So NUTS about watching the World Cup...I'm such a nerd :-B You remember that face don't you LOL...
Well no one is winning it yet...most likely it will be Argentina, or Brazil (hard to win it twice in a row though), possibly even Germany...none are my country, but it's still exciting to watch! :)


man I didn't go work out on my lunch break...instead I absolutely HAD to go eat s omething....I was about to pass out I could no longer feel my head and my left arm . so I knew I'd be no good at the gym anyway with no nutrition in me. So I went and had a big salad @ Jason's Deli again. my favorite place to eat.

So now I'm gonna have to cram everything into the after work time .... :-S
That sucks....

But I had 2 cups lettuce and 1 cup fresh spinach
3 cauliflowers
5 pimento olives green
4 slices yellow sweet pepper fresh
5 cherry tomatoes
4 pickled okras
.5 cup alfalfa sprouts
sprinkling of almond slivers
3 egg whites
.5 cup organic croutons
sprinkling of sunflower kernels
.5 cups corn salad
.5 cup mixed beans w/ cilantro
.5 cup regular cottage cheese
2 spoons full of dried organic fruit mixed with the cot. cheese
1 apple slice
.5 cup of FF dijon dressing

then i had this iddy bitty ice cream cone with FF low cal ice cream

sounds like alot huh?
but it was healthy
I don't even feel full....wierd.

Dont' feel so tired anymore tho. eh, better get to work now-Peace!
Well here's my stats as far as inches and all

thigh=21" each
calf=13.4" each

What do you guys think?

height is 63" (5'3")
and weight is 124

Still need to lose ? what do yall think???

17% body fat is great...i had mine tested and i believe it was around 21%. and your measurments are good as well. But yea i def agree with wanting to make personal changes..people tell me i have a good body and i shouldnt lose weight but also everyone doesnt see me naked :p lol so i see problem areas that my clothes hide. So good luck with everything...not to sound weird or nething but your def a role model to me...just by readying ure journal, it shows how dedicated u are and im a new at all this now but i eventually will get like that. Keep up the good work!