Read my post again, they kill healthy babies that have already been born; that's called murder. In some cases the girl even grows to a year or two but if the woman falls pregnant with a boy the girl 'disappears'
"A tradition of infanticide and abandonment, especially of females, existed in China before the foundation of the People's Republic in 1949," note Zeng et al.. ("Causes and Implications," p. 294.) According to Ansley J. Coale and Judith Banister, "A missionary (and naturalist) observer in [China in] the late nineteenth century interviewed 40 women over age 50 who reported having borne 183 sons and 175 daughters, of whom 126 sons but only 53 daughters survived to age 10; by their account, the women had destroyed 78 of their daughters." (Coale and Banister, "Five Decades of Missing Females in China," Demography, 31: 3 [August 1994], p. 472.)
You've quoted an excerpt citing an event that happened in China more than 50 years ago. And back to the later 19th century. The words of the text (that I've highlighted for your benefit) suggest that it no longer occurs. Do you have such proof that it continues to this day? When I say proof, I mean credible proof. I'm not saying I have proof to the contrary as would be impossible to have, but I personally don't go looking this **** up, so I wouldn't know about it and am genuinely interested in seeing what you could produce in terms of evidence.
If such is the case that this more widespread infanticide ended in 1949 (as that is what your excerpt reads, in my opinion) then we are holding nations to be to this day accountable for past mistakes. If so, then if I remember correctly, it was not too long ago in our nation's short history (in a historical, not personal sense) that it was perfectly acceptable to take the people of africa and sell them as slaves in this country. Oftentimes being the case that their
children were sold off away from their parents as the property of someone else. Such circumstances no longer being valid, I certainly wouldn't attempt to deem that as acceptable doctrine today and would not hold an entire country at fault because of it.
I dont' remember if you're american or british, though i'm sure i could find and i am sure you are aware of a similar circumstance as to your own home country that would prove an equally fitting example. I'll leave that to your own knowledge of history.
Furthur more, even if it was the case of such practiced infanticide still ocurring in china, it would statistically be impossible for anything but a very small minority to practice such infanticide. China has a population of more than 1.3 billion. Find a credible source giving infanticide statistics (and we are not counting abortion lest we should consider abortion murder as well, and let's not get into that debate) and divide it by the total population number. that's the percent we'd be talking about. Would you judge the whole based on a part? Any culture is in trouble if you do that.
As usual, ignorance and the perverse desire to judge something you don't understand (or perhaps in this case don't have accurate and up to date information on) is prevalent here.
I tihnk I'm done with this thread, I'll stick with fitness discussion on this forum, as that's about all that many people here have anything actually worthy to say about.