When did I judge something? I made comments and asked rhetorical questions on someone else's judgments. You should read what your responding to more carefully.
Seems to me like you're judging some aspects of the culture like the government. Sorry if I'm mistaken.
FYI, This is a blanket statement, an assumption, and a judgment.^
Yes, this is a blanket statement, and I did clarify that the majority (not all) feel this way, I dind't say everyone did because i don't know. It is as well an assumption and a judgement, however, it is based on knowledge and involvement in the culture.
If you don't believe me, you could very feasibly email the athletes or their families and ask.
12.7% was the poverty percentage in America at that time. So whats your point?
Just pointing out that america has a higher percent of poverty than china, since you did mention some numbers. What exactly was your point? That alot of people couldn't afford to pay the "fine" or w/e to have mroe than one child? Doesn't really matter becaue u should also realise that having mroe than one child is much more difficult in china anyway, maybe u should read on the schooling systems/life in general etc. I mean it sucks about the one child thing but people generally (blanket statement again? it's true though) understand that it wouldn't be feasible to allow poeple to have like 4 kids or sometihng like that.
But you are right, had i read your post more carefully, there would have been no need for me to post these statistics. Kudos to you.
Perhaps you should reread things. I didn't "Bash" china. I didn't cast down the culture. I didn't call them communist bastards. Hell...I even give china props for the vast improvements it has gone through over the past 10+years.
I dind't say u bashed china. Your sarcastic and what seemed to me like prejudiced remarks (prejudice based on your beliefs not implying racism in general or anything) simply indicated to me that you made statements about a culture you dind't understand.
for instance
WOW, how generous of them! Ahh, A government entity that is not voted for by the people has full control over any child they want! AND they let the kid see the family from time to time?
You seem to like their culture and way of governing. Why don't you live there?
Seems like a judgement to me, again based on poor understanding of a culture
And the second part seems plain unnecessary.
Seems kind of like bashing too, but if that wasn't your intention, alright then.
I do find it funny you talk about how people are making judgments based on China's culture. Yet, the only person to do so is the person you are "agreeing" with.
If you really believe you have made no judgements then i odn't think that phate has made any either. Maybe I can't read, though I think there is much to indicate otherwise.
Lastly, there is a difference between a discussion and an argument.
Argument has more than one definition but generally the same meaning, another definition of argument other than what I assume you are speaking of is, and i quote from dictionary.com (yeah, i took the time to verify it for you),
discussion involving differing points of view; debate"
You and phate do have different points of view don't you? you are discussing aren't you?
That, and I was referring to the argument, or point, that you would inevitably make in your reply. another definition, btw.
Sorry if you misunderstood.
My post wasn't entirely directed at you by the way. The former one anyway, this one is.