I keep getting stood up by chicks.. wtf am I doing wrong?!

So this past summer me and a chick had plans to take a walk down by the river... I called her that day and no answer...

Then recently I met this girl in one of my classes, we are in totally different stages of life, but I liked her. I am 22, single, she is 26, single with two kids. I still was very drawn to her and wanted to get to know her more.

We were in my car after class one night and she was like... "so yeah... you should come over and watch a movie or something sometime.. I can't really leave the house much because of my kids, but ya"

She was waiting for me to kiss her but ending up not doing it.. hmph, which I really regret.

So I called her on Friday and she said she didn't wanna do anything cuz she felt congested...

Then she asked me to do something Saturday, so I called her saturday night and no freaking answer. Haven't heard from her since then.

It's like WTF? I will see her in class tomorrow, I would love to ask her what's up, and what I could do in the future to avoid this bull****.
Yeah, second that notion...

Also, if she has a decent excuse give her another chance but if she has this attitude like she "forgot" or just seems like she doesn't really care don't go after her anymore. She'll just continue on the same way.
Well RWS you missed a chance by not kissing her! That kiss could of progressed to anything! You could of ended up making her front ass look like a car crash!

But seriously, what Sara said is probably the best idea. And you'll be able to tell whether she's interested or not. Dont you Americans go out clubbing?

Us English are always out clubbing, its easy to pick up girls...
My advice...

OK in all seriousness...when you see her play it cool. Say hi, ask her how she's doing and how her weekend was. Don't bring up what may or may not have been a stand-up directly. Everything with women is a test...if she sees that she didn't cause you to freak out and get upset over her not calling you back, then she'll think...wow he's not too crazy about things...maybe i should hang out with him for real. Plus you never know what she had going on. Maybe something came up...it happens. The key is to accept it and move on to the next day.
Game is for those that have to pitch it. Women don't dig it and frankly it makes you look an asshole. I would just be honest and sincere.
My advice...

OK in all seriousness...when you see her play it cool. Say hi, ask her how she's doing and how her weekend was. Don't bring up what may or may not have been a stand-up directly. Everything with women is a test...if she sees that she didn't cause you to freak out and get upset over her not calling you back, then she'll think...wow he's not too crazy about things...maybe i should hang out with him for real. Plus you never know what she had going on. Maybe something came up...it happens. The key is to accept it and move on to the next day.

This dudes got it right,
I met my wife while she was a welder (welding post office carts on a operating line, though we went to the same school). I was a fork lift driver at the time (17). She had holey pants, hair pulled back, sleeves rolled up, and look flat mean with being all black faced and shiaat. My kind of girl! :) Took me two days to muster the balls to talk to her. She just looked like the type that would fry my balls with the blow torch she was using from time to time. While in the lunch room, I saw her sitting by herself (and I wasn't all that surprised that she was, she just had this "leave me fuggen' alone look), all 110 pounds of her, lol.

I just walked up and said, "Do you mind if I sit here young lady?"

She said, "If you must". (very cold an uninterested). :(

From then on I just sat at the table and said nothing for a few days. Finally, she broke the silence and asked how long I had been working at (the business), and it took off from there.

Patience...for the WIN! :) LOL.

I knew she was tough.....and is one of the reasons it turned me on ;)

Any hoot, short version. :)

Best regards,

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Game is for those that have to pitch it. Women don't dig it and frankly it makes you look an asshole. I would just be honest and sincere.

Or those that want to have fun and improve their social skills. The pick up artist show on MTV isnt some reality crap. That dude knows what he is talking about. The art of picking up women will not only get you more girls, but improve your confidence in other areas of your life.:action11:

BTW, Chillen nice freeze out technique. There is always that need to break the silence in an uncomfortable situation.
sounds more like a streak of bad luck than anything personal, id just approach the girl in your class as you would do normally and start afresh!! she may have thought you wernt that interested if she was wanting you to kiss her and you didnt or maybe wanting you to make the first move again to show you genuinly are interested?!
just play it cool and act as if the previous encounter never happened!!
Lets look at it like it were training;

1) What are your goals? i.e. relationship, sex, close friendship?
2) What approach have you been taking so far?
3) At what point does the knock back commonly occur?

Some things to think about before you even need to look at answering those though;
1) Check personal hygiene - sounds dumb but so many people have things like bad breath but have no idea
2) Ask any female friends to be honest and give reasons why they wouldn't date you.
Whoever said, women dont 'dig game', thats totally wrong.

If its a 1 nighter your wanting, game is exactly what its all about...

Just thought id add that in...
ha oh man, hilarious as always :)

well here's the deal... I just can't understand this girl. I saw her on Monday, like I said I would, I said hey and smiled like nothing happened...

Then she brought it up. "Hey.. this was a really rough weekend. My kid was throwing up - sick, I think I have strep throat or something.. felt like ****."

So I was like.... well I can't remember what I was like.. lol, but class started, and eventually ended.

She left the class before I did but was waiting for me outside, so we did our usual walk out to one of our cars... both get in and chat for a while and then drive the other to their car (even though it's like 100 feet away in the same parking lot)...

SO, we were just small talking a bit and then I said "Hey, I played some poker last night. I have my computer hooked up to my HDTV and computer monitor, so I was playing like five tables, it was awesome".

And she is like "oh, cool" (had no idea where I was going with it)

Then I said "do you play poker?"

"nope" etc..

And I said "hmm, yeah in poker you have to read people... I think I am pretty good at poker, and I have used my poker skills to read people in real life..."

I continue "yeah..... but..... I just can't get a read on you"

she says "well i'm a female! I'm complicated"

I say "hmmmmmm, yeah... I just can't figure you out, what's your deal?"

we were both like kinda giggling through this whole conversation, being friendly etc.

so she asks me what I mean and I say "Well... I guess for one thing I don't know what you think of me?"

she says "well, I think your really nice and fun to talk to..."

and I say "so do you just wanna kinda be friends at school? or....?"

"would you want more?" or something along those lines

and I say "well... I DID call you on Saturday night"

and then she explained how she likes to have her kids to sleep if any guy comes over because she does not want her kids to get attached to a guy and then not be there someday.

I told her that I understand...

so she says "well, I told you my deal, what's your deal????"

And here is where I just figured, what the hell, i'll just tell her straight up...

I said "Well, I think your very pretty, your interesting, your very ambitious.... a lot of people in your situation would just give up, yet you are trying to better yourself through college... ya know? I think you have beautiful hair, great skin, pretty eyes, I like your voice, your small (we laugh hah).

And yeah, she was looking at me as if she was almost about to cry(in a happy type of way), smiling, like she liked hearing what I was saying.

Then I said "and I think we should hang out sometime... see how we mix"

so she said "yeah... you should come over sometime, I wanna hear more about you, I have always been talking about myself"

And yeah, we continued talking for a little longer but she had to go pick up her kids, so she dropped me off at my car...

KEY POINT*******

So I reached out my hand and she offered hers. I held it and said that she has such tiny hands, and she said something like "haha, yeah stubby hands".

Then I said.... "well, have a good night" and then moved in to give her a kiss on the lips, no french kiss intended, just a nice kiss on the lips.

But she turned her head when I got there and just made it into a hug.

I left the car and smiled, waved goodnight, and took off.

So.......................... yeah, just not sure about her, comments appreciated!
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shouldn't have gone for the lips. cheek woulda been fine.

don't give up...sounds like she might be interested but is concerned regarding the kids. tell her you're not freaked out by it (you're not right?), don't talk to her about your online poker games EVER again unless you are making a buttload of money from it and she likes money, and just keep playing it cool. persistence is the key.