Have You Ever (Game)...

No. I don't like to be touched. BUT I have heard about these "Hugging Clubs" to make ppl feel better.

Have you ever kissed yourself in the mirror. Like a quick simple Muah! Damn I'm sexy & vain? haha
hmmmm no but i used to practice kissing in & on the mirror when i was a teenager.......it got very wet LOL

have you ever not checked your lotto ticket for days as you want to carry on convincing yourself you've won a little longer...i keep lots for wks sometimes before i check...............

(btw hugging clubs??? NOOOO!! that sounds a little much!! no i mean i hate shaking hands or air kissing...i'd rather just give someone a hug...a little one if i don't know them well & a big squeeze for friends/family & loved ones...whether they bloody like it or not!!:D)
No, I don't play the lotto.

Have you ever woken up with a plate of food lying on the floor next to your bed and wondered, "How in the HELL did that get there?"
Yepp, plenty of times...*lol*

Have you ever worn your underwear longer than one day in a row because you had no clean one and were too lazy to do the laundry?
Oh yeah. HAHAHA, I do that if I don't have to work. I just rock the same panties for a few days until they get stank. Did I just say panties? Eh, whatever...I think I'm still drunk.

Have you ever been throw up on by a baby?
oh yesssssss!!! & nothing smells quite like it...

have you ever had a story made up just for you on WLF??

(chef you're a legend in your own time :D)

(btw how good are we on that??! though i lost track of the actual 'story' quite sometime ago hahaha........)

I can't say that I have

Have you ever called in "sick" to work claiming that a relative or someone died and you had to go to the funeral but u really just didnt want to go to work that day?
nope..but I've done that with school year after year..I dont think anyone believed me tho..no one has 34 family members die a year..mwahaha

Have you ever done the "walmart list" [where you do stupid shit in walmart]??
Hmm? I don't think so.

Have you ever accidentally blown a booger bubble?
HAHAHAHAHA, yeah. I've also PURPOSELY done that too.

Have you ever peed into an empty bottle because you didn't want to stand up and walk to the bathroom?

Have you ever gone to a restaurant and made spit balls with your straw?
Yeah, and then I wake up at like 3AM, wide awake and all pissed off.

Have you ever eaten so fast that you forgot to actually taste your food?
No, but I broke mugs, plates and glasses throwing them against the wall. *lol*

Have you ever stolen somebody's parking spot (i.e. they were waiting to get in there and you were just *that* bit faster)?
HAHA I just did that yesterday. I am a bitch I know lol.

Have you ever yelled at a stranger?