Just becuase we arn't yet capable of understanding the begginings, lets be carefull that we dont just jump to the easy way out and say a god created it to solve the question.
Why is this the easy way out? Having faith is not the easy way out.
Just becuase we arn't yet capable of understanding the begginings, lets be carefull that we dont just jump to the easy way out and say a god created it to solve the question.
Why is this the easy way out? Having faith is not the easy way out.
Just for the record; do any Christians fancy explaining to me how God can be Omniscient and yet we are still supposed to have free will? After all, if God already knows everything I'm going to do in my life then my future is pre-determined.
Can someone please explain this 'religion helps millions of people' stuff to me? Religion helps people when they fall into grief, and quite often that grief is caused by something which any loving God wouldn't allow.
Not to mention religion has indirectly killed so many of millions of people that it is rediculous.
For example:
Second World War and the way the Nazis killed millions of Jews. I still can't believe that that could be allowed to happen by human beings let alone a God.
Countless other wars caused by religion.
General Racism.
I believe in God. I don't know any other way to live. I can honestly say I would be afraid to go on with my life without my faith in my Savior. I am VERY PROUD to call myself a Christian. I believe what I do because I know no other way and because it was handed down to me from the beginning of my life. It comforts me to know that someone else has my back, knows everything about me, knows my heart without me saying, and knows how to comfort me when in sorrow. I believe God has a Plan for everyone and it's up to us to live up to it.
Who else will forgive us when we make the same mistakes over and over? Who else will love us unfailingly, for all time? Who else will forever "have our back"? We will always have someone who will eventiually grow old of our "issues" and "problems", but not God. God is with us all the time. It is such a comfort to know that I am always safe.
As for those people who take it upon themselves to erradicate others based on anger or "religion", I think they are disillusioned and angry people. Any true Christian knows that murder is wrong, no matter what the reason.
Can someone please explain this 'religion helps millions of people' stuff to me? Religion helps people when they fall into grief, and quite often that grief is caused by something which any loving God wouldn't allow.
Not to mention religion has indirectly killed so many of millions of people that it is rediculous.
For example:
Second World War and the way the Nazis killed millions of Jews. I still can't believe that that could be allowed to happen by human beings let alone a God.
Countless other wars caused by religion.
General Racism.
And it goes on and on...
The Crusades happened simply because The Muslims were invading Europe. It was a fight for power.
but if you continue to commit the same sin over and over again, despite how wrong you know it is, he will forgive you for it. Please, i would like somone to explain to me why this is. I don't meen to sound negative at all, but rather completly interested.
Comfort and truth are entirely different. The comfort you may feel is just your faith in him, it doesnt mean its true. Consider a doctor who tell his patient he is fine yet he had terminal cancer, some would prefer him to lie others wouldnt. The god "With us" all the time is just your faith and belief in him. Those questions you ask dont have to be implied by a god.
Considering the bible has huge amount of bloodshed and wars against those against the relegion. Im pretty sure the majority of people whether religious or not know murder is wrong.
Just tell your friend it's comforting to know that a Christian can go out and knowingly sin over and over again and they will be forgiven. Now mass murderers, rapists, and etc can just keep doing what they doing so long as they ask for forgiveness.
The problem is your friend is not understanding that he does not represent the ideals of a Christian. His actions speak louder than his words. Christians are not supposed to be of the world even though they are in the world (aka...not endulging in sex, drugs, and non-Christian activities). I think your friend needs to spend more time reading his Bible and living the way he is supposed to instead of having others look at him and view him as a hypocrite and just like everyone else...it looks bad for the religion.
Christians are not supposed to be of the world even though they are in the world (aka...not endulging in sex, drugs, and non-Christian activities). I think your friend needs to spend more time reading his Bible and living the way he is supposed to instead of having others look at him and view him as a hypocrite and just like everyone else...it looks bad for the religion.