Watch out, an American Christian has arrived!!!!
hehe, just kidding, except that I am an American Christian.
Being raised in the Bible Belt South, I am surrounded by people with very deep rooted spiritual beliefs. Some are more open than others to different thoughts, ideas, etc.
I, myself, do believe in God, and Christ as my Savior. While I believe whole heartedly in this and am not ashamed of it, I do not find it necessary to brow beat those who disagree with what I believe. Everyone should follow their own convictions and do what they believe is right in their hearts. If that leads them down a different path than me, that is their own choice.
Is there a certain level of comfort in spirituality? Yes, of course. However, to me , it is much more than that. There is a certain peace that cannot be described or studied or even debated.
hehe, just kidding, except that I am an American Christian.
Being raised in the Bible Belt South, I am surrounded by people with very deep rooted spiritual beliefs. Some are more open than others to different thoughts, ideas, etc.
I, myself, do believe in God, and Christ as my Savior. While I believe whole heartedly in this and am not ashamed of it, I do not find it necessary to brow beat those who disagree with what I believe. Everyone should follow their own convictions and do what they believe is right in their hearts. If that leads them down a different path than me, that is their own choice.
Is there a certain level of comfort in spirituality? Yes, of course. However, to me , it is much more than that. There is a certain peace that cannot be described or studied or even debated.