From alpha testing to the QUERCUS 200

Congrats on the dropped weight. Any weight dropped for whatever reason is always good.

Hopefully as more of the pounds drop, the back will become less of an issue.
Excellent drop Q!!! Good to see you moving in the right direction. :)

No advice on the cheese scenario. I have been battling the same war with chocolate! :(
I'm sorry that your back is giving you troubles again Quercus. I hope you start feeling better soon. :grouphug:

I'm glad you are losing weight again. You are doing an amazing job. 7.6 pounds in 3 days is a lot :)

I've never eaten cheese on my life (with the exception of a very rare ocassions). I've tried to eat it two times in the recent time, but I seem to react very bad to it.

I hope you start seeing improvements soon on your back and health as you lose weight. Take care of yourself.
We'll see Vee.

I know it Mandy. We will figure things out together.

Athala, thank you buddy! I remember trying to feed my Thai friend pizza when he was new in this country. It blew my mind that he thought cheese was gross. I've eaten raw pork and sugared fish in Thai food, but he could never stand cheese.

I say good for you and my buddy. Cheese is fat and cholesterol and it isn't good for digestion either.
327.2 this morning. That's with drinking last night (within my calories). That's the 8 pound mark since Monday.
8 pounds lost since Monday? That's amazing! I wish I could drop that fast! :) you're doing an amazing job!

And btw.... Cheese is one of my weaknesses too. I have cut way back. And when I do have a cheese craving, I eat string cheese. Somewhat healthier,but still bad, I know. Lol It's so hard to give up the foods you love! But its all worth it in the end! I have quite a few foods that I hated giving up. :( Walmart cupcakes were really hard. Lol I would have 3 of them as a late night snack. But after being without them for almost 4 months, I couldn't imagine eating that many in one sitting! Makes me sick to my stomach to think about.

I hope your back feels better soon! I kniw how hard it is to push through pain to workout. But again... It's worth it in the end! :)
I would eat an entire block of cheese with a whole box of crackers. I also had cheese omelets that were equal parts cheese and eggs. Before I came to this site and was around 350 pounds I would eat a pint of Ben and Jerry's chocolate therapy and then drink beer. That would 100% make me sick these days. I haven't had meat or cheese in over a week. I'm getting used to it, but I will be cooking venison this weekend and making venison jerky soon.

The time off will certainly be challenging and I'll pig out Thanksgiving day. The hope is that I can maintain or lose up until Thanksgiving day and have lost enough that even with the pot turkey bloat that I won't go back into the 330's. I don't want to ever be back in the 330's. I am so excited about getting below 300. Once I get below 300 I will never get that big ever again. I've spent more than 20 years above that point and even got to 400 at the absolute worst. I'm going to make 300 as unimaginable as 400 is to me today.
Good for you Q- 8lbs! That's fantastic! Making 300 as unimaginable as 400 is the way to go. One day you won't even be able to imagine wanting to pig out at all. Ever. The way we think can be manipulated through positive reinforcement & good results help. Cheers, Cate
Thank you Cate. After dreaming about eating last night it is hard to think that I will reach a point where I want want to pig out, but I certainly hope you're right.

326.0 this morning which makes 9.2 pounds since Monday and 1.2 since yesterday. I went to bed quite hungry. I ate right at 1,800, but I stayed up really late after having a normal dinner time. I'm officially on vacation!
It will happen. Once you can say (& feel) that you are slim, your brain will be sending you strong "NO, don't risk going back there" signals! Amazing thing the human brain! Happy vacation :D xoCate
Q, you’ve been doing exceptionally well the past couple of weeks! Be proud of your accomplishment. I think if you do good for food intake this week you should be allowed to enjoy your Thanksgiving, you’ll be just fine. One day may effect the scales for a day or two, but it certainly won’t negate your recent loss. If you’re really concerned come Thanksgiving Day, if it’s nice enough outside wherever you’ll be on Thanksgiving and if your back will allow it, you could always try a walk after then neighborhood after you’re done eating too. It may not burn many calories, but it would be better than none. :)

I had to chuckle when you said you can eat a whole pint of B&J ice cream because that too was one of my trigger foods. I used to only eat the mint & chocolate cookie every now and then, but then I discovered the strawberry cheesecake. OMG! I could probably eat 2 or 3 of those in one sitting still today. Yeah, I’d regret the hell out of it when I was done, but man is that stuff delicious! I can’t remember the last one I bought. I don’t even look at them when I go shopping. I DON’T need that temptation!
Thank you Cate. I look forward to those days. I'm really working towards them now.

Mandy I definitely don't look at any of the ice cream while shopping. I think I had it in early summer when i was messing up and regaining weight when my back was at its worst. I can honestly say that I don't even want it at the moment. Also you look lovely in your new user pic.

Okay well I've done well on calories every day. This makes the end of week 1 of at or close to 1,800 calories a day. My weight is up a bit from Saturday at 326.6 (from 326.0). I am doing what I should and still down 8.4 pounds in a week so I'm not discouraged in the least. I am going to try to uncouple my efforts from the scale a bit. I'm going to try to focus on how I feel and how my clothes fit.

I also intend to donate the largest pants to charity once I can fit into enough of my smaller jeans. I will likely do this more than once as I progress toward 200. What I have done twice is backslide until my largest pants stated to get tight and then get back on track. In 2004 I weighed 400 pounds and my size 46 pants were getting tight. Once I got into a smaller size I ditched the larger pants. I realize that this wasn't a cause of my not returning to 400 pounds, but an effect of my determination to never again be that big.

300 is a weight that I've been around for most of my adult life and even my teen years. I realize that I am in some ways "comfortable" at that weight. Not that I don't feel like crud, but it's what has been the norm for me. Part of this journey is finding a new normal. Not being afraid to leave this current state that I know is miserable compared to a much lighter me.

For a long while my normal will be a changing body. At some point I'll be able to be where I am at a healthy weight and then a new norm of a static healthy weight will have to be built.

A real positive step forward is to plan to toss out my 42s as soon as enough 40s and 38s fit. I won't need them again. I won't ever buy size 42 pants again. You size 40s don't look so smug, you're next!

I walked yesterday for exercise and will likely do the same today. The back has been intermittent, but pretty sensitive the last few days. I did shoot my revolvers yesterday as my hands were steady and my back was okay.
I have been very lax at throwing out old clothes, and so my closet has been overflowing. Coincidentally I'm also sorting through old clothes as I wait for a returned phone call.

While we like to focus on our problems with weight here, I also have a bit of a "pack rat" problem that I'm trying to overcome as well. Things of sentimental value I still don't have a problem keeping around, but ten dollar stuff that maybe one day, theoretically I might have a use for? I need to start pitching it. I'm nothing at all like the hoarder people on the silly reality shows, but enough to be an annoyance.
I kept all my old clothes for a long time, but I finally donated them when I moved last time. It was a great feeling to be rid of them. It was also a big motivator when I went off track and realized my pants were getting tighter, and I'd be walking around without them soon if I didn't get my butt in gear.. lol!

You're doing great! :)

Also, I love Hoarders. It makes me feel like I have extraordinary housekeeping skills. haha!
Although I'm not a pack rat. I am pretty frugal and practical. If I might need it and I have room for it, I want to keep it . It was a minor epiphany to realize that parting with them is an important mental commitment for me. I just need to fit into a couple more pairs and I'll be confident that I won't need them. At least one of that couple buttons up already, but is too snug to be comfortable. I'm guessing 3 teens will see the 42s out of the door.
It is the best feeling to know that you will NEVER need those big sizes again. You will not be needing those big sizes again Q if you convince yourself! I have saved one "elephant" outfit only & that is just because I did love it. It is HUGE, is African, has an Elephant pattern & I loved it. I have always loved Elephants. My late sister bought it for me on Baltimore, on one of my 3 visits. I can't imagine ever being that size again!I also think that if you can get rid of the clutter in your life you will feel much freer! You'll gain the confidence as you go. I'm looking forward to seeing it Q, xo Cate
Thanks Cate! I have a tshirt from my 400 pound days. It was a bit small at my heaviest, but now even at 326 it's a gown.

Back down to 326.0 today. I'm past the 1 week mark with being at 1,800 calories. No meat or dairy for that long too. I have had eggs and I plan to keep doing so. I never thought I could go this long without cheese and now I think it would make me feel sluggish.

It's pretty easy to stay at 1,800 when meat and cheese are out. Vegan and vegetarian foods are pretty filling. It is ironic that when I restrict my diet I eat a wider variety of foods.When meat and dairy are out you have to combine foods to get complete protein in your meal. Tofu, tempeh, seitan, chickpeas, lentils, pinto beans, black beans, nuts, seeds, avacodo, and eggs are the protein sources I've eaten over the past week. It will be tougher to maintain this diet once the field work picks up again. I really need to get the venison jerky and dried fruits and veggies going, but I really don't feel like it at the moment.