Thanks Cate! I have a tshirt from my 400 pound days. It was a bit small at my heaviest, but now even at 326 it's a gown.
Back down to 326.0 today. I'm past the 1 week mark with being at 1,800 calories. No meat or dairy for that long too. I have had eggs and I plan to keep doing so. I never thought I could go this long without cheese and now I think it would make me feel sluggish.
It's pretty easy to stay at 1,800 when meat and cheese are out. Vegan and vegetarian foods are pretty filling. It is ironic that when I restrict my diet I eat a wider variety of foods.When meat and dairy are out you have to combine foods to get complete protein in your meal. Tofu, tempeh, seitan, chickpeas, lentils, pinto beans, black beans, nuts, seeds, avacodo, and eggs are the protein sources I've eaten over the past week. It will be tougher to maintain this diet once the field work picks up again. I really need to get the venison jerky and dried fruits and veggies going, but I really don't feel like it at the moment.