Food diary from 8pm yesterday to 8 pm today:
Late dinner: leftover Chinese eggplant sauce and rice re-heated on a pan with frozen corn and shrimp
Bedtime snack: leftover Chinese eggplant sauce and rice re-heated on a pan with frozen corn and seitan
Breakfast: one beetroot bun with chevre cheese
Lunch: leftover Chinese eggplant sauce with edamame, corn, seitan, and udon noodles, a protein shake
Snack: 2,5 dl of potatoes served with a drizzle of walnut oil and chili hummus
Snack/treat: a sugared energy drink (500ml)
Ok, well. To be honest, I'm really pround that I've eaten this frequently even though I've felt like absolute sh*t. I'm also pleasantly surprised at my ability to stretch out the takeout food to carry me through so many meals - and in the state I currently am, the fact that I knew I had a sauce base I could use to make whatever I had lying around taste good was really a god send. I'll have to remember this the next time I'm in a bad place. After all, the issue with Chinese takeout isn't usually that the food were totally subpar - the portion sizes are just way too big and the sauces are high in sodium and often also sugar, as well as being high in fat. But this time I had one moderate meal of the plain stuff and then tinkered around it to last me two days. (I still have a small bowl of the stuff and udon noodles sitting in the fridge, I'll have it soon.)
The sugared energy drink was something I bought at my local kiosk when picking up a parcel. I thought it would be a nice substitute for beer, which is was. I mean, sugar is sugar, but I tend to prefer savoury and fatty foods, as well as bitter tastes like beer, and hot and spicy foods. It gave me that little rush, but all in all I don't enjoy the taste as much really. I think I might try to keep a small stash of alcohol free beer in my fridge and see if that works for me?
And yeah when it comes to fresh produce my diet today has been lacking. But this was the best I could do, and I do feel nourished so at least that's not contributing to my overall anxiety.