Floater's diary

Breakfast was a bowl of spring soup with shredded chicken. Off to the gym now!
Made it to the gym. Carb deprived so had one Lindt praline and one M-150 energy drink in the locker room so I won't drop a dumbbell on my piggy wiggies
Tonight I've been chilling and napping and snacking, healthy stuff but also chocolate and cheese, but I felt like my body needed it :)
Breakfast: a bowl of cherries.

Feeling a bit meh after eating random stuff yesterday. A walk to the hairdresser should clear my noggin.
Ended up having a mini hike to Kalkkikallio. Had lunch there: a banana, a salami stick, and a bag of baby carrots. Bought some brie and parmesan on my way back. Now having the last of my cabbage casserole.
Let Heikki out for a run and put moisturizer onto his earlobes because they were looking a little bit dry again. Tomorrow is gym day, and I´ll clean his cage tomorrow and fill his dust bath with fresh bathing sand.

I feel a bit antsy, no idea why. I have half a mind to walk to the big supermarket and buy more chocolates. But I probably won´t lol. I need a little break from sweets or I won´t enjoy them as much and what´s the point of eating them then?
Feeling a bit meh after eating random stuff yesterday
Isn't that how it always is? Short-term profit vs long-term happiness.
I feel a bit antsy, no idea why. I have half a mind to walk to the big supermarket and buy more chocolates.
Maybe because your body is getting used to having regular sweets again? I know I get antsy when my body is starting to ask for sweets.
Isn't that how it always is? Short-term profit vs long-term happiness.
I mean yeah but also no because I wanted fast carbs yesterday and I had fast carbs yesterday. Then again those carbs fueled me for a hike today. With my ED history I am not going to make sugar a devil here, sorry :D It gets dark fast for me.
Maybe because your body is getting used to having regular sweets again? I know I get antsy when my body is starting to ask for sweets.
But my body never was used to regular sweets.
You seem to be getting to know what your body needs. I miss cherries & have been buying cherry juice & having a little glass of it in the morning. I SO love cherries!
That sounds so sweet rubbing moisturiser into Heikki's ears 💜
That sounds so sweet rubbing moisturiser into Heikki's ears 💜
He's not a huge fan but doesn't resist either when I bribe him with sunflower seeds! 🥰

Had a snack of more cheese & crackers. Will have mango next and then sardines if I still feel hungry!
Dinner left me hungry so I had a snack of cherries, crackers, Brie, and Parmesan. Now I´ll vacuum, clean Heikki´s cage, and hang the laundry.
Clean-up all done. Bowl of spring soup. Took out pineapple to thaw.

I need to do food prep tomorrow!
I'm afraid this is going to be a sleepless night.