I guess I am feeling rather wordy today.....more ramblings
Over the last few weeks I have spent alot of time being dissatisfied with my level of fitness and overall appearance. I have focused on what I don't want and devoted alot of time and energy into that undesired image. I am actually giving it energy of sorts and taking away from the positive in my life. Quite honestly this negative self talk has made me TIRED. Many times I get discouraged if I can't fix something in one big project and this is one area of life that requires small steps. I am beginning to realize that I can not expect to be instantly fit and stay that way without taking those little steps everyday of my life. I believe the "secret" is my perspective and what I choose to see. If I continue to visualize myself as out of shape with no time to change then that will be the result. Now that I know the secret I am going to do something about it!
Hi Missy,
I don't usually post in others journals, but wanted to send some words of encouragement from one mom to another
The mental aspect (I believe) is the greatest hurdle. I can completely understand what you mean about seeing the negatives, and not giving enough attention to the positives. Focus on what you want to achieve. Even if it takes posting pictures, your favorite skinny jeans, inspiration to keep you focused on what you WILL achieve, and not what haven't.
You have the right attitude, and that's the first step
I would literally keep myself going by reminding myself while I was working out what I wanted to accomplish, and that to do it, I had to keep going.
You can do this. You need to set a time for YOU. Give yourself some attention. The family will survive
I also have twins, they and they have special needs. I too had to "adjust my mentality" to put myself in there as an important part of my day. You can too! Take care of yourself, and it will make it better for you and everyone around you too!
You go girl, keep yourself motivated, take care of yourself and make it happen!
By the way, I was where you were some years back. 5'7", 156 lbs, I did what you are doing now, and now I'm 5'7", 125lbs and have held this weight for a long time because taking care of myself is just as important as taking care of my family.
You'll make it, just remember YOU are important!