Fiera's Diary


4:30 wake up. Kdog's gut was fiercely gurgling. Not sure whether I forgot her bedtime pain pill or whether it's food related. It was 4:30 so I gave her a pain pill, a pepcid, took her out for a potty,,then brought her in for breakfast. She turned up her nose at regular breakfast, regular cookies, turkey and oatmeal, and special cookies. Finally she atea bit of scrambled eggs. She had a little limp today. She had a little limp yesterday. Limp could be a sign of advancing osteo after all but just need to wait and see. Knowing NDog is about to meet the adopters makes me want to put the brakes on that, but I feel like I am on a trajectory, a tractor beam pulling me along toward settling him with this family.

Eyes are shutting, perhaps I can get a bit more of a nap. I have CB this morning then dashing back out to my Dad's.
Friday Eve.
Time for pepperoni pizza and vodka.
Got out email regarding next transport and am turning off all devices for the first time in forever.
Well, I fell asleep quite early. Funny thing is, I turned off phone and e-mail to create space for myself. And when I turned devices back on I had not heard from anyone. Granted an hour and a half is not a long time. But it felt really great to be able to claim space and silence for myself. I had not been unplugging primarily because of the need to be accessible 24/7 for my Dad. But last night I knew he was OK.

The catalyst was me hitting a breaking point, We went to the cardiologist earlier in the dad. Dad's weight was up 6 pounds in 2 weeks since rehab..all fluid. He is on a lower dose right now of diuretic which is probably contributing. But right there on the wall was a poster about sleep apnea and how it affects the body's systems. So I said to the cardiologist that my dad isn't getting much Bipap time and might that be contributing? He immediately seized on that and started a tough love lecture to my dad about any time he is sleeping or napping that he MUST wear that thing, it is life and death. My Dad looked upset and didn't say anything but he heard the message. Later in the car he expressed anger with me about it and said that the doctor would not have even brought it up if I had not mentioned it. He won't sit down with the DNR form even to formalize the things he says to me orally. He doesn't want to see the keep specialist. Finally Peaches said what I was feeling, which is if my Dad doesn't want to do the things the doctors recommend, then why are we going through the effort of going to all these appointments? If he doesn't get his underlying conditions stabilized he won't get his knee replacements. Even the cardio doc said he feels my dad is in denial. I ended up going home and not staying for his in home haircut. I knew my Dad needed time and space to digest the doctor's lecture without me and Peaches nagging him. We were all irritated. And as I suspected when I checked in this morning he had made a renewed effort last night to wear the Bipap. And his weight was down 1.5 pounds. Seven years now we have been at this. No wonder Peaches and I are tired.

Riley posted yesterday about experiencing medical PTSD and caregiver burnout. At first I did not recognize it and then of course I did. I looked and there are support groups. Maybe even more important for Peaches than for me.

I suspect that my Dad will not have his surgery in November now. Likely I will just be taking care of him for a week so Peaches can go to FL with her family. It feels more manageable to me if he is not going to be post-op. Proggy can come out and the 3 of us can have Tgiving together. Maybe EF will come over for a visit or my Dad will be willing to head over to her house for a bit (stairs though). other news NDog's prospective is a go to meet him BUT the hubby has COVID and the wife is playing the waiting we will see about next week. Now that it is pretty much a done deal I am actually ready to get going. I need to simplify.

CB and I talked yesterday about the forthcoming period of emptiness in my life. The one where NDog is gone, and KDog and my Dad are both gone. 3 key friends are no longer around. First off, I noted with some gratitude how life's wisdom has taught me to anticipate it and be better aware and prepared. My divorce taught me, I was blindsided by the gaping chasm in my life and yet it also was a period of substantial personal growth and exploration. She posed the question of what I can do to prepare? Well for one, I can be thinking about and prioritizing the trips I would like to take, and think about with whom. I can refocus on emptying things out of my house so life is more light and mobile. I can reinforce connections with the friends who I will likely hope to spend more time with, I can accept that certain chapters and books in my life are really closed and think about what I want for myself. I can start getting more physically fit and stronger so that I will be capable of travel, hiking, kayaking, etc.

It was a hopeful discussion really. She says that she feels like I have not let go of being a young person, of having the thoughts and hopes and expectations for myself which might have been more well suited for a younger age. And that I will do well to accept and embrace the "averageness" of my existence, come to terms that my ideals of an "extraordinary life" are ill defined and not serving me. Also my own corollary to add to this, is that it must reveal something to me about myself that I have spent literally years taking care of CDog during his last 6 months; EDog during his 3+ year battle with cancer; KDog during her last several years with colitis; Dad for 7 years with his repeated hospitalizations and mobility/medical challenges....supporting S...supporting Proggy...supporting AN...I get more than I give out of all of these relationships. But my point is, doesn't this behavior tell me that I get more value out of feeling loyal and dedicated and supportive and self-sacrificing than I do out of having adventures at all costs? These are ultimately willful choices I am making. It is not all about picking "broken" or "needy" people, right? It is not all about guilt, right? It is also that there is something inside me that craves people (and pups) who are willing to be vulnerable with me, who let me be there for them, which gives me a sense of purpose. If I was truly alone without meaningful connection, how long would I last? And yet, I *am* burned out now, and need some time to recharge my batteries and explore who I am and what I want.

As usual, I am not unique or even rare in this regard, I find when I look that I am very, very ordinary and human. I am not broken after all. I am just tired and will benefit from a next chapter in life where I am not responsible for another person (or creature's) well-being.
Tree guy just called. Maple will come down on Monday. The last remaining tree from when I moved into this house 25 years ago. The only constant is change. At least this won't be hanging over my head any more. The seasonal heat in the summer though will be rough...
Well, NDog's potential adopters asked about his know health info so I sent it but not before (again) asking Pixy about the probable histiocytoma which has not yet resolved. There is no way I would support adopting him out without it either resolving or being tested, and after sending photos off to the consulting vet she advised we need to have a fine needle aspirate performed to ensure it is not a mast cell tumor.
Obviously hoping that this beautiful and delicate creature doesn't have yet another hill to climb in his young life. If it is, I will likely just adopt him myself, knowing his road to anyother permanent home would be a long way off. I love him too much to let that happen.

So much for the not having any creature to care for. Maybe it is just my nature - or fulfills a fundamental need. We will see what unfolds...

Rainy and chilly, but not cold (thankfully). I feel sympathy for my Dad, who absolutely detests the cold and winter and would be on his way to FL if not for his health issues. Now, it is unclear whether he will make it down there later this fall....or never again. One of his friends is coming over to watch the football game with him today at least, though it might serve him better to get out of the house and go watch in a bar or something.

I was walking KDog around the hood in the wet conditions, and found myself reflecting again on the great emptiness ahead. A Smiths song popped into my head and I was singing it aloud, music being welcome after so much absence. The song (Last Night I Dreamt That Somebody Loved Me) was a soul wrenching anthem much of my early adulthood. Now I am pleased to note that while it evokes echoes of Fiera Ago, it doesn't hit me with the same degree of existential angst. Of course I am not yet IN the actual emptiness so I can't say how that is going to feel. And maybe I will be OK, since I know better how life works, ebbs and flows.

I did end up singing KDog's song after that as well.

Lately I have watched Nomadland a few times. I guess it's a theme that has been resonating. Each time I pick up more nuances of Fern's lived experience and thoughts and feelings. Last time I noted how she reacted to the conversation at her sister's...and the assumption that others made that she chose willfully to be living that life, instead of the reality that she is living in PTSD response and it is a way of surviving on her own terms in a life which dealt her some cruel and unusual blows.

She ends up rejecting offers from those who care about her....a sister who will never really understand/connect with her, and a male friend who has an obvious crush on her. But "belonging" to people in security but a life that is not true to herself is not possible, and she walks away, with swiftness and intent, into an emptiness which may or may not hold something more for her. So many of those people are lost and searching and finding occasional friendship but no permanence...maybe that feels a bit like me. Maybe I just find the people and pups who want and need support, because dependency brings security without requiring intimacy and complexity.

When I divorced, I always expected there would be another relationship, and there were, just not the permanent kind that I envisioned. Maybe like CB says, my "picker" is broken. Well, I am in no position now to be looking, and maybe that will come in time. It's just that time is marching along and suddenly I am in my mid 50's and exactly WHEN do I think I will start getting out west into the great expanse?

I am not sure this post is going anywhere further.I just looked about and cannot bear this clutter and disorganization so that is a good aim for today. And may hike with Proggy later if the sun emerges and dries things out a bit.
Uh. Inertia.

Have been eating like crud since a blowout night last night. Not sure what happened. I made sweet potato and mushroom tacos, healthy and light. But being a carnivore, I went back in and made an italian chicken sausage with a bit of rom-parm cheese. Ooh yummy cheese. That led to some naan bread with olive oil and more cheese. Then a gigantic amount of popcorn with lots of salt. And a chocolate bar.

Today has been only marginally better. I tried to hold out and got into milano cookies left over from the last transport. I am getting so big. Nothing fits. Why can't I get a grip? Food is such an addiction. I am a food addict. I also have zero excuse not to exercise and yet I just cannot get any energy going. I realize it is a self reinforcing deadly cycle. How can I urge my dad to take better care of himself when I am not able to lead by example?

Fiera, you had better get a grip on what you want your life to be like. A year from now, will future Fiera be living life, or just being buffeted by the winds?
OK. So I finished dinner and am going to try fasting until lunch tomorrow. Sometimes "shutting down" the eating for the evening works better than searching around for snacks which are healthy/low cal.

I unboxed the cases of wet foods and took some of them downstairs. Got the empty boxes outside so I can break them down tomorrow. Usually I enjoy this weather but am feeling the damp chill in the house today. I might have some clean sweats which would help.

Pixy called to check in. Will take NDog to the consulting vet Tuesday afternoon or Thursday, depending on availability.

Maple comes down tomorrow.

Proggy stayed home which I was fine with. He is coming up for a 3-day weekend next weekend most likely.

Movie channel has been playing good flicks all day. I could be doing my cash acounts reconciliation or tracking RSVP's for the transport but I just feel muddled. Perhaps tomorrow. Some structure (updated to-do list for example) would probably help.

I feel a bit overwhelmed right now even though things with my dad have lightened up. Brain full.?.

Maple is down. It is incredible how quickly it goes with a good crew and the right equipment. And nothing landed on the roof, I am happy to say. I think I was fairly resigned to the idea, but of all the trees this is the one I thought I would get really emotional about. Perhaps if they had cut into it and it was not all that bad, I would have had remorse. It was the opposite, reinforcing that the decision was necessary and smart. The tree guy said it was worse than he thought, he had thought it was the one area but the rot actually ran all the way down into the soil.

A couple of neighbors came by, dismayed, as I am sure everyone in the area will be about losing a 50-60 foot Norweigian maple. However when I pointed out the damage and explained the efforts and money I had put into it during the past decade, it disarmed any distress they might have felt. Not that I owe anyone an explanation. But I know how it feels to see a beloved tree cut down and not know the backstory. I may even put something up on the neighborhood page.

I can see the buildings across the street now, and the view looks OK. The side view, well, will only improve with a fence. I have this idea that I might put in a 3 car garage with an apartment (zoning permitting) in the back. I need to think it all through. The rear neighbor let me come in and view his shadowbox fence. It lets in light and air and you can't see too much through it unless you get really up close. TBD.

The one thing I really notice is now small my little house looks now. The tree filled the side yard and took up so much space that it wasn't as obvious. Now, it really does look tiny on this big lot.

I finished fasting at 1:30 though I did have a snack last night which pushed back the entire timetable. Had 1.5 roast beef sandwiches...I was hungry. And my body needed red meat.

KWalker is coming soon. The dogs handled the racket OK. I don't feel like I have much else to talk about right now.
It's always sad to see a big old tree come down, but not when they have become dangerous. Would your block be able to be subdivided, Fiera into two separate titles? If you are happy living in the area it may not be a bad idea to consider building a unit for yourself & selling your house-just a thought.
Hi Cate. It is two tax/title lots already, but the extra one is sub-standard size and would not be considered very developable. It is very narrow and my house is built right up to the border so the required setbacks make it impractical to do something conventional. I should check with the buildings department though to see if there is an arrangement I may be eligible for which I am not aware of. Thanks for the thought! Yes I love my area so much it has been difficult to consider moving!

I leave in an hour to go pick up Dad and take for pulmonary function testing. It is the third time in 3 or 4 years and he does not want to go. Yesterday I found a caregiver support group. Right away I saw this woman's comment on a post which resonated. She said that stubborn wilfullness is often the most exhausting and heartbreaking part of being a caregiver. It was in context of someone who is a fall risk not waiting for an aide and doing transfers and taking showers on her own...with no panic button in place. Others chimed in agreeing, and some went on to say that you can only do so much. and they will eventually fall. Even this small group made me realize how many thousands of people are experiencing these little life dramas day to day all over the country.

It also made me feel a little gentler with myself. Pixy has told me she went throuh the slow decline with her own mom, who had dementia. My dad largely has his mental faculties, though I think some of the decline is masked because his world is so small now. He used to check his stock portfolio all the time and now he doesn't even bring it up. Same with current events on the news...I can be grateful that he is not watching extreme right wing news on his computer any longer. I think he just struggles to do things on the computer now. I will find out more when I am there for a week over thanksgiving.

My joy over having Tgiving dinner evaporated when I realized I probably was going to have to cook it all from scratch to get a low sodium version. I usually just order a kit meal from WF and the food is great and you just heat it up. Well...I will figure it out I suppose. I will have to see if anyone sells a low sodium version. Proggy will come out of course and I will have KDog and hopefully by then Ndog will be in his permanent home.

Speaking of NDog, today I also take him to the consulting vet so we can have his lump aspirated and see what it is. Fingers crossed it is not cancer as I really don't know what that will mean in terms of treatment and my time investment...especially with the holiday ahead.

I got a significant amount of decluttering done innthe main part of the house yesterday. All the food for the transport is put away and the boxes I don't need were taken out and recycled, The supplies which made their way to my house for the valentines fundraiser were put in the basement, Some books were taken to the free library down the street. I went thru the items in front and put them in boxes which can be put out as freebox items. Shredded some of Dad's hospital records we no longer need. It does feel a bit more serene and there is room to breathe.

If the dog ramp dries out sufficiently tomorrow morning I will get stain for it and seal it up. There is also a gap I need to get some filler for, where the wood was warped.

I am procrastinating a bit and need to get in the shower.
First, NDog is OK. Turned out his lump was a large sebaceous cyst which was full of infected pus. Yuck. Vet drained and flushed it and I am to flush and treat with antibiotic ointment, Hopefully in a couple of days it will be scabbed over and ready to go. His family is planning to meet him on Sunday.

Dad did his test and then we went out to lunch. He got a beef tips with noodles and soup which were probably loaded with salt, The special comes with a scoop of ice cream which he also had (chocolate). It is disappointing that in the moment he cannot make decisions which will help him get to his knee surgery. Yet when we probe him on whether he would just rather knock off all the appointments and go with palliative care, he doesn't want to do that either.

(ETA: I AM my father's daughter...!)

I was very tired by the time I got home at 7PM. Not motivated this morning to work on staining the dog ramp but after coffee I will probably perk up.

Also, signed up for a marathon lottery. It's a fall marathon next year. It will be a while til I know whether I got in. Maybe the singularity of a crystal clear training goal will help. There are other marathons if I don't get in to the one I picked.

My weight is 187.8. In 12 months if I lost an average of 4 pounds per month that would be 48 pounds or I would weigh 140...I was higher than that weight I was when I last ran. It has been 4 and a half years. 20 of those pounds I put on just this year. Not having a stronger/more walkable dog was part of it. Also my issues with skin and sunshine. And contact lenses. And my terrible eating, both binge eating and food choices. And devoting a substantial amount of time to my dad's care...but truthfully, one can nearly always find time to exercise for 30 minutes daily. It is not an excuse.

I have to get back in some kind of physical condition if I want to travel, kayak, and do things with a feeling of zest and liberty. And safety. Nobody wants to hike trails or go sightseeing at such a weight that every step is a chance to get injured.

If it becomes necessary, I can try the O medicine...but I would prefer not to.
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Digging back into how I did this before...high level
Roughly 1200-1300 IN daily
Exercise 3 mile walk or video strength/flex 2+3
5 or 6 mile extended walk/jog on weekend
Smart food choices and small healthy snacks when needed
Carrot sticks
Red pepper sticks
Pico de gallo with baked tortilla cups
Count calories - log everything which goes in my mouth
Just do it attitude - don't procrastinate or make excuses
Son of a gun. My calorie counting app has been discontinued. All my history is gone, and a couple of recipes also. I'll have to poke around and find out what people are using these days.
OK. I found an alternative app. I put in everything I ate for breakfast (at 11) and dinner (at 4). I was feeling pretty good about my choices until I added them up.

Apparently the beef burger patty I grilled was a bad idea. The brand may have a high fat content. Also, both the spinach and seafood blend were cooked in EVOO...I will try to get by with a smaller amount. Finally the salad dressing from the beloved Italian place may have to take a back seat to some lower calorie alternatives.

The app set a "base goal" of 1260 for me, which seems about right. I am already at 1275 with those 2 meals. Well....awareness is progress. Even if I am annoyed that there is no room left for a smallish meal later.

I only took a shortish walk with KDog today so it's time to force myself to go take a walk. Another shift will be getting out of the house more.
I ordered a new pair of running shoes today. Will probably go get a new set of orthopedic inserts as well.
I try to eat fresh food, rather than processed & it's easier to stick to my calories. I'm starting off with 1500 a day though & going to drop it by 500 if I haven't lost anything. Logging is good to show you where you slip up.
Inhale. Exhale.
I don't know where the time goes. Unproductive and tired.
I have nervous energy. It may be from the 2nd dose of W I finally tried taking this afternoon. Hopefully it won't impact my sleep.
I did take both dogs for a walk, only 1m total. I have tried 4 different harnesses on NDog and cannot find one which entirely avoids the healing cyst spot.
Now it is dark. So not used to walking dogless these days.
Need to find my safety items. I have an idea where they are. Would be easier to find if I had less clutter (hint hint push push).