6;30 last night drove to a dark industrial area to do more headlight testing. After that, back to the car wash guy "Mario" who offered to look if I came back in the evening darkness before closing. He thinks they look OK, not worth the money for a small increment in brightness. Proggy reiterated on phone he thinks they are dim, it is not just me. I can tell a difference if I make a right circle or a left circle, left I have leading headlights, right not so much. It might be something with one of the adaptive headlight features. I just need for this to be resolved. There are bigger fish to fry.
Right now my commitment is to make a decision to try *something* in the next 2 days. It most likely will be letting them try to put new bulbs in, unless the technician sees something else. It can't hurt. Please Universe, let it just be the bulbs, I have some much larger expenditures coming my way.
I don't even know that I documented my discovery Friday? when I went up to check the attic pans and looked up. The apex of that relatively flat section of roof of the anddition, above the dormer where it joins the main part of the roof...has split. Splintered. This is why the place where the water is coming in shifted a bit. Now we are at DEFCON2 with having to do something with the roof. And have a structural inspection to make sure it's not coming from settlement. And maybe even just do a larger overhaul of the addition. Get rid of the dormer altogether. Etc. Or get the hell out and board it up. I will go look at it again after I get my car situation and the transport details done. I have got to compartmentalize. I also cannot afford to spend weeks in denial. I have so much to do. Wrap up taxes. Fly down, finish Dad taxes, bring him back up here. Must try to get as much done as possible before his surgery. Even transport details I may have to delegate, though I did a lot of work on that yesterday.
I am not a prayer. I don't believe in a higher power. The most spirituality I have ever been able to muster is a prayer for me to find my best right place in the Universe, and to be where I am supposed to be. Now more than ever, I need to listen. Much as the easy solution is to offer to move in with my Dad and Peaches, sell my house and help with caretaking, it feels in my body like the wrong move. Much as I saw that accepting the global promotion in my business job would prematurely end the explorative phase of my life in my early 40's, I see that moving in with them will be the premature death of my dream of early retirement before I have even kicked it off.
Interestingly, Pixy mentioned to me that in her experience, having a condo was just as much headache as having a house; it consumed so much of her bandwidth to try to get anything done.
This may force me to look for a home and make tradeoffs in a much swifter manner. But perhaps that is what I need. I always had deadlines at work. I am that person who they admonish "perfect is the enemy of good". I am a devil's advocate, an out of the box problem solver, but I am always looking for the solution which is the "optimal" outcome. When you are dealing with unknowns, you can just take opinions and information and put it all into the mental computer and come up with a solution. Maybe that is why the situation with the house has been so perplexing. I did all the homework and I did the repairs I was told and it didn't work. Spectacularly.
I think there are two differences. At work, though I was certainly talented and invested in the work and decisions, in the end other than performance reviews and bonuses, the project recommendations did not feel like an existential threat. (Politics and people did.) The house, it feels like an existential threat. Both physically and financially. Possibly mostly financially, it would benefit me to spend some time sitting with that fear. Also spend some time visualizing my life WITHOUT that fear.
Second, at work, there were always other people involved in vetting the decision. We would brainstorm together to get an accepted set of assumptions (even if I didn't always agree with them). Put them in the cooker and come up with a recommendation. I'm used to having other people validate and share responsibility for the outcome. Maybe I like to hide in numbers. Maybe I felt more supported. Maybe it's like being in school where there was a "right answer" confirmed by someone else.
I was more confident in dealing with facts and information (analytics) and not with people (contractors, funky house problems which stump contractors). This is definitely not my forte. And I am not sure I really want to spend more years of my retirement MAKING it my forte. I may not have a choice. But it would be a good idea to buy a new house before I open up the wallet and start pouring endless amounts of money into the current one.
I so am not seeing how it will be possible to do that while dad is coming up to get knee surgery and rehab. But maybe this is the excuse I need to take care of myself first, instead of driving out there most days and keeping him company for hours on end. It's not like last time when he had a medical crisis. it's just a knee replacement, and Peaches will mostly be there.
Fiera's Fighting Plan for Today (Because moving forward is ALL that I can do)
Prepare basement for Intake
Intake shopping list and remaining to do's
Clean Laundry fold/put away
Walk Outdoors (group walk at 11!)
Check for Tax Updates
72t Calculation / Ask Q's
Budget Categories/Spending/Cash Remaining
Clean eating (stupid hummus is not my friend, nor are the transport cookies) Gah!
Color hair
Been nice journaling in the bed with my matcha and now decaf. I did start last night on the couch but I think I moved in the bed around 12:30. I was hot (the usual reason I relocate). I slept fitfully again because my mind was working on the split in the rafters. And other signs of stress on an old structure, most of which I think are old repairs failing.
The Universe is gently nudging me to take steps and see possibilities. I will rise. My health is better than it was a couple of years ago. I no longer have S and AN taking up bandwidth. I have let Jason drift, because of my weight but also because I just don't desire around complicated people/situations. Proggy has been giving me space and so has my Dad. I have turned a corner on Women's Club and feel that is in the past. I have reconnected with my meditation group. I'm OK. I'm capable. I'm stronger. I'm not smoking. I am making my bed and taking a shower every day.

I have stopped outgrowing my clothes. I have made a dent in declutterring, donating, tossing some things, and finding that the passage of time is making parting with certain things easier. I'm OK and I will continue to be OK. Simple is good. I'm right where I need to be right now...taking care of myself, and my infastructure and just letting everyone else sit.
Yay. Self Care is not selfish. I don't need people who require so much time/attention that it draws me away from taking care of myself. It's a nice quiet space here in my bedroom, with my comfy bed and my matcha and coffee. A place of respite in spite of the nightmares going on above the den next door. I'm in the "original" part of the house, the den is an addition on the rear. Last night I kissed an old growth lumber upright between the living and dining room and told the house that we were going to be OK. And I meant it.
Off to shower so I can be out the door in 20 to meet the dog walking group. It's nice and sunny! I'm running so late because of the time change last night.