- Hi Cate. It's so sad how that cliquishness is such a common theme for everyone. There's a difference between having a few close friends versus going out of your way to keep someone out of the loop. It's been done to me many times and it's difficult to overcome that. But like I said to my friend, you're better off without them. You really are.
I don't get why social situations turn into competitive sports.
This sentence is so spot on. More about that below.
So, things have been a bit tenuous with the team, as you have been reading, and today I 'won' a trivia quiz that one of the lads had put together, and it was an interesting vibe, to say the least. People to seem to take it as a personal insult if you are smarter than them on some things. But, as I said already, I'm sick of pretending I don't like these things and that I'm not interested in winning for the sake of their egos. I mean, we went on this zip-lining thing a few years ago where I was the biggest baby and couldn't do anything on it, so it's not like I am excelling all round me. I am a weakling in a lot of ways. But I really get the vibe that I am pissing a lot of people off right now.
And no, it is not my imagination, because this was my life in school all the time. If I actually start getting really good at tennis, I will be despised in no time. That's the way it goes.
I have to laugh - I was telling Dad about the loss last night in tennis, but that I won the quiz today, and now I'm on a winning streak. And he was like, 'Well, general knowledge doesn't have much in common with tennis, does it?' Lol. I really appreciate having honest parents. People think I am really spoilt as an only child, and I am in some ways, but my parents are not under any illusions about my abilities.
Besides the trivia win, I got two fantastic emails full of high praise today, and one message from another guy who told me I was great to work with. It really was a Fun Friday.
Of course, I am punishing myself for having a good day by drinking wine and making any chance I have of winning my tournament match tomorrow smaller. I was considering this conundrum earlier, and I really think it boils down to me not feeling I deserve any of the good things. And so I punish myself by making myself tired and fat.
I just know my life is on the cusp of being so great. I mean, it's GOOD. But I am missing out on a loving relationship, and I really want that.
P.S. I texted the coach today about the lesson (that was not suggested by me!). No response.