Eat what I want but only at certain times

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intellect speaking....
RaVae is back from having a well chewed* lunch at Olive Garden with her sis. RaVae loves Olive Garden. She ate a lot but not to the point of hurting. And she's not going to eat again until tomorrow at 7 unless she feels lots of hunger pangs.

*Thought I might tell about RaVae's journey from scarfing food to well chewing food.
About a year ago she went to the hospital with horrendous stomach pains. She was in so much pain she couldn't even lay down to take x-rays. They had to give her morphine for the pain to take the tests. They were taking about putting her in the hospital and maybe even surgery. And RaVae had plans to leave town the next day to go on a huge vacation.

Then another doctor came in and said maybe you don't need to be hospitalized if you can follow some very strict rules for a week. The main rule was you need to only eat liquidish food for the next week. RaVae said she would. He also said it was her choice rather she went on vacation or not.

Fast forward three day into the vacation...
RaVae had been eating only liquidish type food and her tummy is doing fine. She starts adding foods but being sure she chews them to liquid before she swallows. She does this for a week and continues because she's afraid more pain, hospital and possible surgery.

What she learned... RaVae found that she really enjoys chewing/tasting her food. For the first time in her life she really knows what things taste like. (Having never really chewed before she didn't realize what she was missing. All this created very strong conditioning for chewing in her mind. In fact this kind of opened the world of chew before you swallow to her.) Sometimes bad things have huge silver linings!
Intellect here...Aha I'm having right now as I type
The mind is working overtime trying to get me to let RaVae eat. If I let her eat it won't make the mind happy, I think the mind is incapable of being happy. It's too conditioned and there is no happiness conditioning in it. I think I can be happy or at least less unhappy; if I can just hang tight and not give in to the minds destructive eating for no good reason conditioning.

If I just keep coming here when the destructive mind gets to much for me to handle alone. I choose to believe those that keep reading my thread are cheering for me.
And it gives me strength.
Intellect speaking...
RaVae made it til morning. In the morning I'm the strongest and the mind is most manageable: most mornings anyway.
It's important for me to remember that at night.
Note to me; All I have to do is make it until morning and things will be easier again.
intellect here...
RaVae finished breakfast another strawberry, super green smoothie. It was well tasted and yummy. She is having lunch with a friend and she won't eat again until then.
Intellect speaking.....
The mind is throwing a fit right now it does not want me to check in!
RaVae had a yummy well tasted lunch with her friend and she is not going to eat again until 5 or she feels lots of hunger pangs.

RaVae is on her way to meet with her daughter and grand babes and the mind thinks we should just leave everything up in the air and just see what happens. Which is fine with me except where food is concerned.
Intellect here...
RaVae has finished dinner and she's quite full but not hurting. And she's not going to eat until 7 tomorrow unless she feels lots of hunger pangs.
Intellect musing...

RaVaes' mind has destructive conditioning around exercise and activity. Kind of like an exercise addict in the mind. The mind refutes me constantly when I want to call certain activities exercise. This week RaVae mowed the lawn and she doesn't have a self propelled mower. Another day she washed, waxed and vacuumed her car, it took over an hour. She also walk around a park looking at flowers with her friend but being she stopped frequently her mind was having no part of calling any of the activates exercise.

I wouldn't mind some input on this. What do those of you reading my thread think?
RaVae I have read your thread most days but I have trouble getting my head around your format so have not contributed. I wasn't certain that you wanted any input. If you do want some more support consider starting a diary in the diary section of the forum. You'll find it here- There are a great bunch of people there, all trying to get healthier. Have a look around the other diaries & see what you think.
To help us try to help you consider providing some information- Cheers, Cate.
intellect speaking...
RaVae had cookie dough and cookies for breakfast. Yum, Yum. she's very very full a little sick to her tummy but not hurting. She really like cookies.

And now she's going to not eat until she feels lots of hunger pangs or tomorrow morning.
Intellect speaking...
It's almost 5 pm and I think RaVae is beginning to feel some hunger. I'm going to wait until I'm sure.

It sure helps when I state here my intentions for RaVae. She went to the mall with her daughter and grandbabes and didn't eat a thing at lunch even thought everyone was eating. That's not always easy for her even when she's not hungry, like she wasn't at lunch.
Intellect musing...
I think it's interesting what RaVae chooses to eat each time she eats. IE...This morning she wanted cookie dough and cookies for breakfast and for dinner she wanted a can of green beans with yogart butter and 2 boiled eggs. I don't put any food restriction on her I let her eat what she wants. I also let her eat as much as she wants short of making her tummy hurt; usually anyway. :angelsad2:

Intellect speaking...
RaVae is not going to eat until 7 am unless she feels a lot of hunger pangs.
intellect speaking...
Like I said in an earlier post; stating what RaVae will or won't do closes the door but it doesn't lock it.
And the mind conditioning let her eat more last night.
Consequently I'm going to have her wait until at least 9 am and it's 7 now or she fills hunger to eat again.

PS Right now RaVae's grand daughter is getting ready to fix curly French fries for her breakfast... And the mind is saying don't post, don't post, don't post...... so RaVae can eat some. Well I'm stronger than the mind in the morning so here goes. POST
intellect speaking...
Morning. RaVae is still very full this morn because she went out last night with her sis and a friend and ate a lot.
Accordingly she's not going to eat until at least 9 am or she fill lots of hunger pangs.
Intelly speaking...
RaVae was able to wait until she was hungry, quite hungry, until she ate breakfast. She had hot cereal with blue berries and powdered milk.

now she is going to wait until at least 2 to eat again unless she fills lots of hunger pangs.
telly speaking..
RaVae just enjoyed three yummy subway cookies for dinner. She wasn't really hungry yet. But beings I had not set up any restrictions for when she

could eat that was very Fine.
And now she is not going to eat again until at least 7 am or she fill many hunger pangs.
telly speaking..
RaVae just finished breakfast half a can of spinach. lol It's quite fascinating what RaVae chooses to eat considering I don't control what she eats. One day she wants cookie dough and cookies lots.... And another time she wants a can of beans or spinach.
Intellect speaking...
RaVae went to a party with her sis yesterday. She was looking forward to the party especially the food. However when they announced desert which was going to be exceptionally yummy, she was just getting ready to go. Her sister said are you sure you don't want to stay for some desert. RaVae said no I'm ready to go. Talk about blindsiding me: this wasn't the RaVae I'm use too. What was happening?

Intellect musing...
I then noticed RaVae's mind and what it was thinking.
1. I'm really pretty full, if I eat desert I really won't enjoy it.
2. And I will be stuffed and that will hurt.
3. Also, it's not like I can't eat yummy desert tomorrow when I will enjoy it more.

I think the above might be what a normal mind might think in RaVae's situation.... I wouldn't know because her mind has never been a normal mind where food is concerned. However it seems that's changing.

Telly speaking....
I think RaVae might eat cookies for breakfast but she is going to wait until at least 9 am or hunger pangs.

Telly speaking...
RaVae did have cookie dough and cookies for breakfast. yum yum And it's almost 4 now and she is feeling no hunger. However the mind might start thinking about eating anyway. Beings that's it favorite way of entertaining it's self.View attachment 25589Hence to help insure it moves on to other ways to divert it's self; RaVae's not going to eat until she feels hunger pangs.
Telly Speaking...
just finished breakfast and of course the food conditioning thinks more is better.

However, RaVae is going to wait until at least noon or hunger pangs to eat.
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