New member
Hi Derrick!
I have seen your comments in a few of the journals I read and late last week I decided to check out your journal myself. I have spent all of my WLF time since then reading thru your entire journal from start to finish.
All I can say is WOW! I'm just blown away by the story of your journey - rocky though it may be at times. You are SUCH an inspiration!!! You are a very amazing person...
Especially fascinating to me is your description of what your bipolar disorder has been like for you. My father and 2 of my brothers have been diagnosed with schizophrenia; one of my sisters, an uncle, and most of my cousins are all on anti-depressants. Everyone has always said that even though I've probably suffered the worst tragedies in my life, I have never been depressed a day in my life. In fact, I seem to be the opposite of depressed. I have been accused of being TOO happy. People have told me that it's just not normal to be that happy all the time. When I've tried to talk to friends about these feelings of euphoria, of feeling so joyful and happy that I could almost burst - the reaction I usually get is somewhere along the lines of bah humbug, go screw yourself! (maybe I just have a lot of crabby friends?) I tried talking to my mother about how I feel and she thinks that it is the holy spirit moving within me, giving me joy and peace. I'm not so sure though - some of those times that I feel that way God is the FURTHEST thing from my mind.
But the last several months I've been struggling with these wicked Dr Jekyl/Mr Hyde mood swings. Little things that should only be mildly annoying make me blow a gasket, causing feelings of anger so strong sometimes that it scares me. I've been blaming PMS because it usually seems to happen a week before my period. But after reading your journal it's really made me stop and wonder. With various mental disorders being so common in my family (both my mother and father's side) how likely is it that there really is something wrong with my brain that I should seek professional help because I need medicine to fix it?
I'm trying a few things with supplements right now (and they seem to be helping) but I will definately keep this in mind if things don't get better.
I wish you the best of luck as you continue on your weight loss journey. I plan to stop by often to see how you are doing and to cheer you on as you get closer to the finish line, achieving all your goals, and move into maintaining your new, fit (physically and mentally) body!
You read my entire journal?!? I haven't even read my entire journal!
Seriously though, I feel like I owe you a hug or something. It really means a lot to me for anyone to find me or my story that interesting. Thank you, sincerely. I promise I will keep trying to fix what's wrong and enjoy what's right.
As for your comments about yourself, it sounds a lot like Unipolar Disorder. In your case, you always have hypomania but never depression. BiPolar is where you experience both. Unipolar is almost the perfect disorder to have, assuming you always have hypomania. One would definitely rather have hypomania than depression but unfortunately hypomania can often lead to high levels of irritability. As the disorder progresses, full blown mania can occur. Perhaps you should look up hypomania wikipedia or any other search for hypomania? Let me know if I can help. I am always glad to share what I know about BiPolar as well as ADHD/ADD.
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