In this current cycle I'm doing, what I'm doing for my "big" lifts is hitting 3-5 sets of singles, then backing off and doing 3-5 sets of 3-5.
It ends up being something like bench for singles, then OHP for 3-5x3-5, and vice versa (so one gets trained heavy and light each day).
I take a weight I can handle for 3 singles, then work with that until I can hit 5 singles before adding 5-10 lbs and starting over with three. Same idea on the next exercise, start with 3x3 and try to build to 5x5 (though I sometimes cheat and go up when I hit 5x3).
I'm trying to do this for squats as well, though in practice I just end up doing the singles and not the higher volume stuff after, since I'm training lower body a bit different.
It ends up being something like bench for singles, then OHP for 3-5x3-5, and vice versa (so one gets trained heavy and light each day).
I take a weight I can handle for 3 singles, then work with that until I can hit 5 singles before adding 5-10 lbs and starting over with three. Same idea on the next exercise, start with 3x3 and try to build to 5x5 (though I sometimes cheat and go up when I hit 5x3).
I'm trying to do this for squats as well, though in practice I just end up doing the singles and not the higher volume stuff after, since I'm training lower body a bit different.