Consistency. It's not a pizza topping.

I AM intimidated by your gleaming pecs!!

Well, I never know what to say, you're always like, I ran 800 miles today and then I picked up my car and then I kindly asked a tornado not to knock down my house.

I mean, what do you say to that? :D
Well, I never know what to say, you're always like, I ran 800 miles today and then I picked up my car and then I kindly asked a tornado not to knock down my house.

I mean, what do you say to that? :D

Hahahaha. Outstanding. :D

90 mins cycling, 29.3 miles, 1201 calories

Other stuffs. I'm tired. Had some... well, sort of like an omelette with cheese and broccoli, that I just decided to whip up at one point. Biggest one-off meal I've had in a while. It was alright, but nothing special. She claims it was delicious. But, having been raised by 4 women, I happen to know that they lie. Frequently. :D

Anyway, I'm very tired. I've had a rock solid couple of weeks and I'm curious to see what the photos yield tomorrow. Don't think it'll be very noticeable at two weeks, but the difference in my energy and my attitude most assuredly is. Can't think of anyone who hasn't remarked on it.

Hope everyone's having a lovely weekend. Also, I've decided to grow my hair out to go for the full Prince of Persia - Warrior Within look. Don't know what that has to do with anything, though. :drooling1:
209.0 and 26.8% body fat this morning (just got curious so I set it to normal mode for a bit, and that's what it says. Looks about right to me).

It's interesting that my hydration level is almost 7% lower than last time I was working out. Which is weird, because I was drinking tons then, too. Maybe I need more electrolytes. I do tend to avoid salts without really meaning to.

Hmm. Was gonna take photos and measurements just now, but the damn Nikon died on me. Oh, the indignity. How did it come to this! I think I'll just go spend a bunch of $ on a replacement Canon.

Today's weight training:

[Number coloring: Improvement | Decline | No Change | Δ]

Bent-Over Row x15 @ 40lbs
Straight-Legged Deadlift x15 @ 40lbs
60s Rest

Bent-Over Row x11 (-1) @ 100 lbs
Straight-Legged Deadlift x11 (-3) @ 100 lbs
60s Rest

Bench Press x 15 @ 65lbs
Standing Bicep Curl x15 @ 20lbs
60s Rest

Bench Press x13 (+1) @ 85lbs
Standing Bicep Curl x10 @ 40 lbs
60s Rest

Stiff-Legged Deadlift x 15 @ 50lbs
Military Press x14 @ 20lbs
60s Rest

Stiff-Legged Deadlift x11 @ 100 lbs
Military Press x7 (-4) @ 40 lbs
60s Rest

Dumbbell Squat x15 @ 50lbs
Close-Grip Bench Press x15 @ 20 lbs
60s Rest

Dumbbell Squat x11 (+3) @ 110 lbs
Close-Grip Bench Press x20 (+5) @ 50 lbs

Total time: 44 (-3) mins​

Edit: [Evening] 90 mins stationary cycling, 30.4 miles, 1258 calories

**** me.

I got worked today. Went in there feeling like Hercules and nearly knocked myself out putting up those crap numbers. Made a bit of a recovery at the end, there, but it earned me a lot of nausea and a little puke in my mouth.

2 steps forward, 1 step back, I guess. Had forgotten to take my creatine (got it in after), and was a little sloppy with my nutrient timing. Also haven’t gotten but 50% of my potassium requirement the last couple of days, so there’s that. But, I’m guessing it’s just the recoil from that last, monster session, and all the cardio starting to wear on me, maybe. I do feel pretty good about soldiering through. Think I gave my roommate a bit of a scare when I just dropped to the floor and couldn’t make myself get up for a couple minutes at the end of it. And the nausea really made eating my oats a long, drawn out process: I ate them plain. Had run out of cinnamon.

Still not satisfied with that time. I hesitate too much. Like I'm afraid of it. -_- Rest a bit much at times, too. I will do better. :SaiyanSmilie_anim:
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So how's New Rules? Haha.

From reading over the last page or so again, you're spending some quality time with the bike. How are you liking that?
Haven't cracked it open yet. Will get to it sometime this upcoming week. From what I've seen and heard, though, it's fantastic. Highly recommended. It's TNT that's got me more curious, but I won't have time for that, either, until probably end of next week.

The cycling, it's good. I find it enjoyable, and my body seems to like it. Right now I'm pondering whether or not I want to do any or just call it a night. Still feeling wiped from the weights this morning. I think it might have been doing all that cardio after my last weight training session (even though I waited a good 7 hours to recover first). Yeah, maybe I'm just being lazy, but I'm just gonna watch a movie, or even just nod off here. I didn't get my usual solid 8 last night. :)

I'm aiming to start a running program like yours fairly soon, though. Wish it wasn't a Calgarian Winter out there, haha. I'd have already done it.
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Then I saw Drex's pics and I felt ashamed. There's no reason I can't hop on the bike right now. I'm not that tired. 90% isn't gonna cut it. Brb. :SaiyanSmilie_anim:
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Thanks Drex. And damn rights. :D

I know, Der, I was being snarky. I thought my deletefu was strong, but it seems your hawk style was too much for my mule style. ;)

90 mins stationary cycling, 30.4 miles, 1258 calories

I'm sooo not going to fall asleep anytime soon, now, but it was worth it. I feel really good about catching myself, there. I will not be denied! :SaiyanSmilie_anim:
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Forgot to say, 208.8 again today.

Gonna head home and spend some quality time with the bike. Really seem to prefer to do it in the late afternoon/evening. Gotta be careful about staying up so late, though. Slept in a bit this morning.

Pretty sure I'll be near 207.0 tomorrow. 6.6 in two weeks might be overdoing it a bit, but it's just startin' numbers. I can definitely feel it. Should be interesting to see if it's at all noticeable in the two week pics. Side view, it sure is. About the first thing that happens is that the lines on my abs come back. But only from the side. :p
I just read your whole log..! Good stuff here, seems like you have some good determination.

You enjoy watching TV while doing cardio too eh? It's like killing two birds with one stone... why sit on your ass and watch tv when you can be getting in some activity right?!

I am looking forward to seeing some pics by the way.

What video games are you playing right now? I started Half Life 2 (the single player game) a week ago and it's really good!

When are you going to join the dark side by the way, if ever (talking about keto)?
You enjoy watching TV while doing cardio too eh? It's like killing two birds with one stone... why sit on your ass and watch tv when you can be getting in some activity right?!

Movies, yeah. I don't care for television. It's not any kind of moralistic thing, it just bores me. I'll occasionally watch an episode of Boondocks, or Dexter, but that's about it. Oh, and that David Duchovny show, what was it... Californication. But other than that, bleh. Sometimes I get tired of it and just meditate.

I am looking forward to seeing some pics by the way.

Yeah, pics. Wish my girl hadn't lost my camera. I tried taking some earlier with the Nikon, but they blur up like a mofo. It's really irritating. Not sure what to do about it, but I'll figure something out for tomorrow.

What video games are you playing right now? I started Half Life 2 (the single player game) a week ago and it's really good!

Try out that Goldeneye remake, it's wicked. I'm not really playing any games at all right now. Sick of playing recycled crap the same way I'm sick of Hollywood movies. I was all into Guitar Hero, so I decided to get me a little starter Ibanez guitar, which hasn't arrived yet (Axe Music is the biggest piece of **** of a retailer I have ever encountered, no lies), but I've been studying up for that, when it arrives. I'm gonna rock out with my cock out, hahaha. I work a lot. But it's hardly working, which is why I'm on here so much. ;)

When are you going to join the dark side by the way, if ever (talking about keto)?

Man, I will take the first excuse. But for now, I ain't about to **** with what's not broken. See the following post. :p

Today's workout:

120 mins stationary cycling, 40.0 miles, 1687 calories​


Meant to post this earlier... feel like I already did. Weird.

Anyway, I was checking myself out in the mirror when I got off the bike, and I was all, "Damn, son, where'd you get those guns." I can actually see changes, unlike last time. Very encouraging.

I look so much worse in photos than in person, though, 's weird.

Oh, also, I sort of binged... on two cups of squash and eggplant. I couldn't even finish. Damnit. I wanted to eat something more calorie dense. Kinda worried about these massive deficits killing my energy for tomorrow's weight training. But I was craving veggies so hard. (Now there's something I never thought I'd be saying, hahaha). Ah, well. We'll see. I'm gonna force feed myself some tomato soup, gotta git that potassium.​
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Today's weight training:

[Number coloring: Improvement | Decline | No Change | Δ]

Bent-Over Row x15 @ 40lbs
Straight-Legged Deadlift x15 @ 40lbs
60s Rest

Bent-Over Row x8 (-3) @ 100 lbs
Sumo Deadlift x15 (+4) @ 100 lbs
60s Rest

Bench Press x 15 @ 65lbs
Standing Bicep Curl x15 @ 20lbs
60s Rest

Bench Press x14 (+1) @ 85lbs
Standing Bicep Curl x11 (+1) @ 40 lbs
60s Rest

Straight-Legged Deadlift x 15 @ 50lbs
Military Press x15 (+1) @ 20lbs
60s Rest

Straight-Legged Deadlift x15 (+4) @ 100 lbs
Military Press x9 (+2) @ 40 lbs
60s Rest

Dumbbell Squat x15 @ 50lbs
Close-Grip Bench Press x15 @ 20 lbs
60s Rest

Dumbbell Squat x13 (+2) @ 110 lbs
Close-Grip Bench Press x12 @ 65 (+15) lbs

Total time: 38 (-6) mins​

So I get started and the Bent-Over Row slaps me right in the face, open-handed, like I’m its Stepford Wife. And I was like... WHAT!? Then I got mad and **** turned all green. Just like The Hulk. :D Real strong on the leg stuff today. Could’ve done more, even, but I didn’t want to ruin the other lifts in my supersets by being completely out of juice. I think I still did, somewhat.
I’m thinkin’, weeks 5 and 6, I’ll switch to doing either 3 or 4 sets of my (then) warm-up weights, in more of a NROL style. (Not that I know exactly what that is, yet, still haven’t even opened the box it came in). Then I’ll switch back. Just to mix it up a little and see what I respond to best. I’ve never really tried high volume, lighter work. I always tend to work at high intensity. I have this feeling that high volume work might do very well for me, particularly given my current aims, and the amount of cardio I’m doing.

Oh, and something should be said about that time. It's pretty close to ideal. I'll be aiming for 40 or less in the future. I think a lot of the improvement was due to only using the straps twice, and telling myself not to try and catch my breath mid-set.
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make sure you don't rely too much on straps. I don't know what your goals are exactly, but having grip strenght is always a good idea!