Consistency. It's not a pizza topping.

lil updizzle

Thanks C~Unit. <3

Two things:

1) 100% so far and I feel good. Really good. Must've been "underrecovered" the **** out of because where I should theoretically feel tired (mentally) I feel great and where I should theoretically feel rested (physically) I feel.. sore. o_O.

2) Body weight has been, predictably, trending down ~ 1lb/day after "water weight" adjustment. During my first round of Velocity it did this for something like 15 lbs over the month.

Looking back now I think part of why I "only" lost 11.5 lbs of fat and gained 12.5 of muscle over the summer (aside from the previously stated flaws of velocity and suspected overexercising) was the 4 weeks after - I shoulda been more careful with the transition out, slowly ramping calories back up over a period of a couple months, and not a week or two. I knew it at the time, too, I just didn't have nearly as much discipline as I do now.

Interesting thing to note is that on this plan the rate of loss appears to be twice or more. Too early to tell yet but I'm intuitively quite sure of it. Basically I'm floating like a butterfly. Though I can't say I'm a fan of some of the, uh, other, effects of extreme dieting, if any of you know what I mean. ;)

Edit: Ooh, ooh, okay I lied. Three things!

Re-feed #1

Ended up having a few slices of sprouted bread (damn I love that stuff - other people say it tastes like cardboard but I love the chewy texture, I'm the same way with cuts of steak and other things, basically a peasant haha) a few tbsps of almond butter, a couple bananas.

Then the kids (not my children this is how I collectively refer to anyone I socialize with regularly, including my parents and even some friends' grandparents lol) really really wanted to go out to dinner (dragging me out with them, specifically) to celebrate Brown New Years™ until I laughingly informed that only the most sinful heretics would be open. At which point we proceeded directly to the nearest Subway. :rofl: Subway macadamia nut cookie and diet coke. My onliest two loves. Very reasonably portioned though. Was supposed to be at or near maintenance and actually fell 500 or so calories short. Wouldn't even have come anywhere close if not for the almond butter banana sandwiches. Did I mention ****ing derricious at all back there? I feel like I didn't.

Anyway hope ere'body's kickin' ass and for anyone else in Cold But Not Eskimo Cold Places™, it's spring, bitches! :grinning: <---- Finally get to use this emoticon. Pretty spiffy hey.

Welp. Still on target. Nothing of any real importance to report. Other than that I'm still amused by the fact that *just* starving myself feeling like a holiday at the beach. The Dominican, specifically. Too much sun I think, all I wanted to do was swim, nap, dance, nap, repeat. The yellow sun... my powers.. :rofl:

Unless you want to count the trueprotein order I'm putting in. This time I'm getting flavors separately (premium coconot and premium double chocolate mint) and mixing in my own amounts, or not, as it suits me. Sometimes I really don't want any flavor, and my last order's double chocolate fudge flavor was so weak, it annoyed me. Also I want to see if even someone like me can stand cold-filtered whey (which is, according to some people, the least icky protein tasting of the varieties of milk protein isolates). I'll be sure to let y'all know how that goes.

Also, brief note on Ross' Never Gymless - though I'm currently having fun with a combination of bodyweight and barbell training, I just wanted to say, it's pretty excellent having all sorts of ideas for what I can do with anything even vaguely resembling a playground. Pondering going on a mini skip trip this week. Normally I'd be all, eff no lady, I gots to do my deadlifts, but now I'm like "meh whatever I'll do some bodyweight rows and maybe try some jumping pull-ups, hmm". Is good. :D

Alright, then, sirs and ma'ams. Catch ya later.
Also, brief note on Ross' Never Gymless - though I'm currently having fun with a combination of bodyweight and barbell training, I just wanted to say, it's pretty excellent having all sorts of ideas for what I can do with anything even vaguely resembling a playground. Pondering going on a mini skip trip this week. Normally I'd be all, eff no lady, I gots to do my deadlifts, but now I'm like "meh whatever I'll do some bodyweight rows and maybe try some jumping pull-ups, hmm". Is good. :D
I have Infinite Intensity (by Ross) and i love it. :)
I have Infinite Intensity (by Ross) and i love it. :)

Right on, sir. I figured you must have at least one of his books. Infinite Intensity is actually the only one I don't have. The sandbag one (Warrior Training) is neat.

When I live somewhere warmer, I'm so putting together an outdoor gym. I've always had this fantasy of powerlifting in the rain. Very music video, no? I would sing and dance as necessary between sets. :rofl:
I think im going to order Full Throttle Conditioning this week or next. :)

His philosiphy is great cuz he doesnt just say do this or do that. He gives options and lets you integrate the information to suit your needs. Its similar to what Bruce Lee would say. Use whats usefull to you in attaining your goals. Maybe thats why im so impressed with him.
Also, everything's still good.

Settled into flat pacing -2.37 lbs (of fat, theoretically) a week. Which is of course 30-50% less than I should be losing even at the aforementioned "true" maintenance value of 2700 calories/day. As anticipated, since it's been made pretty clear to me over the last couple of years that I am one of the survival advantaged "genetic unfortunate"s whose adaptive mechanism is at or near the theoretical max (of 30%) and sets in quickfast. Factor this in and you get a daily deficit of only 1036 calories at ~854 calories a day. This leaves you with just over 2 lbs of fat lost a week, assuming it was all fat, which would of course be somewhat doubtful normally, but given all the precautions taken to the effect..

That said, I am not suffering much, so, I imagine I can keep this up for quite some time. This is because I'm confident that, adaptive component or no, simple persistence will win the day here, absent the apparent interference of all that exercise and periworkout nutrition. I am quite determined to solve this "mystery" once and for all. It's a good feeling.

I don't know if it's the boost of all this EC and green tea or my previous level of activity and deficit or just firm resolve or a combination of all those or what but, I don't feel that this is very hard at half the calories of Velocity. Just more effective. And somewhat less of a nuisance, as it doesn't require to feed more than 3-4 times a day or going out of my way to spend 1-3 hours a day meeting NEPA goals.

Hard work vs smart work.. how about that ****. Thought I'd already learned that lesson elsewhere, haha. :cool3:
Since I do a lot of research/study on various subject matter. A friend of mine turned me on to this page to read reference:

1. Ephedrine. Just replace Ephedrine with Ephedrine HCL, it is still available in US, and on line.

2. Synephrine

3. Yohimbe and Yohimbine (they are different)

4. Caffeine

And others.

Dispels some of the bull-****, leaving some that may have "some" benefit. I still will not put these things in my mouth (other than caffeine from coffee/tea :biggrinsanta::angry3:)

How to dose it, stack it, and what not. I think you are stacking EC at present, and this may be of interest to you. Maybe maybe not :)

If it didn't help you any.......

Uh....gee, I tried :) :)

Keep Rocken' young man.

best wishes

That is one of the better concise assessments of the subject I have seen. Can't say I agree with his "medicalization" treatment of obesity but his findings are otherwise right on target. I especially like the attention paid to cycling, as I've found roughly the same thing, which is that cycling basically maximizes the negatives and minimizes the positives.. that's bb culture for you sometimes, haha, doing **** ultimately because it sometimes works for cows. :rofl:

I only wish merely dosing ECA meant successful weight management for anyone who's ever been obese. Which of course is not exactly the claim he makes, but it's hard not to be a little resentful when you strongly suspect yourself to be in the hard-mode of hard-modes category. :p

I'm quite leery (despite what I like to term my "apparently invulnerable health") of dosing aspirin on the regular, so I am for the time being going with just the EC. As far as I've been able to tell, there's no real difference between the two, apart from the important one of a stable sleeping pattern. I think maybe I burned a bit hotter with the A (which me like) and had better pumps (which me like) so am currently considering low dosing it during the latter half of this "last" 3-6 month cutting period I've embarked on: after about mid-June I'll have enough data on this setup and want to get a test on this aspirin thing in and of itself.

Anyone ever told you you're a little bit on the scary side of intuitive, C~Unit? :cool:
Also for the record for any newer readers, while n=1 (a sample size of one) is not at all representative, I am still of the opinion that taking ECA does me no direct good with regard to fat loss or muscle preservation.

I am also of the probably-deluded subjective opinion that green tea (extract), my mulvitamin, calcium, glucosamine and chondroitin, zinc and magnesium and a high (versus moderate, not low!) protein intake make no readily discerned difference. :rofl: In actual fact, so far as I can tell, carbohydrate manipulation (aka "selective restriction") is the only management strategy that has any long-term impact for me, and is extremely expensive in terms of athletic performance.

It's something of an idiosyncrasy. I am super anti supplements and yet in the last 5 years have spent almost as much on them as I have food (why yes I AM nerdy enough to have a spreadsheet tracking this :rofl:) out of simple thoroughness. Or maybe someone else would say, desire for reassurance.
That is one of the better concise assessments of the subject I have seen. Can't say I agree with his "medicalization" treatment of obesity but his findings are otherwise right on target. I especially like the attention paid to cycling, as I've found roughly the same thing, which is that cycling basically maximizes the negatives and minimizes the positives.. that's bb culture for you sometimes, haha, doing **** ultimately because it sometimes works for cows. :rofl:

I only wish merely dosing ECA meant successful weight management for anyone who's ever been obese. Which of course is not exactly the claim he makes, but it's hard not to be a little resentful when you strongly suspect yourself to be in the hard-mode of hard-modes category. :p

I'm quite leery (despite what I like to term my "apparently invulnerable health") of dosing aspirin on the regular, so I am for the time being going with just the EC. As far as I've been able to tell, there's no real difference between the two, apart from the important one of a stable sleeping pattern. I think maybe I burned a bit hotter with the A (which me like) and had better pumps (which me like) so am currently considering low dosing it during the latter half of this "last" 3-6 month cutting period I've embarked on: after about mid-June I'll have enough data on this setup and want to get a test on this aspirin thing in and of itself.

Anyone ever told you you're a little bit on the scary side of intuitive, C~Unit? :cool:

With intuitive ease we come, and with intuitive ease we depart; being intuitive is smart.

You only see intuition because this boils inside yourself. You are smart, witty, and have a intuitiveness that is balanced and practiced.

The instinct from experience brings split-infinitives and power to your approaches, and wrestles apart the variables unknown and personal correctness in your dieting and fitness path.

You are a winner, and dine on correcting principles.

For this, you are a friend of the self.

And, one I respect.

Best regards,

Do you have a part time job writing horoscopes or the messages inside fortune cookies by any chance?

With intuitive ease we come, and with intuitive ease we depart; being intuitive is smart.

You only see intuition because this boils inside yourself. You are smart, witty, and have a intuitiveness that is balanced and practiced.

The instinct from experience brings split-infinitives and power to your approaches, and wrestles apart the variables unknown and personal correctness in your dieting and fitness path.

You are a winner, and dine on correcting principles.
Do you have a part time job writing horoscopes or the messages inside fortune cookies by any chance?

I bet he'd make a killing at it. <3 Fortune cookies tell you success is just around the corner, but they never mention how. Except for the ones with lottery numbers on the back. They just lie. :bncry:

Sitting here putting the finishing touches on some drudge work before I head out and thinking about whether it would be more logistically sound to take my re-feed today or tomorrow and reflecting on the journey in general, and I realized something very pleasant:

I don't even care that I "get to" have some grains and fruits tomorrow. I'm so razor sharp (at least for now) that I see it as more of a chore. Not saying I won't enjoy it (it'd be silly not to), only that I don't need it to get me through the week. Calmly doing what needs to be done is enough.

And, while trying to pinpoint just when the change came over me, that I've been in this state for several months continuously.

Doesn't hurt, though, that I'm now seeing on-target results. When I hit the low 170s late next month, I'll be the lightest of my adult life by a few lbs, and the leanest and fittest by a huge margin. :cool:
i want to ask people who used Nikon d90
i 've got a camera but want to buy nkon d90
i found a strange sitу with so intresting price... see can it be real?