Complete B.S Thread

Any of you guys from the US seen the comdian Al Murrays stand up show?
He plays the 'Pub Landlord', a narrow minded, xenophobic, yet quite accurate portrayal of middle England

Some quotes

-I respect the Germans, they tried twice.
-You see, the thing about xenophobia is, it's a Greek word
-I'd like to thank the Americans for their help in the War Against Terror, because if you hadn't funded the IRA for 30 years, we wouldn't know how to deal with terrorists, would we?
-(to a Policeman) They say that ignorance leads to hatred but in this case, it's knowledge.
-We shouldn't insult the French of course, because they're not here to defend themselves. And we know how good they are at that!
Any of you guys from the US seen the comdian Al Murrays stand up show?
He plays the 'Pub Landlord', a narrow minded, xenophobic, yet quite accurate portrayal of middle England

Some quotes

-I respect the Germans, they tried twice.
-You see, the thing about xenophobia is, it's a Greek word
-I'd like to thank the Americans for their help in the War Against Terror, because if you hadn't funded the IRA for 30 years, we wouldn't know how to deal with terrorists, would we?
-(to a Policeman) They say that ignorance leads to hatred but in this case, it's knowledge.
-We shouldn't insult the French of course, because they're not here to defend themselves. And we know how good they are at that!

Ah!! I know Al Murray! He's on tonight at 10pm, haven't missed this series yet! It's brill!

Everyone is entitled to the same health care, some just have to pay out of pocket, while others have insurance. There are also free clinics in the U.S. that anyone can go to. Like Kitty said, even though there is free health care, many of the countries people choose to get insurance to get quality care.

I do agree that prices are outrageous and self insuring is very difficult.
Everyone is entitled to the same health care

Nobody is entitled to anything......... Ever.

It is this attitude of entitlement that causes a lot of problems. People think they deserve something that the did not earn or have to work for.

In reality they deserve nothing.
Nobody is entitled to anything......... Ever.

It is this attitude of entitlement that causes a lot of problems. People think they deserve something that the did not earn or have to work for.

In reality they deserve nothing.

Being a Canadian, I'm not too familiar with how the American system of health care works exactly.

So, for those Americans that don't have any health insurance at all, if an un-insured American has to go to the hospital and or a doctor ( i.e for a non-life threatening issue ) will they be turned away or do they have to pay for services in advance with ' cash up front ' ?

And, what happens if this un-insured American has no money to pay with ' cash up front ' ? Then what - do they get turned away ?

I've also heard rumors now and again of some Americans may actually going bankrupt because they are unable to pay their crippling medical bills ? I assume this is a just a very rare occurrence and only happens to those Americans who have NO insurance ? Am I right...can a sudden medical illness actually put some Americans into bankruptcy ?
Although I have no experience with that, if it happened I wouldn't be surprised at all. Luckily I have insurance, but last year I had to have a biopsy and all that implies, chest x-rays, antibiotics, blah blah. It all added up to thousands of dollars, and it was definitely something we couldn't plan for.
There are on average 101,000 preventable deaths each year in the U.S. While France only had an average of 65 preventable deaths. Universal Health care might not be the best in quality, even if they do have long waiting lines, but they work.

Either way, America isn't ready for universal health care.
1. We are heading into a recession, and do not and will not have the budget to afford universal health care for a long time, unless the next president wants to SPIKE taxes.
2. American's don't like high taxes.
So, for those Americans that don't have any health insurance at all, if an un-insured American has to go to the hospital and or a doctor ( i.e for a non-life threatening issue ) will they be turned away or do they have to pay for services in advance with ' cash up front ' ?

And, what happens if this un-insured American has no money to pay with ' cash up front ' ? Then what - do they get turned away ?

You'll get a bill.

I've also heard rumors now and again of some Americans may actually going bankrupt because they are unable to pay their crippling medical bills ? I assume this is a just a very rare occurrence and only happens to those Americans who have NO insurance ? Am I right...can a sudden medical illness actually put some Americans into bankruptcy ?

You are mostly right except, considering that 16% of the population is without healthcare, I don't know how rare this is.

Until recently, I've spent my whole life worrying about health coverage or a lack thereof. It's a real problem and everyone in this situation, 47 million strong, takes a gamble that they won't get sick. Inevitably, they do...

The stupidest thing of all is that the U.S. and all of it's citizens would ultimately save money if the U.S. implemented a national healthcare system. Who and why would anyone be against contributing to this, particularly if it will ultimately save money? This is conservatism at its worst because it's just a matter of time before the U.S. will need to implement such a system. It's also, inevitable.

If you have insurance, you haven't earned anything. You have a job and you have insurance? So what. You are just one of the lucky ones.

American's don't like high taxes.

Another issue based on backwards logic.
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Don't look at me; I'm just the guy pouring petrol on the fire :D
Der, I was kinda in ER for an hour and I payed like a coupple hundred Norwegian (which I got refunded from the moron who hit me with his car, of cource). that's not even 50 bucks.
Did you have some sort of fancy treatment. and didn't you have any insurance?
But all Americans know that: Socialism = Communism