Complete B.S Thread

Canola oil isn't too bad. I don't know if your diet is crazy, but a little olive oil isn't bad either.

Throw some herbs in there. I personally like oregano on my eggs. It makes me feel like I'm eating steak and eggs...just you know, without the steak.
Canola oil isn't too bad. I don't know if your diet is crazy, but a little olive oil isn't bad either.

Throw some herbs in there. I personally like oregano on my eggs. It makes me feel like I'm eating steak and eggs...just you know, without the steak.

Extra virgin olive oil is the best oil and you should have some in your diet like everyday! canola oil is apparently not as good as olive oil but still ok.
was teh difference between a bo?ole an' a bu?ole ?
think dialects around london :D
the question mark is the glottal stop londoners use sometimes, if you know what I mean?
was teh difference between a bo?ole an' a bu?ole ?
think dialects around london :D
the question mark is the glottal stop londoners use sometimes, if you know what I mean?

I have no idea what a glottal stop is or what on earth you're talking about, sorry
it's this sound Londoners make in their throat instead of t sometimes. Like when they say the word "bottle" they say "bo(then the glottal thing)ol"
Ah, I'd never really thought about that, if I hear someone using that glottal (or glo?al) thing in speach then I think of it as a T but I guess tourists wouldn't hear it
yeah, it is a t. the [t] and [?] (which is the glottal stop) both belong to the /t/ phoneme, so they have the same meaning. But point was that when Londoners say "butt hole" and "bottle" you hardly hear a difference :D
lol :p that's imcomprihensible, G!
This is how Norwegian sounds like:
too bad you don't understand it, cuz that's frikkin funny! It's old school tech support, joking about how it must have been when books first came on the market :D
yeah, it is a t. the [t] and [?] (which is the glottal stop) both belong to the /t/ phoneme, so they have the same meaning. But point was that when Londoners say "butt hole" and "bottle" you hardly hear a difference :D

Lol, yeah, Londoners sound dumb if they try and say certain things, butt hole and bottle are real similar if spelt phonetically in a London accent (butol and botal)

If you meet a Londoner with a strong accent try to get him to say 'Nottingham'. Especially if he's drunk he'll have trouble saying the letters t,g,h which leaves you with no-in-am and a confused Londoner as he realises that he doesn't even understand himself!
But if your a Northener, you dont got no problems speaking..