Complete B.S Thread

Kark look at my avatar....;)

If its too much anyone, ill change it. It may offend some people...

sex is gross

it's just that she wasn't very hot, and it's such a small pic of a closeup of a pussy, it's not my kinda thing. besides, you couldn't see any detail.
I was only asking a question, I only want to learn.


Don't mind him. He's a hater. And not any old regular hater. I have a friend on the awards committee for the 2008 Hater's Ball and she told me earlier that Tony's already got his invite. ;)

If it makes you feel any better, I like you, because you also keep count, and you include the period. :D

Is there a way to actually cook eggs without butter or oil? Want to try something new instead of boiling them..

Poached eggs are quite good, imo. There's also this crazy new invention... I think they call them "non-stick frying pans".

One thing you could try is...

If you have a microwave, put the egg in a microwave-safe cup, put in a wooden toothpick and nuke it for 2 minutes at medium-high.

You will need the toothpick otherwise the egg will blow up all over the inside of the microwave.

That's from with almost the same question as .

But really, imo, the answer is no, since non-stick is kinda shady. A fried egg with no oil is pretty weak.

Try finding interesting things to put on your eggs. It helps. I quite enjoy deviling them with just the mustard. Makes for a little something special without much real work or anything I don't want to be eating.

That's from with almost the same question as .

1743. did you find me on yahoo answers...stalker :D