Complete B.S Thread

Why dont you both shut the f*ck up before i come over there and tear your limbs off.

Roids are bad for you, Tommy.

Is it true that you can only get so big without them?


For the most part, yes. But, and this is a big but, there's no reason to even consider taking them until you have 5-10 years of consistent, disciplined training and solid nutrition in you. It takes quite a while to hit the peak of your genetic potential. And until you do, they're just a poor substitute for real work.

And unless you're doing it (bodybuilding) professionally and are (unfortunately) forced to in order to stay competitive, why even bother? A peak natural athlete is pretty damn impressive as is.

I know that Tony and Karks used to/still do jiujitsu...I'm here to brag about my Lucky Gi

I look so badass when I'm getting my ass kicked now :D
Kark look at my avatar....;)

If its too much anyone, ill change it. It may offend some people...