Complete B.S Thread

My company's moving into the old Royal Mint building in a couple of months, should be pretty nice offices, you can see Tower Bridge from there
O well its my own fault.

Now my scrotum is purple from permanent bruising and its got this tube hanging out of it from where i performed my surgeory.

woot! I'm still at work, 3,000 Kcals in the bag already today and I'm hungry. I'm off to grab about 400 more before I get home for dinner tonight :)
Have anyone here read "Wuthering Heighs"? I'm reading it for school and I'm surprised to say it's actually quite entertaining.. I like it. Now if you travelled back in time 3 years and told me that I'd be reading an English classic, a love story from the 1800s and enjoying it, I'd shoot you on sight.
Yeah, I read Wuthering Heights and then had to write some 20 page paper analyzing the Marxist undertones or some sh$t.

I was also surprised that I didn't mind it that much. I was dreading it but then it actually ended up being one of the better books that semester. I HATED Thackeray and Dickens Yuck. I hope you don't have to read that crap. What a waste of time.

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woot! I'm still at work, 3,000 Kcals in the bag already today and I'm hungry. I'm off to grab about 400 more before I get home for dinner tonight :)

LOL, good for you, dare I say you eat more calories than I do? I'm currently taking in 3800

Yeah, I read Wuthering Heights and then had to write some 20 page paper analyzing the Marxist undertones or some sh$t.

I was also surprised that I didn't mind it that much. I was dreading it but then it actually ended up being one of the better books that semester. I HATED Thackeray and Dickens Yuck. I hope you don't have to read that crap. What a waste of time.


We're not reading that. We are, however, reading "Sense and Sensibility" which I'm pretty sure is a chick flick novel :( What I like about Wuthering Heights is that it isn't a traditional yucky love story.. it's not a cliche.
Wuthering Heights isn't a love story at all, you silly viking. That's like saying The Count of Monte Cristo is a love story.

They're tales of hate, selfishness and vindictiveness. The emphasis is on the dynamic between the natures of love and hate, and how badly basic human disposition can distort them in the rendering.

Antony and Cleopatra... Abelard and Heloise... Tristan and Isolde... Romeo and Juliet... Shah Jahan and Mumtaz Mahal... Marie and Pierre Curie... Alfred Lunt and Lynn Fontanne... These are love stories. Most of them real.

how is it not a love story? it's a story of love. Love is not defined by the cliche romantic comedies you see on TV every saturday night.
Love is actually a very central aspect in the book, it's about how love can corrupt and ruin not only you, but everyone around you. It's not the classical "everyone gets married at the end" love story, but it is a love story none the less..

that's my opinion though. feel free to argue if you don't see how love is a major theme in the story.
As I said, not love itself, but human nature in relation to love, hate and vindictiveness. The difference between Wuthering Heights and say, the story of Abelard and Heloise, is that in the latter the focus is on their transcendental love, while in the former it is on their various human failings. I've already explained my reasoning, but that is essentially the difference, for me.

I'd say that you have a broader definition of "love", with regard to what it encompasses in this context, is all.

yeah I guess it all comes down to what you define as "love"
There are a lot of different themes in the story, like the one you mentiones.
Is it human nature to be evil, or are we "made" evil as we grow up? The answer to that, IMO, is Mr. Heatcliff.

But I still think saying Wuthering Heights is not a love story is like saying Romeo and Juliet is not a love story but a story of class differences. The answer is it's not the one or the other, it's both :)
Fair enough. I mean, that's a pretty reasonable point. I'd enjoy arguing the point for hours, believe me, but I gotta go figure out how to use these straps.

They don't seem to actually... help, at all. Maybe I'm doing it wrong, but I don't really see how having to hold on to the end of a piece of cloth rather than grip the bar is supposed to make it easier. Maybe I should have gotten hooks.

Yeah, I've seen that video. Thanks, but my issue is that I still need to exert pressure to keep it in place. From what I can tell, this pressure is almost the same as what is required to simply hold the bar unassisted. I guess I'll find out shortly. I mean, I haven't even been having any grip issues yet, I'm just anticipating that I will, as I did last time around.

hmm.. weird. just try really wrapping it TIGHT around the bar, and make the wrap close to your hands so it's not like: hand - long strap - strap wrapped around the bar.
the wrap needs to be in your hand. Just play around and you'll figure it out.