Complete B.S Thread

I conveniently got sick as **** over the weekend... :(

Things are speeding up. At the current rate, this will only take 86.8376 years!

That's assuming no attrition, though. I mean, some of you are pretty old. I'm just sayin'.

Things are speeding up. At the current rate, this will only take 86.8376 years!

That's assuming no attrition, though. I mean, some of you are pretty old. I'm just sayin'.


I might just do it in time if i keep in good health! im still a baby (19) Keep going ppl!!!

P.S. if you die during the 1-1000000 journey, i advise to pass the journey down to your family (write it in your will)
I really want to be in America one day when it's snowing really bad to see how the traffic copes with it :D

I'm wondering, when you take your drivers license, do you have any mandatory courses that involve driving on an icy road, etc?
Morning ppl, nice and fresh at work today!

Couldnt get to the gym last night because of floods!!!! :mad:
