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Cryss- You are just POWERING ahead! Its so great to see!
I've used the white lie option myself. I've also just flat out said "I'm not hungry" (LIES, ALL LIES). Not much they can say to that either. What they dont know wont hurt them and will make your life easier. ;)

Avoidance of those damn scales....

Hi everyone!

Well, I have three more days to go before I can jump back on the scales. They’ve looked so tempting over the past few days but I’ve stayed strong! I keep telling myself that I'd much prefer to see a larger number than small ones along the way.

CRYSS and NAT – I like your ‘no food for me tips ‘ . I might utilise those white lies when needed! :D As for my work, I’ve told my team mates that I’m on the program and can’t participate in our ‘food nights’. I work in a call centre environment and the teams regularly bring in food for afternoon or night shifts. My team mates keep asking “But what can you eat? What can we bring in that you can eat?” I have to keep telling them “Nothing!” LOL They’ve finally come around though. There are SO many people at my work on Optifast… it’s quite freaky really. I don’t know how they do it… it seems abnormal to me not to EAT something for a meal. Anywho, each to their own I suppose!

HAPPYMUMMY – I know the pills you’re talking about. I took them last year for a period of about 3 months. I lost 10 kilos without trying, which was nice, but costly! And as soon as I stopped taking them… vrrrooom the weight sped back on. :( But having said that, they have worked for a lot of people.

BLULA – I’m up for the ‘7kg in the first month challenge’. I’ve put my little mini goal in my signature now. Here’s to us both shedding a quick 7 k’s in four weeks!! ;)

MONI – Your weight loss is so inspirational!! I can’t believe how much you’ve lost in such a short space of time. Congratulations and be sure to give yourself pats, no whacks (but don’t hurt yourself!) on the back every day for your effort! Can I ask you… did you find drinking that slimmers tea really helped with increasing your weight loss?

PINKCANDY – Welcome aboard! I’m only a week and a half into the program, and BLULA is just ahead of me. Feel free to join in to our challenges or suggest some for us all. I can use all the motivation I can get. I know what you mean about that skinny hot bod lying under this fat!! Mine is going to go out and PARTAY HARD when it’s released… let me tell you! :D :p

LISAB – You seem new to this too, feel free to offer any suggestions for a challenge and hop right on the challenge express!

Honestly, I’m too afraid to ask those who have been on the program for a while to join in the challenge because I know you will all blitz us!! :eek: Haha You’re all doing so sensationally well! But feel free to come along for the ride!

NAT and MYSHY – Well done on being so close to your re-feeds. Please let us know how that all goes.. that’s the one part of the program that is the most intriguing to me but the least my consultant will tell me about. Well, I guess I am 30 kilos off doing it :eek:

So no wagon fallings-off to report from me. I’ve upped my water intake too which I’m super happy about… I’m sure I drank just over 3 litres yesterday :eek: :eek:

Cheers to all! And seeing as we can’t drink alcohol… bottom’s away.. be gone.. get lost! I want a skinny bum! :p

Take care.

P.S. Anyone here from Brisbane???
Pink Virgo Maybe for your work foodie nights you could make a little something to bring along for everyone? I'm not sure about your food likes and dislikes but when I have to eat out in a group I often make the chicken and spinach rissoles for myself with my weighed out allowances but its the kind of thing you could do an extra batch and serve in a bowl like tapas and at least still feel like you're part of the fun. You'll find too, that most people will give your diet food a go, especially if their a bit diet conscious themselves. Just an suggestion?
Hello All

Hey Everyone

Just reading through the posts ... its nice to read that there are some ppl who've only just recenlty been where i am now ... so hello pink virgo and Blula ... just out of curoisty what are your weight loss goals? And how much do you weigh currently.

DIVINEMISSNAT : Om my gosh ... blunder with my blood tests and some one forgot to post it for some reason ... am just glad to finally have it.

Okay ... i am confused here, with the natural yoghurt which ones do you use as i bought the All Natural by Nestle but after reading its contents decided it wasnt a good choice. I was just wondering what you guys use.

Have a gr8 weekend everyone.
PinkCandy- You're in Perth right? When I was on holiday there in Dec I had the Mundella natural yogurt- very yummy. But here in Melb I eat Jalna natural yoghurt, which you can get there too. I think the Mundella tastes better though :p Which is a shame coz I cant get it here. :(

I dont think Nestle, Ski or Yoplait do a proper natural yoghurt. Brownes might? Natural yoghurts are marketed in one area usually by themselves not mixed in with the flavoured yoghurts but nearby, so that might help you keep on the right track too. Check the ingredients too- which it looks like you are already doing. Natural yoghurts are very basic. The ingredients in mine are; skim milk, non-fat milk solids and live cultures (acidophilus etc) Very natural...

Pink Candy- I was just looking at the Nestle website. I didnt realise they made a natural yogurt as I've only ever noticed the flavoured ones. But I cant find an ingredient listing on the site, so you will have to judge by that. The kj, fat and carb values are similar in the 99% fat free natural yoghurt. Hope it helps...
My weight loss....

Hi again,

PINKCANDY - I'll do the same as you did and give you my quick stats. I'm 27, I'm 5"10 tall and currently weigh 100.6 kilos ( after losing 3.2 kilos in my first week on the program ) . My goal weight is 68 to 71 kilos. So I've got around 30 kilos to lose. My mission really is to have most of that gone within 12 weeks. That's the time period I'm telling myself it will take if I stick to it 100%. As for the yoghurt, I'm the same as Nat ( I'm a Nat by the way too! :D ) and I eat Jalna. I found it hideous the first day or two I tried it ( I was never a huge yoghurt fan before ) but with a little sweetener it's lovely.. I have it basically every morning for my brekky. ;)

NAT - I have thought of alternatives and things to take in, but I've resigned myself to just not participating. I just know if I venture over to the food table ( even if it is for my own food ) I'll be tempted to grab something else... I will not lead myself to temptation!! Hehehe :p My team mates understand. Besides, there's a girl in my team doing SureSlim so she's in the same boat as me with regard to food. :rolleyes: Believe me, where I work we all eat too much anyway. I could use a little time away from the constant snacking and food nights.

Until next post... Stay cool :cool:
Hi Everyone,
Havent had a chance to take a good look through the forum, but thought I'd drop in anyway.

Nat - I have been on track since Thursday! You are so right about a coffee and a chat somehow refocussing the mind. I came away thinking I only have a couple of kilos to go and so shouldnt lose focus having come so far. I look at Joysey who has finished her refeed and know I should have been doing the same.

I have heard from Joysey - she has finished her refeed. I won't reveal what she weighs though. She deserves that honour!

Someone posted about finding the water hard to drink. You can add some lemon to it to give it a different taste, but remember if you don't sqeeze the lemon it doesnt count towards your fruit quota, but if you do you have to count it as one.

Some else asked if we are eating the same meals............. I pretty much am. I usually have my egg for breakfast , but vary the way I cook it. I can now do 101 ways with eggs! For lunch I think I have had the same thing since day 1 and that's the mini pizzas. They are so yummy, I will continue to eat them after I finish the diet. I sometimes alternate with salad, but find I get hungry doing this.
Dinner is most often than not chicken and asparagus soup, or steak(although this is only in the last few weeks) and the occasional piece fish.

At first I was having veggies, but have mainly stuck to salad since about week 5 after finding out that brocolli wasn't allowed!

I love making soups because you can add that extra bit water to curb hunger without adding to your calorie intake.

Nat - I love the idea of the chicken and spinach balls to take along to a party. You clever girl!

Cryss...sorry I missed you in the chat room. I was off suffering the effects of Joyseys tea (say no more!)

Regarding the excuses for not eating food...I've used a few:-

Have just eaten
Have a slight tummy bug, not game to eat anything right now
Walk around with a plate of food and leave it somewhere (good for corporate functions)
Had a huge lunch, will grab something later
Will be heading off to another function after this one, dont want to eat too much this early in the day/night.
Not drinking alcohol doesnt seem to have made an impact. I think this is because it is socially responsible to say you are the nominated driver/driving yourself these days and sticking to water.

Biggest Loser starts Monday!

Enjoy the rest of weekend everyone,

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Hi all shrinking friends,

Hope you have all had a great day enjoying your weekend.

Cryss: Just thought I would share my little (/BIG ?)white/multicoloured lie when I was invited to my sister-in-law's for dinner. Being Italian, I was expecting a pasta dish and I let her know that I was being monitored for wheat intolerance and that I couldn't eat pasta. Well, it worked and she cooked a vegetable minestrone with no pasta in it. :) Everyone else enjoyed it and I went home not feeling bloated and full. :D :D It's amazing how we come up with these ideas. I don't know if I would do this at someone else's home though.

Pinkvirgo: Try Yoplait Loplus Lite plain natural yoghurt. I find it is not as tarty as some of the others. Try it with some fruit as well. Yummy with mango. Good luck with your program.

Myshy: Great to hear from you. Hope those exams are over......when do you start your refeed? And yes, there have been lots of stories in the news about the Biggest Loser. Can't wait for it to start.

Everyone have a great Sunday and talk to you soon.

Hi PinkVirgo,
The yoghurt is Yoplait Yoplus Lite Natural Yoghurt. I give up, these fingers don't type what the brain tells them to do. :eek:

12 things to know about loose skin

Hi everyone,
Just browsing the internet and and thought this would interest most people. There is hope for us all. ;)
Taken from:

There are 12 things you should know about loose skin after very large weight losses:

Skin is incredibly elastic. Just look at what women go through during pregnancy. Skin has the ability to expand and contract to a remarkable degree. Elasticity of skin tends to decrease with age. Wrinkling and loss of elasticity is partly the consequence of aging (genetic factors) and also a result of environmental factors such as oxidative stress, excessive sun exposure, and nutritional deficiency. The environmental parts you can fix, the genetics and age part, you cannot. Advice: Get moving and change the things you have control over... Be realistic and don't worry about those things you don't have control over.

How much your skin will return to its former tautness depends partly on age. The older you get, the more an extremely large weight loss can leave loose skin that will not return to normal.

How long you carry extra weight has a lot to do with how much the skin will become taut after the weight loss: For example, compare a 9 month pregnancy with 9 years carrying 100 excess pounds. How much weight was carried has a lot to do with how much the skin will resume a tight appearance. Your skin can only be stretched so much and be expected to "snap back" one hundred percent.

How fast the weight was gained also has a lot to do with how much the skin will resume a tight appearance. Your skin can only be stretched so quickly and be expected to "snap back."

How fast weight is lost also has a lot to do with how much the skin will tighten up. Rapid weight loss doesn't allow the skin time to slowly resume to normal. (yet another reason to lose fat slowly; 1 to 2 pounds per week, 3 pounds at the most if you have a lot of weight to lose, and even then, only if you are measuring body fat and you’re certain it's fat you’re losing, not lean tissue).

There are exceptions to all of the above; i.e, people who gained and then lost incredible amounts of weight quickly at age 50 or 60, and their skin returned 100% to normal. There are many creams advertised as having the ability to restore the tightness of your skin. None work — at least not permanently and measurably — and especially if you have a lot of loose skin. Don't waste your money.

If you’re considering surgical skin removal, consult a physician for advice because this is not a minor operation, but keep in mind that your plastic surgeon may be making his BMW payments with your abdominoplasty money. (Surgery may be recommended in situations where it's not 100% necessary). Surgery should be left as the ABSOLUTE FINAL option in extreme cases.

Give your skin time. Your skin will get tighter as your body fat gets lower. I've seen and heard of many cases where the skin gradually tightened up, at least partially, after a one or two year period where the weight loss was maintained and exercise continued.

Know your body fat percentage before even THINKING about surgery. Loose skin is one thing, but still having body fat is another. Be honest with yourself and do that by taking your body fat measurement. This can be done with skinfold calipers or a variety of other devices (calipers might not be the best method if you have large folds of loose skin. Look into impedance analysis, underwater weighing, DEXA or Bod Pod).

Suppose for example, a man drops from 35% body fat all the way down to 20%. He should be congratulated, but I would tell him, "Don't *** about loose skin, your body fat is still high. Press onward and keep getting leaner.”

Average body fat for men is in the mid teens (16% or so) Good body fat for men is 10-12%, and single digits is extremely lean (men shouldn’t expect to look “ripped” with 100% tight skin on the abs unless they have single digit body fat, and women low teens).

Except in extreme cases, you are very unlikely to see someone with loose skin who has very low body fat. It's quite remarkable how much your skin can tighten up and literally start to “cling” to your abdominal muscles once your body fat goes from “average” to "excellent." Someone with legitimate single digit body fat and a ton of loose skin is a rare sight.
the Skinny on Skin!

Rajah said:
Hi everyone,
Just browsing the internet and and thought this would interest most people. There is hope for us all. ;)
Taken from:
There are 12 things you should know about loose skin after very large weight losses:

Guys if anyone would like to look at the Tom Venuto e-book, just ask, I have it.

Rajah this is a great find, thanks for doing the research, if there is one thing I am concerned with it is losing all this weight and looking like a bag of saggy skin.

I'm going to read this tonight, thanks again.

another 200grams down today, chip chip chipping away at it. I liken this weight loss to sculpting my new body from a block of granite, every day a little bit more gets chipped off to reveal the real me underneath. so since last monday I have chipped from 117.9 to 114.1! And only missed my mini mini goal by 100grams, thats gotta hurt!
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Great weight loss Cryss

Good morning everyone,

Cryss: THAT'S AMAZING WEIGHTLOSS since Monday and that 100gms may be off tomorrow morning which really is one week. You are doing extremely well and have lost one-third of your former self. Keep chipping away as it all counts.

Have a good day :D
hello hello!

Cryss - Diddo to Cathy's comments above. You've done a fantastic effort this past week!! Keep at it and you're body will reward you by shredding away those kilo's. Im sure you'll crack that 100gm mark tomorrow, by next weekend you'll be so much closer to the 110g mark, you must be pumped with excitment!!

Today is day 99 for me, and yesterday was the mark of 14 weeks since I've been on this diet. I've been stuck on 98.0kg the last 3 days, so my body is probably going through that part of the weight loss cycle where its saying "im not gana budge", but I know in a day or so I will most likely lose big overnight. I took my measurements yesterday and have now lost a total of 85cm all over, getting closer each week to the 100cm (1 metre) mark. By the time I finish this program, it wouldnt surprise me if I lost 2 metres off my body - thats kinda freaky!!

Wedding preparations are still in play, we've now booked the venue, cars, florist & photographer. Im just sussing out marriage celebrants at the moment, we're meeting with one this week, fingers crossed it all goes well - we met with this lady at the Bridal Expo & I've exchanged a few emails with her this week. Michael & I were going to write our own vows but decided we'll probably be nervous wrecks on the day, so we've scrapped that idea & will opt for repeating the vows after the celebrant, we'll just tweak them before hand so they suit us.

Im hoping to go shopping for the wedding dress towards the end of April or when Im closer to the 80kg mark. (That'll be 'bout 14kg from my goal weight & bout 5 months before the wedding day) - at least that way I wont need drastic alterations to the dress when I shrink (WHICH I WILL!).

We've also picked the song that I'll walk down the asile to - its a garden wedding so I suppose I should be calling it the "garden path" instead of asile! The song we've chose is 'Back at One' by Brian McKnight. We haven't decided yet on what song we'll do the first dance to - too many favourites to chose from.

Ok, sorry to blabber on about wedding stuff - the excitment has really kicked in now - my dream is/was to get married at a 'normal' weight & the thought of knowing that the dream is going to come true is an awesome feeling.

Signing off for now, Im going to head to the gym now for an 1hr. Its the first time I've been in the last week because I injured myself doing squats with an exercise ball earlier in the week so I've been outta action. Im going to concentrate on the weight resistance machines this upcoming month to help tighten the flab under my arms.

bye bye shrinkin chics!

Well Done To Everyone

Good morning,

Well done Cryss, you are doing really well I'm so glad you have found the will power to continue on your mission..........and 3 kg's in a week good on you thats great.

Mel, well done you too are doing really well, sound like the wedding plans are all coming will be a beautiful day ;)

Well done everyone for your weight loss keep up the great work.... and it does take hard work to do it ..........Just remeber that water.... HA cryss......

I went shopping yesturday for some smaller clothes at 1626..... was trying on a nice skirt that was marked down in price $60.00 Down to $29.95..... I tried on a 20 ( remembering that I was in a 26 before cohen's) it was too big so I went to 18 still too big........ I nearlly fell on the floor I fitted into a 16 ( must be a big 16) most thing's i'm in are 20's and I bought a singlet top to go with it and it was an 18 wwwwoooohhhhoooo.....I have tried it on about 4 times in the last 24hrs as I can't beleive it it is a 16........
enough about my clothing you don't want to hear about that... I was just so excited.....

I am very proud of each and everyone of you for doing so well...... keep it up...
I love weekends!

Apart from all the obvious reasons for enjoying weekends, it seems we all have time to post and it is such good reading. Keep up all the good work, you lot rock!! Fabulous to see most people doing so well.
Cryss, you have finally turned the corner and are travelling really well after such a rough patch. You must be very pleased with yourself. Great to see you resisting food and drinking so much water. Seems you have joined the Moni Brigade.
Moni and Mel, it seems you are both doing just fine too! Well done to you both and you each look so good for it. Was thinking Mel, be careful buying your wedding dress too soon. That 14 kilos will make a much huger difference than you think. There will still be lots of alteration needed. And Moni, what a great shopping experience!!! I had a couple of things in the back of the wardrobe that are like that - like some blouses that are all size 14 and 16 and they are big makes and they fit!! It feels so good, even though most things I am wearing are size 20 or 18. I often wander through a store looking at size 12, I search them out on the rack, just to prepare myself for what I will be wearing!! It's fun.
I read the bit about the skin that you posted Rajah, and that is so encouraging. I had an illness that was attacking my muscles before I started this, so I lost a lot of muscle - all's fine now, but that means the risk of skin sagging is a bit of a worry - I am being assured it will be OK, so it was good to read that article.
I would be interested in reading that e-book Cryss if that is possible. I went to the web and read some of Tom Venuto's work, and it sounds like it might be a good read.
Pink Virgo, pinkcandy and Blula: Well aren't you all doing Ok!! Hopefully you will be good support for each other. Keep with it, it will be worth it.
divinemissnat: you must be so close to refeed now - with myshy not too far behind - so exciting for you, wish I could see you both because I'm sure it would be inspirational. I hope you reach refeed really, really soon.
joysey it is fantastic to hear you have finished now, but where are you? I would love to hear of your experiences on refeed and also how it is for you now. How about telling us? You've travelled the path we are all heading to, and you are a touch of what we have to look forward to. SO WHERE ARE YOU?
Was trying to post this much earlier, but I lost my post THREE times!! Someone said earlier in the thread that there was a trick to stopping them from disappearing and I can't find it - does anyone remember what it was?
Today my name is WILL WILL POWER!!

oh my god girls talk about nightmare situation ...

fully paid for social event with my partners company ...

on a boat

in the middle of the bay ...

as much of the following you can eat ..

gourmet sandwiches
mini quiches
mini sausage roles
mini bagles with smoked salmon and cream cheese
little cakes and slices
wine, beer and soft drink ...

and what passed my lips?

2 nectarines and 2 Paradise lites and 2-3 carafes of water!

I was like jelly, but I only waivered I didn't break!

so as the post says, today my name is WILL ... WILL POWER!

I figure if I can get through a few more days like that I'll be focussed 100%

Just got home to my chicken salad (that I prepared earlier) looks like it will be a later dinner, but at least I stuck to it 100%

check out this site girls some good tips around body fat, loose skin and stretch marks.
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Excellent work Cryss!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So, so pleased for you. That is so focused. So spot on. Such clear thinking. Be proud of yourself for that gigantic effort.
You realise of course that those foods ARE going to be something you can enjoy in the future and there will be lots of opportunity to make up for it in the future. But for now ... this is the summit of effort.
Thanks for telling us.
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Hi everyone
well I need to start AGAIN - I got a dud wagon but it will be replaced!! :)
I thought I would let you know that Joysey is over seas so will not be writing but I am sure that when she gets back she will let us know how she went :)

Hello everyone,

Haven't posted in a while,but was trying to catch up on all the information. Seems like everyone is back on track and focused . . .good for all of you. Welcome to the newcomers . . .I'm still new and so happy I found all of you. I'm doing well on my program and wanted to share something that I discovered for myself.

I keep reading how difficult it is for some to consume all the water. I had been working with a nutritionalist before starting this and she had mentioned that it was healthier to drink tea than coffee, so I decided at that time to switch over. I have found some wonderful teas in the states that are vanilla flavored. They have vanilla caramel, vanilla chai, vanilla hazelnut and plain vanilla. The brand is bigelow. I know we aren't supposed to have flavored teas (berry types), however it has not affected my process at all. I bet it would be very refreshing as popsicles . . .I haven't tried that yet. I start in the morning and have it all day and then a slimmer's tea before bed. I do drink my water when I'm out and in my car. I have also found that when I'm on the run during the day, I take my allowance of cheese (the mozzerella sticks), celery allowance and a crispbread and a piece of fruit. This really ties me over, so I'm not stuck anywhere. If I go to the movies, I cut the cheese into small pieces, and cut the celery up as well and break up the crispbread and eat it while everyone else is chomping down on their popcorn . . .(which I love) . . .it sure helped me through that . . . I mix balsimic vinegar with a pack of sweetner for my salads, or to put over cucumbers and this has worked out as well. It's not gourmet, but it's working. My best to all of you . . .chat later and hope to find you all lighter:D

Sincerely, Linda
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