the proof is in the pudding!
Not literally pudding! But the proof of my resolve is in the living through temptation and coming through unscathed!
Today I had a meeting that went for 3 hours over lunch, fully catered, my favorite food SANDWICHES. I went out to the fridge, picked up my Chilli Chicken Salad and Nectarine, filled up my water and sat and watched everyone else eat the yummy sandwiches while I ate my yummy lunch!
THEN, my cousin came over for dinner tonight, I made chill's prawns and salad, she drank wine I drank water and then we both had a coffee.
No pressure, no guilt, no missing out, no temptation.
This isn't easy, it's not like I'm living a dream here, it is hard, but the energy and drive are back. I'm not questioning why they are here, but I'm ensuring that they don't have any reason to vanish again, I'm back in the mindset that I was in back in Oct and Nov.
Casey: Drink water, you will truly see the results. 3 days into it and it's like month one all over again.
lizzi: thanks for the support girl, I can't believe the support I get on here from what for all intense and purpose are strangers, and my own friends and family try and put me down and sabotage me.
dreamer: thanks for the support and the lovely comments re my pic, this is what I looked like a few years ago, before I got swallowed by JABBA, you should have see my big round face, I'll post one of those pics, it is disgusting,
this is the face I want my fiancée to see not the balloon he has to look at now!
ksch2004: If you need to lose weight more than anything else in your life, this is the program for you, I say the first line because of the absolute focus and determination you have to have to make it work, because like most things it works, you just have to stick to it. You could say well why don't I try something like WW, that too will work if I stick to it and it won't be as hard, and you are right. The thing that sets Cohen's apart is that it works and it works QUICK, at our size you need to see some results QUICKLY, you need to see that huge sacrifice paying off, once you see that, the sacrifice is worth it. If you decide to do it, the only thing I would recommend is staying with this forum and drinking water. If you stick to your plan, come to us to celebrate and frustrate and drink your water, it will fall off!!
rjm: I have to be honest, some nights if the dogs didn't keep moving I'd chew their bloody paws off I'm so hungry! And other nights I'm fine. Not wanting to sound like a broken record here (but I will) but if you have HUGE glass of water when you think you are hungry, it goes, you feel full and bloated, and food just isn't an option. Problem is you need to be able to control your reactive instincts to eat food without thinking. Has anyone had that same problem? I used to just put things in my mouth without even registering what they were or how much I was eating. No wonder I got to where I was in such a short time.
Ok well love to the gang, you know who you are, Moni, keep an eye on the post girl ... we love you and you are SO CLOSE TO DOUBLE DIGITS!!!! I'm just waiting for that phone call!!!!!!
Stay safe, stay good and stay skinny!
I would like to draw everyones attention to the ticker and how close I am to having under 50 to lose!