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KLJi started drinking 2L of water a day pre-Cohens to get myself into the swing of things, so it hasn't been too bad. I've found that a 1.5L water bottle at work and another in the car helps. I set myself the goal to finish both by the end of the day. I have another 1.5L at home in the fridge as well. If you can physically see how much you need to consume (and have an end to water sculling) it makes it eaiser!
8-2muchglad to hear it all worked out... and congratulations on fitting into those pants!!!
Congratulations moni 78kgthats just fantastic i bet a lot of people don't even recognize you wow wow wow boy i just realized you must of gone done quite a few sizes in clothing:D
This morning i couldn't help but notice that my watch has become really loose so i'll have to get some links removed, which is pretty cool.
Big Positive Happy Weight Loss Thoughts!

I was just thinking on the weekend about when I last lost weight, which was several years ago and I got down to close to my goal weight (and then got pregnant and put it all back on....)

I had to wear an extra ring, because my wedding and engagement rings were so loose, and then one day at a friends I was talking, and did some sort of hand gesture, and my rings went flying across their backyard.... it took about 45 minutes crawling through the grass to find them.

So, don't forget the side effects of losing weight, and we all might need to go and get our rings re-sized!!

Moni - WOW :eek: 78kg's is AMAZING!!! CONGRATULATIONS!!
Can you post some before and after pictures I'm sure we would all love to be inspired by them.:D

'Some succeed because they're destined; others succeed because they're DETERMINED'
Double Figures

After sittting on 100.3kg for three days today I weighed in at 99.7kg. I had to rub my eyes, really had trouble believing it for a few seconds. Double Figures Yahoo !!!! So thats the half way point and Saturday 7th October is my fourth calendar month completed. I have now decided to join a gym and start working on the muscle tone. Will update ticker after official weigh in next week.
I was wondering have any of you continued to feel that deep inside coldness. During my first month on Cohens it was constant then it subsided and now it is back again. What are others experiencing ??:confused:
Congratulations Moni - 78kgs

Hi to all and glad to see everyone doing well.

Moni, CONGRATULATIONS on your fantastic achievement. You have lost more weight than what you weigh now!!!! So glad you have posted to motivate all of us here. You are an inspirational Cohen success story and your family would be so proud of you. I hope you are enjoying trying and buying lots of new clothes to reward yourself. Well done!!! :D

Lessfatty: congratulations on getting past that 'failure' point. You will need to buy a new belt as a measuring tool in a few sizes smaller than what you now have. Great results. :D

Beebee: The feeling of what double figures is like I can only imagine. Keep up the good work and soon you will be at goal.

Heavenlylamb: My rings are also very loose and twisting around and I am always checking they are on my fingers. The irony is that for years I couldn't wear them and I wouldn't give in to resize them. I did get them enlarged and now I have to resize them smaller.

8-2 much: glad to hear everything is back on track for you. Isn't it great when you unexpectedly try on something you haven't worn for a while. Well done and keep going.

To everyone have a good night and keep up the great work.
Hi . I am a 29 year old mother of three and i was wondering if there is any other mothers with young children. How did you cope with sticking to your plan while all the kids want is junk! They love pasta , rice , potatoes..its driving me crazy and its only been 4 days. I have just been cooking the same things for everyone and just adding the pasta etc to the other meals? Husband is supportive.
Also this weekend i have 3 birthday dinners at various places. One is just a BBQ so ithought i could just bring my own little piece of meat but what happens when i go to restuarants. Do i eat before i go and just have a couple of diet cokes there ? My consultant says to avoid dinning out but I can't really not go to my own family's 21st / 30th etc.
Anyway I'm sure i can cope..i don't want to fall off the wagon already.
Hi, I am also 29 and have three little kids at home.(3,2 & 6mth) It is extremely difficult when the kids are eating 'normal' food and you have to have your little Cohen's bite! I am the cook in the household and this also creates a huge temptation. I mean I have to taste it to make sure it's right don't I??? NO!!! Try not to let yourself fall into the trap where you think one little taste wont do any harm. All this is easier said than done of course.

I was unbelievably cranky and snappy in the first couple of weeks especially at dinner time as I felt so deprived and 'left out'. My advice to you is to keep the positive talk going on in your head. It is not forever. I will feel so much better. Remember the last time you went to go out somewhere and had a tantrum and didn't want to go because you couldn't stand the sight of yourself? Don't feel like that again. Don't lock yourself away - you deserve to be healthy and vibrant and that is what will happen if you be true to yourself.

Imagine - we are only 29!!! We have sooooooooo much ahead of us and wont our children be proud of their fit 'Yummy Mummy'! Do you have a daughter? I have two and I often look at their beautiful innocent little faces and realise that I do not in any way want the image problems I had/have to be passed onto them. We owe them that much. How can we bring up confident, ambitious HAPPY children if we do not lead the way?

A few things I do to help through dinner is to chew on some gum so that the temptation to stick something in my mouth is less. If I have it in the fridge I also poor myself a really big icy glass of Sprite or Fanta Zero. When I sit everyone down to eat I usually have a shower or fold the clothes or get onto the forum. Sometimes I'll do all the washing up as well and know that everything is cleaned and the food is no longer there to taunt me.

A good thing to keep in mind is also that it really is only food. I am a great lover of all things food and wine. (My husbands family run resturaunts and vineyards - just to make things more tricky!) But I am learning that food is only here for us to survive. You know the old saying, I eat to live not live to eat? It puts things into perspective for you.

You will be fine. And I have found that the most rewarding for me is the satisfaction of sticking to something. I am very proud of myself! I am looking forward to seeing this through til the end and knowing that it was all my doing. Kind of like getting a Uni Degree! It is hard but not so hard that you can't do it - don't be defeated. YOU CAN - YOU WILL do it!

I have had engagement parties, birthdays, baby showers, wine launches etc to face and I have always taken my own little container. If/When I have felt embarrased I have sneakily asked a waiter to pass me a bowl/plate and have had it brought out for me. As people have mentioned earlier on the forum use Dr's appointments or allergies as an excuse if you have to. The diet softdrink is always a blessing! And if you get stuck without a meal - be as honest as you can and choose undressed salad and lean meat. You are only human as well! Just do what you can and if you are honest with yourself you can not ask for anything more!

Best of luck. And honestly if I have come this far (7 weeks now!) you can/will blow me out of the water! GO! GO! GO!
You are an Inspiration to me!

Hi Guy's for the people that know me I have done it ......

Gone from 143kg's starting november 2005
to 65kg's august 2006...... total of 78kg's......

Dear Moni,

I went to read your old post and i have just followed your journey to the new you. I am so inspired by your progress. You are fantastic. I am losing too slowly because I pinch some chocolate here, an extra slice of fish there and just made 2-3 litre of water. I will drink more water from today. Thank you.
Ok... im officially stressing out..

I have 8 weeks to shed the last 15 kg's my body has decided to hold onto these past few weeks..

I am really hoping to be on the re-feed by at least the 7th December.. which gives me 8 weeks to get the rest off..

I DO NOT want to be on Cohens for xmas.. that would surely kill me :(

Im finding it tough at the moment, but keeping my head held high.. i will do this if it kills me!

I know all of you will be thinking "you cant rush this" and i know i cant.. but by golly i know i WILL NOT be eating Cohen's food on Xmas day!

I want my normal life back... or at least seem a little normal..

Please ignore this if i sound like a nutcase...
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[8-2 much Thanks very much for your great response.A lot of things for me to think about. Thank you.
Yes I have two girls 6 and 3 and an older boy who is 9. So i had him young when i was 20 and it seems in my 20's i was either pregnant or breastfeeding.
So now it is time for me before i turn 30 in January.
I need to lose 15-18 kilos so as you said it's not forever .
Ticker update... Very happy..... Officially crossed the halfway mark. I would like to thank all who post in this forum for encouraging and giving advices. This make my very difficult journey bearable as I can see the same struggle and same weaknesses that we are all in.
Okey Dokey i feel better now...

I just spoke with my consultant and she assured me that losing the remainder of my weight by xmas is possible :) Phhhhhhhew

I just cant be naughty and have any foreign foods.. Which i am willing to do! :)
Moni - I am so sorry I overlooked your enormous effort. AMAZING! I have found so often on this forum that the english language does not provide us with enough words to convey how we are feeling! That is such a wonderful achievement. Congratulations. Any advice for those of us still plodding along???

BAM - HI! How are you? I completey understand your impatience! I am also very keen to be over and done with before Chrissy arrives. Man, I can almost taste the fresh prawns and leg ham!!! Not to mention the Champer's and orange for Breakky! WE CAN DO IT!!! Although you are scooting along ahead of me - I hope I'll make it! You'll be fine. A few weeks fully focused and you're home and hosed. GO GIRL!

KLJ - Glad to help - well I hope I did and didn't waffle too much! You'll be right mate!

STORM - Congrats on the half way mark. WOW! You must feel great. Keep going - you'll be done before you know!

Hope everyone is having a good- no GREAT day. We are all another day closer to our goals.
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8-2 Much- HI, Im good thanks :)

I havent heard from you in a while, im so glad you are doing well.. How are you feeling? Have you passed 6 weeks yet?... x

MmmmmmMmmmmmmmmmm LEG HAM!!!!! Arrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrgh (Homer Simpson face with droul)...

Bam, 8-2 Much and Babyegg - we all have similar amounts to lose and want to lose by about the same stage. Bam you will do, remember all the things you told me last night? Well, I've listened and the competition is on. The winners prize is a healthy, sexy bod for Christmas! I'm more determined now...

Well done on double figures Beebee

Moni, you are amazing!!!!! What else can be said WELL DONE

Heavenly Lamb - I got my rings back from being sized up a month before Cohens and now they are huge. I'll wait until I'm finished before I change them again - for the last time!

KLJ - I have two little ones and really miss eating dinner with the rest of the family, but it is the only way I can get through dinner. I don't have a problem cooking the mash potato and pasta, I just can't watch them eat it! We always talk about the favourite part of the day over our meals so I now allow and extra 15 minutes at book time and we do it then.
The chips and chocolate are the hardest for me. I make these treats that can only be eaten outside, especially with the weather warming up. The kids only get snack size chips and snack size chocolates so there is never enough for Mum to share anyway!
When they go outside to eat I water the garden or hang the washing out, I find it helps.
I find their is always a temptation when there is children involved, but I also think I am cooking healthier meals for my family then I did before and also have limited the junk to occassional food. and that makes me feel good.

My birthday is also in january, I will be 36, and do not want to spend another year FAT. My husband and I have always said that we would celebrate our 40th birthdays in Hawaii so I am getting in early for that!

BAM - Let me know if you need some new recipe ideas?????

Thanks to Bam I am now back with a venegance and WILL lose this weight before Christmas. Thanks again Bam
in regards to losing rings..... get some tape (syicky tape or band aid) cut to fit and wrap it around the ring (out of sight) it will bulk up the band and stop them from coming off.

My golly girl, you almost made me shed a tear reading that!

Im glad that i have made you more determined to lose the "left over" weight before XMAS.. As my consultant said... IT CAN BE DONE!! So Bring it on!

And about receipe's YES PLEASE!!!!!

Im the worlds worst cook, and all i have been eating for 8 weeks is mince, cabbage,tomato & onion in a bowl... and im about to BARF!

So any receipes are welcome... as long as they dont contain eating Meat on CRACKERS... Thats just wrong, doesnt sit well with me at all.. hehe

KEEP ON KEEPING ON EVERYONE, We will be finished in no time!

DO NOT DEVIATE... It seriously does slow the progress down for a week.. Dr Cohen didnt lie about that one! xx

P.S- Ive decided i will order my re-feed at 66kg's.... so that means i only have 13kg's to lose which works out to be 1.5 or so kg's per week from now until early Dec which is when i want to order the re-feed... lets see how i go! FINGERS CROSSED! I can smell the Jim Beam & Diet Coke on Xmas Day!!! Arrrrgh... and that damn LEG HAM! Mmmmmm
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