Weight-Loss Coffee

By now you may know I switched from coffee to energy drinks and it is true that I can sip on an energy drink all day and not feel the need to drink water. Maybe that is a caffine effect. I have to force myself to drink the water.
Coffee Substitute anyone???

Just wanted to know if anyone has any good tips on what to do about missing the morning cup of java, I really miss having my coffee and the headaches are killer in the mid-morning, any suggestions?
Let me know please, thanks..
Headaches from lack of caffeine? My mom guzzles lipton black tea, in the tea bag packet things that you dip into hot water.
how about a cup of hot green tea? it has 35mg of caffeine i believe versus the 200 of a cup of coffee. that may help ease the pain a bit!
When I gave up caffiene (Soda for me, not coffee) I got killer headaches too. You really have to wean yourself off of it, as opposed to going cold turkey. Started drinking less coffee, then start drinking half-caff, then 1/4 caff, then non caffiene at all.

I went cold turkey, and had screaming headaches for a week. Not fun.
Good or bad? After some rather long searching I couldn't find a straight answer on coffee when it comes to diets. Is it fine? When is it allowed?

If you use a sugar substitute such as sweet and low or splenda with a fat free creamer such as coffee mate is it fine? Does coffee somehow stop the loss of weight? Or do some people think it bad because it makes you want to eat? If you resist the urge of wanting to eat from coffee is it then fine? Or does coffee do something else to you making it harder to lose?

Like I said after a long search no sites gave me a straight answer. Most of them tried to throw what seemed like gibberish at me about how coffee elevates this and that and I'm not good with that stuff.
no idea but just doing a quick search on google i found this

"Reputable practitioners, like the Mayo Clinic, debunk the myth of caffeine for weight loss and discourage its use as a weight loss aid"

But it could be false
I have no real answers about coffee...

I have read some really negative reports about sugar replacements and dieting. So I gave up all diet sodas. When I want a soda, I use the "leaded" version ;)

I was a die hard coffee fanatic. My husband and I have two matching coffee makers on the kitchen counter, because we were in constant competition for the "last cup"

I quit drinking it 3 weeks ago. I figured I'm going to make what I put in my mouth count. If it's liquid, it's going to be water, because I struggle to get 64oz a day in. If it's food, it's going to be what I like ;)

So how was that for a completely useless and uninformational post?
hello, my name is maleficent, and I am a coffee addict... I practically have a shrine set up to it...

Coffee is dehydrating... so if you do drink coffee, you should drink a bunch of water for each cup you consume.

I've seen studies where it helps boost your metabolism (if that were truly the case, i'd be the energizer bunny who weighs 110 pounds) I've seen studies where it's good for your liver as well as memory function (on a good day, i can remember my name, and all sorts of obscure television and movie trivia... I can't remember anything else though)

It's one of those things, all things in moderation are ok.. don't overdo...

I'm also coming around to the mindset that sugar substitutes aren't good for you - I'm trying, as much as possible, go as natural as possible in foods and not eat anything that has an ingredient i can't pronounce... Sweet and Low is all chemical... and can't be healthy (and i've consumed that stuff for decades) I saw a study once - and i can't recall the source, but it was that people who consume sugar substitues end up gaining more weight than people who use real sugar because the substitutes are so sweet, it takes way more sugar to get the same taste.

I am big fan of the coffee. And I do not think that coffee is bad during the diet. Well, first of all, probably need to find out what kind of coffe you drink.
Coffees like nescafe 3in1 of course is bad. I prefer (I you hope everybody will understand what I mean) to prepare like that: into cup to put 2 spoons of coffee (not instant one) and put water. And without any suger. I think that kind of coffee makes your appetite decrease. :)

Like it was said before, the coffee dehydrate the organisme. Therefore need to drink a lot of water or tea (green or other herbal tea).

So, I suppose 1 or 2 cups of coffee is not bad.
I was wondering the same thing. I do enjoy at least one cup of coffee a day, other then that it's strictly water (which I love) Coffee for me supresses my appetite. I just wonder how it effects my body...
It has also been shown that coffee can reduce the risk of cervical cancer in woman and testicular cancer in men, along with other ailments including dementia in older people, (it tends to lesson the symptoms from what I have read). But too much of anything is bad for you, but I as a huge java junkie myself need my cups of joe to thrive. Caffeine at least for me does decrease my appetite, but only when it comes to coffee. :eek:
Coffee or no coffee

I didnt know where to put this...I am a coffee drinker and lover, however I woudl like to stop drinking it, I think it woudl be for the better...I wanna get away from sugar as much as possible, even though I use the fact stuff, i would still liek to really limit it. I use fake sugar in my coffee...

What my question is, I still need and want the caffine...who much different is a cup of tea, in comparrision to coffee and at that I woudl still need sugar...I could try Chai Tea with honey in the morns but isnt that just replacing one addition with another ???

Any feed back I would appreciate...
i went from a 2 -3 pot of coffee a day habit to one cup every other day... less coffee is much better for you.. no coffee is probably best (I can't believe i just said that)

To get you going in the morning - start with a big glass of ice cold water.. trust me it wakes you up... don't use coffee to keep you awake or as a stimulant - figure out how to get the rest that you need.
i think moderation is best. actual studies have varying opinions, so i have one cup a day and save it for when i really know i want it. i usually have mine after lunch. the rest of the day it's water for me. and like posted above...ice cold water in the morning will definitely get you going...good tip...it's true!
depending on the tea, you'd be injesting more caffeine than having coffee. as for chai, well, usually it's made with a lot cream or milk so thats something to keep in mind. personally I like a good strong green tea, black.
I drink about 3 cups a day. used to have them 2 cream, 2 sugar, but now have 1 cream, 1 sweetner...drinking coffee hasn't hurt my weightloss.
I dont want to stop it for weightloss, I just want to stop drinking it for other reasons, I just hink it would be better if I stopped, LOL...as far as the Chai Tea...I make it at home and it is just the tea bags...

Mal the sleep comment made me laugh...I wonder how I cna find a way to get the adequate rest I need...hahahaha...

Thanx for posting
I cut down to one cup during the day and one cup in the afternoon ( small )

I use the coffemate creamers that are 35 calories per tablespoon ( I use 2 per cup ) so for my daily calorie intake 70 per cup works for me. No sugar they are sweet enough. On a spulrge I get a large dunkin donuts with 2 splenda and skim milk then sometimes add one tbsp of creamer.
I dont want to stop it for weightloss, I just want to stop drinking it for other reasons, I just hink it would be better if I stopped, LOL...as far as the Chai Tea...I make it at home and it is just the tea bags...

Mal the sleep comment made me laugh...I wonder how I cna find a way to get the adequate rest I need...hahahaha...

Thanx for posting

hmm, maybe I'm missing something here...why do you want to stop drinking coffee?
I see you mention sugar in the original post, but then say you don't use it in your coffee....