Weight-Loss Coffee

Okay - Frank says that Green Tea is REALLY good for you because it is rich in antioxidents and that the goodness of it overriides the caffein. He says that it's okay to take in a small amount of cafein. He also disputes the 90 mg figure on amount of caffein in tea/coffee - he says that most caffeinated beverages have tons more .... but it depends on brand, etc.

He confirms that large amounts of caffein such as that which you would get from coffee and tea do in fact drain the calcium from your bones (that's a bad thing ;-//)

He says that green tea is a really good beverage.

that is my report!


I have read in several different articles that green tea also helps your
metabolism, whether it speeds it up or just helps keep it going....
I'm not sure but I take a multi-vitamin w/ green tea in it.
I recently tried to drink some hot green tea and it was ugh, :eek: disgusting
but the bottles of iced green tea (arizona)are yum, but they do have
some sugar I believe , haven't had them for a while but they are much
easier to drink. :eek: Tina
if i drink too much green tea it makes me nauseas. there are also FLAVORED green teas in case you didnt know. my favorite is Mango, but you can buy a box of multi flavored green teas so you can decide which flavor you like best and then just buy a box of that next time. right now i take one a day weight smart vitamins which have green tea in them. as for the coffee, its worth every penny to me. it helps keep my appetite at bay during the day and i drink plenty of water also so i dont dehydrate. i also drink skim milk and eat lots of yogurt so i hope that makes up for calcium loss!
Calcium loss

wonderwoman said:
if i drink too much green tea it makes me nauseas. there are also FLAVORED green teas in case you didnt know. my favorite is Mango, but you can buy a box of multi flavored green teas so you can decide which flavor you like best and then just buy a box of that next time. right now i take one a day weight smart vitamins which have green tea in them. as for the coffee, its worth every penny to me. it helps keep my appetite at bay during the day and i drink plenty of water also so i dont dehydrate. i also drink skim milk and eat lots of yogurt so i hope that makes up for calcium loss!

Really taking the green tea capsules or vitemins containing green tea is a nice easy way to get your hit of green tea without trying to drink large amounts of it. Green tea is nice as a digestive aid but in small amounts.

The coffee thing when compensated with lots of water is not that bad ... but make sure you do drink lots of water to compensate.

You are probably not getting enough calcium from the yogurt and skim milk. You should be taking a Calcium/magnesium capsule or tablet. Women are especially subject to bone loss and usually we are not taking in enough calcium from our food sources to make up.

It's not worth the risk you run of getting osteo - take the supplment and know that you are definitely getting the correct amount of calcium. You DO need to take the magnesium at the same time for proper absorption.

If you would like to understand more about osteo and the risks you run from eating improperly, read "What Your Doctor May Not Tell You About Menopause". It a well researched and written book and contains a lot of food guidelines, tons of info and some great recipes.

I was diagnosed with very advanced osteo three years ago, and using this book and the dietary guidelines, I have succeeded in getting the osteo to regress. The last bone scan shows bone density improvement in all areas. What else can I say?



I would still like to know where the caffeine free coffee ranks. I believe it is better than regular coffee...am I just kidding myself? Is it maybe not just the caffeine that's bad for me. And ...do I also have to drink a glass of water for each cup of caffeine free coffee?? Does anyone know??

I am currently drinking a fair amount of decaffeinated coffee, but I would try and find a substitute if I found out it is just as bad or worse than regular coffee.

Hi Lisa:

Frank says that (in his opinion, others may differ) and based upon the amount of caffein, the number of cups, etc. that, basically, up to 2 cups of regular coffee per day will not do you harm - provided you are drinking the glass of water per cup thast we discussed.

Cafeinated vs. non-caf - he felt that you weren't really gaining or losing a lot other than perhaps flavour/boost.

Ideally, 10 to 16 glasses of water per day, plus an extra glass for each cup of a cafeinated beverage.

The Coffee thing - where you run into the problems - cellular interference, draining the calcium etc. is when you are drinking more than 1 - 2 cups daily.

He also said that green tea, while it contains caffein, has so many benefits that they far outweigh the negatives of the caffein, also the caffein content in green tea, he says, is much lower than coffee or tea.

If you were to substitute the green tea for the coffee you would be doing yourself a huge favour, but if not, stay at 2 cups max of tea or coffee and you won't be doing too much harm.

Now if we read books by Dr. Lee (What your doctor may not tell you about Menaopause) and Graci (The Food Connection) they will suggest that any caffein at all is too much.

Frank feels that we have to adopt a more moderate approach.

Frank, by the way, was a huge coffee drinker and a heavy smoker. He did a complete turnaround, drinks no coffee, does not smoke and drinks gallons of water. Eats very healthy - though not a vegetarian. He is very fit - works out every day, really toned looking. (cute too ;-))

Hope this helps!

Oh blast, I forgot - yes, about drinking water for each cup of non caf - he said drink the extra water because every extra bit helps. ;-))

thank you so much Weezy,

at least now I know...basically I didn't do myself any favours by thinking decaff is better than regular. Well since it is summer, I will try and eliminate the decaff and cut back on the regular. Problem I have is that I get a headache if I don't drink any coffee at all. Really annoying, especially since I don't like being addicted to anything :rolleyes: ....maybe I will try to get off the coffee alltogether, just to get rid of that addiction. But I can't tolerate headaches very well, so I will do it slowly... a little less every couple of days. I already started this before the weekend, so now I am down to 1 teaspoon of halfcaff + 1 teaspoon of decaff, which makes one mug for breakfast... Hopefully by next weekend, I am down to half of that and another week later "coffee bye bye":D
De-caff is actually the worst for you, it may not have caffiene, but the chemical process to rinse the caffiene out is harmful.. better off with out it completely.
HI Paula,

actually I heard of that before, a long time ago, but I kind of forgot about it. I already try cutting down on the coffee and the decaff, hopefully by next week I can do without the coffee and be without the headache.
i heard that coffee speeds up ur metabolism and decreases appetite mainly DUE to the caffine? is this bad? even just one a cup a day? or one cup every couple days? i take a multivitamin and still drink plenty of water throughout the day...
as mentioned earlier in this thread - one or two cups of coffee in a day won't hurt you, if you counter with water. It's when you drink buckets of coffee that it gets bad.

I used to drink a lot of coffee, and very strong coffee too, about 6-8 mugs per day. Then about 9 years ago I started cutting back - it wasn't easy. I tried to stop completely but was rewarded with major headaches, so I continued drinking coffee, but I lowered the caffeine gradually. I cut back to about 4 mugs per day, then mixing regular coffee with decaffeinated. I tried quitting again and still ended up with headaches...which annoyed me...I don't like being addicted to anything, so a few weeks back I started again with trying to quit. I slowly, over the course of a few weeks increased the amount of the decaffeinated coffee versus the caffeinated and then on a weekend 2-3 weeks ago, I tried not to drink any and I haven't had a drop since. I am so happy that I was finally able to kick that habit:D:D

but that's a different story alltogether....

From what I heard, a lot of the fat burner supplements contain caffeine, which would support the statement, that caffeine speeds up your metabolism. If you want to use it as that, then you should drink it black with no sugar.
Coffee. Is it true?

I love coffee! I have lots of coffee every day, with Splenda.

I read somewhere, I think it was the Southbeach Diet book or somethin' like that - I read that coffee causes hunger, it causes you to want to eat more.

Does anybody know anything about that?

I have a big cup of coffee every morning (32 oz.) and one in the afternoon, almost every day.

Hhhmmm, the smell of coffee!
i dont know about actually causing hunger, but i have heard this too about the hindered weight loss...part of the reason is because caffeine leads to an increase of insulin in your body that retards the burning of your stored fat. some doctors say that if heavy coffee drinkers stop drinking coffee and change nothing else in their diet, they will lose 15 pounds! dont know if this is really true, just what i have heard.
I've read a number of reports that state that caffine in general is an appetite stimulate. So pop and some teas have the same effect. I know I've noticed this personally because days when I succumb and drink pop instead of water leave me feeling famished only a couple hours after eating. So the coffee itself doesn't cause weight gain or hinder weight loss, but the effect it has on us makes it so much more likely to happen.
thats right beagle, this applies to ALL caffeinated beverages. i should have stated that in my post! also for the diet soda drinkers, see the diet soda thread a few threads down. pretty interesting about how even diet drinks can lead to stalled weight loss as well but for other reasons in addition to the caffeine. i love coffee too, but have cut down slowly over the past 2 years from a pot a day to only a cup or 2 a day. some days i dont have any! your just better off with water!
I didn't know this about coffee. I will try cutting down on the amount of coffee I drink and see what happens.