Hey Everyone
Bep - Welcome to the forum, it's great to see you here!
Chip - Great job with the hill! I'd be doing the Rocky Dance too!!
I'm home from camping - it was gorgeous in Santa Barbara! I was gone Monday through Thursday and came home weighing 9 pounds more then when I left.
I'm hoping my scale just went hay wire
Seriously, I drank some, snacked on "Happy Hour" snacks two of the nights, but ate reasonable breakfast, lunch and dinner. I'm hoping it's just all the extra salt in take, my cycle, and maybe even a broken scale
I'll know more in a few days once my body gets back on track.
The good news is I had a really beautiful walking trail
I won't count the 125 steps to the beach (each way, at least 6 times UP them), but I have put in 19.9 miles for a total of 31.84 kms! My goal was to do 20 miles, so I'm close
Which brings our total to...