Hi guys!
I started this thread because I really needed the support of people in the same boat as me and I have not been checking in. So apparently we have blown right past Banff. LOL oops. Anyway guys I see there is a new tally going on. So where are we walking to now? Are we still counting down the kms or what? I seemed to have missed a whole lot of stuff.
Initial C:
I was reading your post about the t-shirt and I can understand all that that shirt intails for you. I would just like to share a little bit with you. I had these 4 journals that I filled over the course of highschool pretty much one for each year that I was there. Anyway I would every now and again, go back and read them. I found that there were some funny memories but most of it was pretty negative towards myself. You know all that teenager crap. Down on yourself becasue you got a pimple, that guy you like likes someone else, your thighs are too big, your boobs are to small......bla bla bal. So anyway I had written depressing poetry and I had food journals in there times when I binged and then purged you name it. These journals represented a time in my life that I really enjoyed most of the time but I didn't need to keep revisiting those moments. Now I know your shirt is somewhat different than journals but I think it is the same concept none the less. I was holding onto the past for what? I'm not so sure.
As everyone is saying it is a personal decision but I chose to read my journals one last time and I ripped each page out and shredded them. It was actually quite freeing. I was letting go of the past and only had my memories to fall back on. And you know what I began to forget the negative bits in those journals. Once you get rid of your shirt (if that is what you decide to do) you will no doubt say at some point "why did I throw that away?" But once it gone it's gone and a lot of those memories with it. I guess you just have to figure out why you are holding onto it.
Hey I have an idea why don't you take a picture of the shirt or you holding the shirt and frame it. Then you can put it up somewhere. You can throw away the shit and keep the picture. Then if you no longer want the picture you can throw that away too.
I watch that TLC show where the guy or girl come in and they make you purge your house, throw stuff away, have a yard sale and they refinish two or three rooms. The name of the show is escaping me right now but the one guy always get people to separate with sentimental items. One time he use the picture idea.
I don't know just thougt I would put in my two cents.