Club 200 Plus

Taking a break on the way to Chicago

Hi ,
Just to let everyone know that I have severely bruised toes because of a silly accident, so I will have to take a rest break in ummm now let me see where are we? Can someone drop me off at a hotel and I'll catch up with you later?:)

I can still use the exercise bike so maybe I could cycle the Kms for now, what does everyone think?
HI all! I'd like to join the club, if you think there's room for 1 more ;)
And, I'd like to add my 8kms of walking for this week...
Hi Steph

Welcome aboard! Always room for one more. Great to see another Aussie on this thread, I was getting lonely:) Your goal weight stats are the same as mine. At my heaviest I was 110kg and my goal weight is 60kg. I've started a diary, I find it helpful and it constantly reminds me to think about what I'm putting in my mouth.

Would you like to tell us a bit about yourself?
Hi guys!

I started this thread because I really needed the support of people in the same boat as me and I have not been checking in. So apparently we have blown right past Banff. LOL oops. Anyway guys I see there is a new tally going on. So where are we walking to now? Are we still counting down the kms or what? I seemed to have missed a whole lot of stuff.

Initial C:
I was reading your post about the t-shirt and I can understand all that that shirt intails for you. I would just like to share a little bit with you. I had these 4 journals that I filled over the course of highschool pretty much one for each year that I was there. Anyway I would every now and again, go back and read them. I found that there were some funny memories but most of it was pretty negative towards myself. You know all that teenager crap. Down on yourself becasue you got a pimple, that guy you like likes someone else, your thighs are too big, your boobs are to small......bla bla bal. So anyway I had written depressing poetry and I had food journals in there times when I binged and then purged you name it. These journals represented a time in my life that I really enjoyed most of the time but I didn't need to keep revisiting those moments. Now I know your shirt is somewhat different than journals but I think it is the same concept none the less. I was holding onto the past for what? I'm not so sure.

As everyone is saying it is a personal decision but I chose to read my journals one last time and I ripped each page out and shredded them. It was actually quite freeing. I was letting go of the past and only had my memories to fall back on. And you know what I began to forget the negative bits in those journals. Once you get rid of your shirt (if that is what you decide to do) you will no doubt say at some point "why did I throw that away?" But once it gone it's gone and a lot of those memories with it. I guess you just have to figure out why you are holding onto it.

Hey I have an idea why don't you take a picture of the shirt or you holding the shirt and frame it. Then you can put it up somewhere. You can throw away the shit and keep the picture. Then if you no longer want the picture you can throw that away too.

I watch that TLC show where the guy or girl come in and they make you purge your house, throw stuff away, have a yard sale and they refinish two or three rooms. The name of the show is escaping me right now but the one guy always get people to separate with sentimental items. One time he use the picture idea.

I don't know just thougt I would put in my two cents.
Good Morning :)

aussiechick - I think cycling kms should count - you're doing the movement not a car ;) I hope your toes heal quickly!

Hi Steph - welcome to the forum! There is *always* room for more :) Glad you found us!

Jenn, We made it to Banff and we are now heading to Winnipeg! See what you started, I get to see areas of the world I never would have otherwise ;) My husband camped in Banff and loved it, one day I hope to camp there too!

And C - I agree with Jenn on the t-shirt but time will definitely give you perspective in finding what you need to do that works you :)

I walked 5.6 kms today which brings our total to...


Yes you can join. It's for all of us that are 200 plus. But if you are no longer in the 200's I don't think anyone would kick you out! Support is support.

Ohhhh all the way to Winnipeg. That is a long walk. Getting close to my stomping grounds! When we get to my hometown I will put up some beautiful pictures.

Thanks for the update M2M

Hi everyone

Nice to see you back Jennifuffa. OK so I'll include my biking Kms. towards our journey. Yesterday was 15.5kms plus Manaloa's 3.2km brings us to


M2M - you mentioned you would like to camp in Banff one day. My best friend and I in our early 20's backpacked around Canada and the States. And we did camp in Banff, absolutely beautiful country! The people are great as well!

PS yes I love my cycling:)
thanks for the imput Jenn & M2M.

I really dunno et. I've been thinking about it... I really am undecided yet. I dunno. But I've figured IF I DO get rid of it... It'd be on my birthday. And I'm gonna burn it. I figured it'd be symbolic. But I haven't decided completely IF I am getting rid of it yet. I appreciate the comments and thoughts alot guys.
Hey, guys. I am in the 200's and I am a newbie. I am waaaayyyyy behind you guys because I am just getting over the sugar withdrawals and trying to start working out. My problem (besides my weight) is that I am having a terrible time finding time to exercise. I am also having trouble finding an actual exercise!

A lot of my weight is in my stomach (if one more person asks me when my baby is due....), hips, and butt so I have a hard time on a bike. Walking is an option if I can get away for a few minutes (I have four kids--you can imagine :eek: ) but walking is painfully boring to me and I don't think I will keep it up.

Any suggestions?
P.S. Inital C----CUT UP THE SHIRT AND HAVE A BLAST DOING IT! It is a painful reminder of your past and it doesn't deserve to grace your body.

I watch the TLC show, too (Clean Sweep-that's it) and they really helped one girl. She wouldn't get rid of a crochet kit that belonged to her deceased grandmother because she wanted to remember her. The problem was that the girl didn't know how to crochet and the kit was HUGE! The guy on the show told her that he knew she had a strong attachment to her grandmother but the kit was NOT her grandmother. She had her memories and she didn't need the kit. I have used that way of thinking to rebel against my packrat husband. It's liberating!!!
You have to change your way of thinking where walking is concerned W&M. I have 4-year-old twins, so I know how hard it is to make time for yourself, but you have to become convinced that you are worth it.

I thought walking might be boring, too, but it has become my time to myself. I walk around the neighborhood in the evening, just me and the dog, and I don't have to say a word. Some of you without little kids might not get that, but it is incredible. For an hour, I don't have to say, "Quit hitting your sister. Give that back. Get out of there. Put that down. I don't know where that horsey lives. Maybe next week. I don't know. Wash your hands. Don't EAT that! etc, etc, etc."

I love my babies and I really enjoy spending time with them, but that hour of walking sure is a nice break! :)

Welcome wifeandmommy

Walking is the best exercise to start with, so we really need to think of a way that you can easily incorporate it into your lifestyle otherwise it would be hard to stick with it. Here are some suggestions for you to think about
  • get an ipod and fill it with your favourite music and go! go!go!
  • you could look into hiring/buying a treadmill. That way you could exercise in front of TV and you could do exercise when kids have gone to bed.
  • Theres lots of different exercise DVD's on the market. I know other members in the forum do belly dancing as exercise!
  • Are your children old enough to come for a walk with you? Maybe you could use it as a family activity?

Congratulations on making a decision to change your lifestyle. You'll find a lot of support on the forum. Oh, and I can totally identify with the weight in the stomach issue. I am your classic 'apple shape', I carry nearly all my weight in stomach and back, which makes my legs look even skinnier and more like chook legs! I had a repairman who was fixing my washing machine say he could understand why I needed the machine fixed so soon as I must be close to my due date!!!:eek: :)
Thanks for the warm welcome :) I have started a diary, and that has a little info about me in it. Basically I am 20 (on Monday) and have been overweight my whole life. My basic goal is to change my eating, excersice, etc slowly. I have tried WW twice, gym memberships, those horrible soup diets and the constant theme seemed to be when the scales didn't go down, I'd say basically screw this- it's not working and eat more chocolate. So for the past 2 or 3 weeks I have been walking several times a week, I have a nice round 3km track that I walk, and to be honest, it's not that bad, especially at night when you walk past the houses where they're cooking dinner and it smells really nice, and I have my MP3 player with lots of my fave songs. I also play netball once a week- you Americans, mightn't know what that is (a sport)- only GS but I'd like to play a position with more running. And next I'll work on slowly changing my eating habits. Like I said in my diary, it's taken me 20 years to get to where I am now, so I'm not expecting a change overnight :)

Sorry this has been a bit long,
Newbie Joining In

I'm new and certainly a candidate for the 200 + gang. I hope to get my body in serious shape. I thank you all in advance for your support!! Is anyone doing a VCDL?

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W&M - I love that show! :) Believe it or not, I'm quite organized and non-pack rat-ish... But I dunno about that shirt. I am still deliberating whether or not to burn it. As for exercises... What about dancing with your kids? Just put on some songs you love and play it in the living room and start dancing around. That's what I do. It's silly but fun! And your kids are 4 right so they'll think it's a game and do it too.

Basement Walker - Welcome BW!! Tell us a lil about yourself. And umm.... what is a VCDL? :confused: Oh. And the siggies don't take HTML. For your ticker to show, you gotta use the
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Oh. I totally forgot to add up my walks this week. So a total of 6km for me this week... We're down to...

2162.7 km