On a more personal note... And a more serious one. I'm asking for your opinion on something....
Today, I've been on an Summer Cleaning Spree. Basically cleaning out closets of things I don't wear anymore, things that don't fit, things that don't look good on me and so forth. I have two huge bags I'm donating to the Salvation Army or Value Village or whoever's donation bin is nearby. Some of these clothes goes as far back as when I was in elementary school which was about 10 years ago (my Mom trained her children to be pack rats but I am rebelling.)
Well, as I was cleaning out some things... I found some items of personal significance to me. For example, one was a shirt with all FOUR signatures of the ORIGINAL Canadian Royal Air Farce which I will not part with dear life. The other... I'm a lil more perplexed about what to do with it...
Y'see, I've always been fat. I was badly ridiculed when I was a kid by my classmates because of it from having gum and spit ball spat into my hair to being snowkicked (they push you down and the kids surround you and kick snow on you) to just... Well, horrible things. It's probably taken me years to build up my self-esteem to this level now. And although I wouldn't say I'm 100% confident I think I've taken great strides in the last couple of years.
Now my dilemma is I stumbled onto this Class of '95 shirt. At my elementary school, we got shirts with everyone's signatures on it and it was printed and given to everyone. Now I have one of those shirts. I'll never wear it. I know that much. A part of me wants to grab a pair of scissors and cut the entire shirt up. Another part of me wants to just donate it and try to forget about it and hopefully one person will put that shirt to better use like keep them warm or whatnot. Despite all this... A part of me wonders if I should just keep it because I worry I might regret getting rid of it. My brother already told me he's keeping his and proudly showed me his Class of '93 shirt. And he reminded me it's a momento of my past... Getting rid of it so easily... Well, I might regret it later. So, I dunno...
What would you do in my place?