Cate's Diary

Thanks, Liza. I had a really nice day & we had a lovely walk around the river, chatting to lots of dog parents. Archie just loves it. He really struts. I think Archie is as happy with us as we are with him I think.
Hi, Rob. It's nice to have you back & great to hear about your trip. The shaking hands in Florida is freaky. Dogs are great. I must never be without one again. He really is a gem. I just look at him & smile.
G & I are going into town again today as we have our new phones, but need new sim cards. 120km return trip. Oh well. It will be good to get them going. I must admit I did consider cutting G's down but then decided against it. We'll take Archie. He loves an outing. He will be left at home tomorrow when we both go to our respective golf clubs & then again on Friday when we go to lunch with G's siblings & some of their first cousins. One of G's sisters has organised it.
I had better get moving. We are dropping some frozen fish off to G's brother first & then getting our phones connected afterwards & maybe a quick bite, but probably heading straight back home.
Is your nearest town 60 km away? I did not realise that.

Sorry to hear you are having a few ups and downs Cate but lovely to read about how Archie is bringing so much joy into your life.

What do you mean by cutting G's (phone?) down? Data-wise, is it?
Cate I am sorry to hear about all your stress and worry about your boys . It’s not easy is it . Hope thing’s work out .
lol G would be snapping at us all the time as we buy a huge amount of dog toys . And lick mats etc lol . I’m worst culprit.
hope things improve all
Around for you
Is your nearest town 60 km away? I did not realise that.
Sorry to hear you are having a few ups and downs Cate but lovely to read about how Archie is bringing so much joy into your life.
What do you mean by cutting G's (phone?) down? Data-wise, is it?
Thanks, Em. We have a small, pretty town 11 km away, but it doesn't have large stores or telcos & a small city is 60 km away. I meant cutting his sim card down. I'm glad I didn't. All fixed now. It was well worth the trip.
That sounds nice--I always notice how much dog people love connecting with one another. :)
Everywhere you go you can pick dog people. :)
Sounds like a busy week!
Little bit much for me, LaMa. I'll make up for it next week & be a hermit.
Cate I am sorry to hear about all your stress and worry about your boys . It’s not easy is it . Hope thing’s work out .
lol G would be snapping at us all the time as we buy a huge amount of dog toys . And lick mats etc lol . I’m worst culprit.
hope things improve all
Around for you
It's never going to be easy, Petal. Things usually work out & I have to remember that. Today was a win. I paid someone to set up our 2 phones & they will be so much better. I would buy all the things for Archie if I was on my own, but it's a good thing that I have a handbrake (G). I have really spent enough money for now.
We had an exhausting day, but a good one & had lunch at one of our favourite GF cafes with Archie. He loves his outings.
Sorry you have been having a stressful time... It sounds like you have everything well in hand with your sons - financially and otherwise... You are keeping an eye on them and have their back... We once sold a house and downsized after redundancy - and it was a wise move that we have never regretted (even though we were naturally sorry to leave such a beautiful house). The decision was very much a good one and put us on a much stronger footing financially and reduced our stress levels.

I was amused to see that you needed to get a new SIM. As you know we are staying out of shops. We phoned up yesterday and got a new SIM posted out to us. It arrived today. How is that for a co-incidence - opposite sides of the planet and we are doing similar things...

I was pleased to see that you had a good day.

Take care x
Hey Cate, I think Sam has Spammed you!

I don't picture you doing a lot of hermiting, you are too social. Posting here, enjoying your friends and family there, and playing golf. Not very hermit like. A week or so of rest however sounds good.
Glad you had a nice outing. I’ve just got food and a coffee in a cafe for the first time in months - I couldn’t be happier. :) What a treat.
Thanks, everyone. The last couple of days has been a bit of a blur. Getting my phone up & running properly was a real concern and I just worked it out. I still have to separate G's & my apple ID & set up another account for him to sync his phone. I have spent hours on mine.
I went to golf yesterday, but only attempted to play 2 shots and my hand hurt. I ended up just walking around the course. The day put me in a terrible mood because of most of the conversations afterwards. I won't go over it all as I'll just get cranky again. I came home all churned up. None of it is personal against me, just stupid, narrow-minded views, even from some of the people I really like.
I got a call in the afternoon, from a neighbour who lives a km away as he heard loud "dogs" barking up our way & wondered if we were home. When I said no he asked if I minded him going up & checking. He rang me back to say it was Archie wanting to go inside. He said, "He was happy to see me." How sweet is he? I'm friends with his Mum. I must ring him & ask how long Archie barked for :blush5:
We had heavy rain & wind during the night & Arch was really stressed. I didn't get much sleep. I feel ok though.
G has lunch ready & I'm ravenous.
Now that I have my phone almost organised, I should be able to check the forum more often again. I hadn't been able to get basic apps as the software needed updating first!
Hey Cate, walking around the golf course sounds like as much exercise as playing. I am sure it did you good.
stupid, narrow-minded views, even from some of the people I really like
I think that's what having friends is like. On my trip to Florida I was with a lot of friends and family who are right wing Trump supporters, but I love em all, just something to ignore. Unless someone does something cruel to someone else I don't let political views interfere with friendship.

You are ahead of me, not sure I have ever "synced" a phone, I kind of miss my old phone that just made calls.
That sounds like a bit of a frustrating time altogether--sorting out the phones, unable to play golf, off-putting conversation...
That's really too bad about the conversations being so off-putting. I admit i mostly hang around like-minded people so don't get exposed to much of that. It's funny how sometimes humanity can feel so caring and encouraging and other times really really not...
Anyways I hope you had a good lunch and are feeling better now.:grouphug:
Hi, Rob. The walk around the course was good. The friends G & I had before we moved here mostly shared our views & I still find it hard to accept some people’s beliefs, especially when they seem to parrot the myths put forward by shock jocks & sensationalist “journalists”.
I missed my iPhone & am so glad to have another one!
Thanks, Liza. I have found it difficult to find like-minded people here. We still keep In touch with most of our old friends from Melbourne. Most of our combined family have similar values.
I feel much better today & especially after lunch & a walk with G & A. I’m currently having a spearmint tea & feeling pleasantly tired.
I honestly don't have the energy to be on guard against "dangerous" topics all the time, unless it's with someone whose presence I really value. It's not so much disagreement but rather sudden hatefulness I can't deal with, even if I'mclearly not the focus of it. If people happen to want to believe the moon is made of green cheese I don't care.
New phones - very exciting! Glad to hear you are having such a good time with Archie.

It can be surprising when someone can have such different political views - where is it that you live, Cate? When did you move away from the city (assuming since you say you know people in Melbourne)?

Do you find it is harder to make friends as you get older? This is something I struggle with but I am also in a busy city.
Oh God, people and their views! I had a discussion about with this today with my boss actually. Some people have never ventured beyond their town and still claim to be an expert on all aspects of life. Some of the stuff people go on the radio to rant and rave about is so annoying. I try to just avoid it or if I happen to tune in, I eventually switch it off in disgust, haha.

It's harder when the comments are coming from people you know and admire in other ways! I think you just need to adapt an 'agree to disagree' mindset, but I can imagine it's easier said than done. Hope you got a good rest last night.