Cate's Diary

Had another good night's sleep last night & feel good this morning. A couple of parrots just landed in our birdbath & either one of them was a particularly bright parrot or my eyesight is much better!
BF was 1/4 an avocado & 2 eggs on 2 small pieces spelt wholegrain sourdough with some homemade laurel berry Worcestershire sauce. Yum! 341 cals.
I find it really hard to put these eye drops in. I'll be glad when I can go back to my usual ones, which just hydrate my eyes. One of them feels like pins sticking in my eye. A small problem I know, but I need to be looking at myself in the mirror when I put them in & lying down as you're meant to I have poked myself twice, which is a big no-no. I decided looking in the mirror standing up is a much better idea.
Wow, doggie booster seats are a real thing! So funny! That's wonderful the world is looking brighter. I'm bad at eye drops, too. I blink just as the drop is supposed to go in. I don't know how you're supposed to surprise yourself and not blink to let a drop in when you know when you released the drop, so your blink reflex knows exactly when to do its thing!
I've been using eye drops for 30 years ir so and can't say I ever struggled, except when more than one of the stinging drops has to go into each eye. If there is a trick it's to gently pull down your lower eyelid with your ringfinger so it almost makes a little pouch between the lid and the eye, look right at the opening of the bottle, and aim just above that pouch.
Cate, I am delighted that the cataract surgery was a success. My dad had it done as well, and sometimes he looks like an android from Blade Runner when the lens they put in catches the light, so you have that to look forward to! :D

One of the things that always makes me smile is a dog with his head out the window as the car bops along, but I understand you are concerned about the safety element!

And, is it wrong that I am still rooting for an R and K reunion? Any chance, you think?
Wow, doggie booster seats are a real thing! So funny! That's wonderful the world is looking brighter. I'm bad at eye drops, too. I blink just as the drop is supposed to go in. I don't know how you're supposed to surprise yourself and not blink to let a drop in when you know when you released the drop, so your blink reflex knows exactly when to do its thing!
I have never seen a doggie booster seat but knew they existed from the ads I get bombarded with on FB. I will work out how to make something for him, but I want it to look neater this time. Ruby is a lot neater than my old car. I decided to name her. She is ruby red. Unless I look in the mirror I am hopeless at putting eye drops in.
I've been using eye drops for 30 years ir so and can't say I ever struggled, except when more than one of the stinging drops has to go into each eye. If there is a trick it's to gently pull down your lower eyelid with your ringfinger so it almost makes a little pouch between the lid and the eye, look right at the opening of the bottle, and aim just above that pouch.
That's what I do, LaMa, but still hopeless. My spatial awareness is a bit weird at the moment as well because of the surgery. It doesn't usually matter much. I put eye drops in each morning but it doesn't usually matter how many. One drop is so precise.
Cate, I am delighted that the cataract surgery was a success. My dad had it done as well, and sometimes he looks like an android from Blade Runner when the lens they put in catches the light, so you have that to look forward to! :D
I had forgotten about that. Fun!
One of the things that always makes me smile is a dog with his head out the window as the car bops along, but I understand you are concerned about the safety element!
Even though he is attached to a safety lead & harness he can still hang his head out a little if I open the back window.
And, is it wrong that I am still rooting for an R and K reunion? Any chance, you think?
They are really good friends & she has fallen in love again, which is wonderful. I love her & I think we'll always stay in touch. She's currently back with her new love & they are both deep-sea diving in South America('ish). I don't think they are a chance to get back together as a couple, but I can see them remaining friends forever.
I like that you name your vehicles. It's really a fun tradition! It seems like you could have a basket with handles that the seatbelt goes through and have a nice dog cushion in. I was wondering if it would be uncomfortable to put the passenger seat way back and that way he'd be nice and nestled in there, too. It's funny how seatbelts didn't even exist when I was a kid. I had a cardboard box with a blanket in the bottom that I loved when I was about 3 or 4, and if my parents stopped quickly, the box with me in it would slide to the floor footwells, but I never minded.

Anyway, I hope your eyesight keeps getting better and better as your pupils un-dilate!
Hi, M. I don't name all cars, but we now have 2 Toyotas so decided to name what I think of as mine :) I have taken the stuffed shopping bag from the RAV & set it up in Ruby, with a rug over it, so Archie can now stretch himself forward between us & not scratch the centre console. It's only temporary until I find something else, but I think it will work.
Nice! Glad Archie has his booster seat now. I like the name Ruby for a car - reminds me of the ruby slippers in Wizard of Oz.
So glad to hear your eye surgery went well! My mom should do one this summer (in Serbia it is a long waiting list halfa year at least, if you are lucky).
And -7kg since November, wow good result! Congrats :)))
Nice! Glad Archie has his booster seat now. I like the name Ruby for a car - reminds me of the ruby slippers in Wizard of Oz.
He hasn't used it yet, so it may need some fine-tuning. The back seat looked really neat before, but wouldn't stay that way for long. The car is ruby red & we used to have a cleaning woman called Ruby, who I loved, back when we ran a hotel. She was like a 3rd grandma to our kids.
I think of Ruby don't take your love to town 🙈
I hope that doesn't become an earworm for me today! :ROFLMAO:
So glad to hear your eye surgery went well! My mom should do one this summer (in Serbia it is a long waiting list halfa year at least, if you are lucky).
Thanks, Milaanna. I think our waiting list is about a year. If hers need doing the sooner she's on that waiting list, the better.
And -7kg since November, wow good result! Congrats :)))
Thank you. I need to keep this going :)

I have had stomach pains for a few days & my brain is telling me it's from having a "normal" sandwich after my surgery. Next time around I will ask for a gluten-free one. I didn't want to make a fuss. Maybe I am coeliac. I decided not to eat breakfast this morning until I had gone to the toilet. I'm not meant to do IF (my cardio & GP don't want me to). I am starting to get hungry now, but I'll wait a while & see how I go. So long as I don't tackle much I should be right. I got very dizzy on Friday raking. I'll try to wait & only have one meal between now & when G gets back from golf. (3rd time this week!)
Any idea what caused the dizziness? (Thirst, hunger, changes in your eye, high blood sugar, neck/shoulder tension?)
Hope Archie gets used to his new throne quickly: I love the thought of a doggy booster seat.
Sorry to hear about the gluten response. Maybe you can use the bread as just sandwich filling holders and eat the stuff inside and throw out the bread next time? When K gets a gluten stomach ache, she rubs her stomach to get the gas out or gently jumps up and down for the same reason.

I was also going to ask what you think happened with the dizziness. Do you think you waited too long to eat between meals?
Maybe you can use the bread as just sandwich filling holders and eat the stuff inside and throw out the bread next time?
Not if you genuinely think you might have celiac's disease, of course, but if only larger amounts set off the trouble that might work!
Hi, Marsia & LaMa. I'm really not sure if I'm coeliac or not. I have been told I am probably not by a GP, but I haven't had a biopsy, just a blood test after eating gluten for 3 weeks. That was agony. My brain is telling me it was the sandwich. From now on I think I will assume I'm coeliac & avoid gluten & ask for gluten-free no matter where I am. I have been rubbing my stomach trying to ease the pain, but it has been persistent. It's a fair bit better today. It feels a lot like a stitch.
The dizziness I think was a combination of eye surgery, low blood sugar/pressure(?), maybe not enough breakfast & trying to do too much too soon after the op. Taking it easy for a few days means taking it easy for a few days. Yesterday I just pottered about & used a seat to do some gentle gardening.
Glad you aren't experiencing dizziness anymore, and that you got out into the garden and had a relaxing time. K gets that stitch in the side type pain from too much gluten, too. She says it feels like sharp gas pains. Sorry you are feeling that, but good it is subsiding. How is your eyesight now? Can you tell the difference from before the surgery compared to now?