That's a wonderful thing to hear from R, and I can see that from the way you are here, Cate. How lovely.
Thanks, Em. It really did make me feel that I do the right thing with the boys.
That's wonderful R gave you such a nice compliment! I agree with Em, you are really good at being a sounding board on the forum, and admire that, too! It's been cold here, too. I hope you can find a nice way to exercise and stay warm.
Thanks, Marsia. I really struggle with compliments, but when R told me that I felt so good. Sometimes I struggle to find the right words with everyone & if I can't say anything kind & helpful I prefer not to say anything. I went for a long walk with Archie yesterday. It ended up really hot & humid.
Can you pinpoint which parts of the process you're struggling with? The food volume? Calories? Treats? Exercise? Something completely different?
I think it's because I am feeling a bit stressed with all of my medical appointments. I have started putting eye drops in today in preparation for my eye surgery on Tuesday & I am a bit freaked out about a lens being taken off my eye & an artificial one going on. I know everyone says it is simple, but I'm still scared. I have felt like eating sweets the last week & would love something really sweet & sickly right now. I'll get over it. I think it's because I'm feeling stressed.
Agree with Emily and Marsia. I think it's to do with reserving judgment and being truly respectful of other people's personalities and situations. Which is rare!
Thanks, Llama. I really do try.
Thank you, Em, Marsia & Llama for the lovely compliments. They made me feel really good last night, but I was a bit overwhelmed by them & thought I would leave it until today to reply. I don't know why I am not good at getting compliments. Maybe it's self-doubt.
I had another snake encounter yesterday. Arch lets me know when they're about. This one wasn't far from the house & skirted our veranda inside a drain. I watched it for about an hour until it took off up the hill. That's the 3rd in a week, including the baby one inside. I'm not sure if I told you about that one. I think it came up through a small hole between 2 concrete slabs. We caught it under a bucket, slid a file under, flipped it over, put the lid on & went & released it into the bush. I don't expect that to happen again. I have gone along the wall & plugged any small holes with steel wool.